Chapter 41

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The two approached the door labeled "Erik Destler", just like last time. Erik let Christine into the room before following her inside. He motioned to the couch, and she took a seat.

"I will be rehearsing tonight's tricks, as usual." He said.

Christine was determined to stay awake to see everything Erik had in store for that evening.

"I won't be falling asleep this time!" She said, not knowing what kind of reaction she would receive.

"What if I use... The black scarf?" Erik asked with a smirk.

Christine was silent. Erik chuckled.

"Do you like that trick, Christine?"

"...Why do you ask?"

At that point, both of them were smirking.

"I simply want to know. After all, I created it for you."

"Would you like my honest opinion?"


"Honestly, I think... You're a genius. And your black scarf was a very clever idea. ...I like it."

"So you wouldn't mind if I used it again sometime...?"

"I would be delighted if you did."

Erik walked over to a chest, reached inside, and pulled out the object of the conversation.

"Perhaps I should start my rehearsal with this..."

He strode over to the couch and sat next to Christine.

"Oh no, Monsieur Erik has a dangerous scarf!" She teased before giggling.

"You're right, my dear. This scarf can, indeed, be dangerous..." Said Erik in a low whisper as he began wrapping the fabric around Christine's head.

When the scarf was tied, Christine did nothing but sit with a neutral expression.


"What is it?"

"...I think your scarf needs more cologne."

"Do you mean... Magic?"

"No, I mean cologne."

Erik sighed.

"My dear, it seems you have figured out this trick."

Christine smiled and removed the scarf from her head.

"I have."

Erik leaned in towards her face.

"It can be our little secret, then..." He murmured in her ear.

"Alright... Our little secret." Christine repeated in a quiet voice.

The couple shared a long stare before engaging in a sudden, passionate kiss. They pulled away after what seemed like hours, but had only been seconds. Both of them were breathless.

"So, what other tricks do you have planned?" Christine asked once her breathing became normal.

Erik stood and went over the rest of his performance. When he finished, Christine applauded and whistled. He took a bow and slowly approached the piano residing the corner of the room.

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