Chapter 48

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"Christine, my angel, please tell me why you're upset..."

She shook her head again.

"I cannot and will not rest until you're happy again, my dear."

He lifted her chin with his index finger. As they locked eyes, a single tear streamed down her cheek. She took a deep breath.

"One day... Raoul tried crushing my trachea, because... I'm a worthless barren girl."

Erik's eyes blazed with fury.

"W-Would you like to see the mark he made...?" Asked Christine in a soft voice.

Erik nodded slowly, his whole body shaking from hatred for the man who had hurt her.

She tilted her head back in a way so that he could see her neck.

On either side of Christine's pulse point was a small, purple-black bruise. She let out a quiet sob before uttering,

"It hurts s-so m-much, Erik..."

He felt his heart break into tiny pieces. He embraced her carefully, keeping his left hand on her back and his right hand on the back of her head.

"You're safe, Christine." He said in a low, comforting voice.

Another sob shook her entire body. Erik began to gently stroke her curls. After a few seconds, she wrapped her arms around him to pull him closer.

"I'm going to find that poor excuse for a man.... And I'm going to make him pay for what he's done." He muttered.

There was a moment of silence.

"E-Erik?" Mewed Christine, placing her chin on his chest to look up at him.

"Yes, my angel?"

"If I ask you s-something, will y-you answer honestly?"


"...Am I w-worthless?"

Erik's expression turned deadly serious.

"Christine Daae, you are not at all worthless. You are immeasurably valuable... Priceless." He said sincerely.

The crying girl smiled sadly at him before being shaken by yet another sob. She turned her head to one side so she could hold onto him tighter.

After much crying and hair- stroking, Christine stood in Erik's arms, completely silent. She had run out of tears, so she just rested in the embrace of her lover, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of being loved instead of abused.

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