Chapter 59

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"Christine..." Erik began as he obtained her eye contact.

"Hi, Erik." She responded with a smile.

"I... You know I love you sincerely, right...?"


"And that I always will?"


"And you know that I would go any length for you, right...?"

"Of course! Erik, where are you going with this...?"

"And... you know that my life was changed drastically and for the better when you came to the castle...?"


"Christine... I need you in my life."

"But you have me in your life..."



    Erik stood from his chair, walked over to his lover, and got down on one knee. He removed a small, black box from his pocket and held it in his hands. Christine's mouth fell open as she realized what he was about to ask. Swallowing hard, he gazed up at her and opened the box in which her gold engagement ring with its heart-shaped diamond lay.

"Christine... Would you..... W-Would you possibly consider..... Marrying me?"

Tears were beginning to prick at her eyes, but that didn't stop her from looking deep into Erik's, which were full of hope, as she gave her answer.

"Yes, Erik. I would be delighted to marry you."

    He smiled from ear-to-ear as he slid the ring onto her finger, allowing tears of joy to fill his own eyes. He tried to hide them, but couldn't, because Christine kept his chin up with her finger.

"I love you, Erik." She said before standing and pulling him up with her.

They met each other with a powerful, emotional embrace. Both of them were crying and smiling at the same time.

"I love you, too... So much..." He replied, holding on to her tightly.

They didn't care if anyone was watching. They were too overjoyed. They loved each other too much, and they always would.

The End.

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