Chapter 29

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Erik blushed profusely as Christine's lips skimmed across his left cheek and crashed with his mouth. Once. Twice. Three times. Erik kissed back, enjoying every second of the intimate contact. Christine slowly pulled away and breathlessly asked,

"Now... How about that voice lesson?"

Erik only chuckled and nodded in response. The soprano ran downstairs, eager for her next lesson. The masked man followed. Christine began with scales, then Erik suggested teaching her a song, to which she willingly complied. He handed her a music sheet, and Christine immediately recognized the song. It was the one Erik had sung to her a few nights ago, after they had returned from his magic show.

"This song... It's the one about your unending infatuation with me..." She quietly stated.

"Indeed it is... Would you like to learn it?" Erik inquired, his tone full of undying affection.

"Oh, Erik... I would be honored."

The two practiced for hours. When the song was finally perfect, they decided to eat dinner. Conversation at the table was nothing more than,

"How was work?"
"Fine. How was your day?"

When the two had finished, they bid each other goodnight and walked to their rooms. Everything seemed peaceful...

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