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"Leah," I ran my hands through her hair softly, as the alarm rung beside me, "We've got to get up now."

It took a few seconds, and then Leah half opened her eyes, quickly closing them again, "What?" she asked, clearly very confused at even the concept of life, at that moment. 

I chuckled, "We've got to get up."

"I don't want to move," she groaned, "I'm comfy here," she buried her head even further into my chest.

Now I realized Leah and I literally hadn't move a centimeter from where we fell asleep, her head still laid on my chest with her arm resting across my waist, this was strange for me, normally I tossed and turned the entire night, but this was the best I'd slept in a while.

"We've got camp though, and we need to stop at mine. Come on, we've got to get up," I told her, as much as I was comfortable there, I wanted to get going, I was so excited for this camp and I didn't want to miss anything. I wanted to treasure every single second.

This was going to be special. I could just tell it.

"Okay, if you say so," she nodded and rolled over to get out of the bed.

"Feeling any better?" 

"Yeah, a lot better. It still kind of hurts, but it's manageable, I'll be all good for camp."

"Okay, good. Next time, call me straight away though, I'm always here, you know?"

"Yeah," she sent a smile in my direction, nodding her head, "I know."

Leah packed the rest of her things into her suitcase, which seemed to be perfectly organized, with everything folded and compartmentalized. She had a separate suitcase for all of her training kit, shoes and shinpads. It was just all so aesthetically clean.
It made me laugh, thinking back to the suitcase stranded in my wardrobe, everything was pretty much just chucked in. I had two suitcases as well but they were all mixed up, and like ten times the size, they seemed to be very reflective of Leah and I as people. 

"I'm all ready," Leah walked up to me, suitcases dragging along behind her, she was in her England grey tracksuit and it looked great on her, Leah had always suited everything. 

"Cool, let's go," we walked out and down into the lift. 

"So," Leah turned to me, "who's driving."

"My cars bigger," I replied, wanting to bring mine, just for a sense of comfort, "I can drive." Leah didn't look satisfied with my answer though, I rolled my eyes and I huffed, "We can take yours if you want."

"Thankyou," she replied a grin appearing on her face, knowing she'd won.

We walked down to the parking and Leah led me to her car, it was a dark blue Audi, it was nice and suited her massively, she put her bags in the boot and then we began driving to my house, we parked just across the road so we wouldn't have to trail down to the garages and went up to my apartment. 

"I'll be like five minutes, I just need to make sure I have everything," I told Leah as we walked into my lounge. 

"Am I not allowed to come?" she laughed.

"I can't lie, I think the state of my packing might send you into a panic attack."

"No, it can't be that bad."

"Trust me, it is."

"Now I need to see it."

"Ok, well you can't say that I didn't warn you."

Leah followed me into the wardrobe and literally screamed when she saw it, then fell to the floor laughing, "Ok, you weren't kidding. Kam, this is awful. How are you ever going to find anything in here?"

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now