Trusted Soul But A Total Stranger

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Kameron's POV

As the award ceremony ended, my friend and I joined by the exit, waiting as everyone else trailed out. They all ran over to me, tears still falling and makeup down their faces. 

"I'm proud of you Kam," Beth hugged me tightly. 

"Little superstar," Bukayo joked as he ruffled my hair, "Want to head off?"

"Yeah we should probably get going to the after events, I think the car's waiting outside," Alessia suggested. 

"Okay, sounds good," I nodded.

All of us walked out into the streets, I'd already handed my award to the manager so I didn't have that stress, but the paparazzi flooded the streets. Every single camera flashing in our faces. We split into two separate cars and began our journey to the after party. 

I was already tired but everyone else wanted this to be a night of celebrations and drinking and considering I owed my whole life and career to these people, I would do what they wanted tonight. And I would put a smile on my face while doing it. 

My friends all loved a party, and any excuse for an night of an extravagant amount of alcohol and dancing, so they were all excited for the night ahead of us. 

We pulled up to the venue, it was like a club but had a cocktail bar vibe, it was luxurious but messy with everyone already piled in. 

Everyone quickly began to drink and Bukayo bought everyone a round of shots in his typical generous ways but I assumed he was already drunk himself. The lights were flashing and the music pounded through the room, so loud that I was sure that I felt the floor tremble. 

Within an hour every single of my friends, and myself, were wasted. I was probably the best of the bunch, as always Katie and Beth were in complete party mode and were singing in random people's faces and drinking more and more.

I took myself away from the crowds momentarily, wanting to readjust my heels. Sitting onto a chair, I fiddled with my shoe until I felt a presence in front of me. I don't know how I knew she was there, I just knew, even in my drunken state.

"Can we talk Kam, no pressure if you don't want to but I'd love if we could," Leah asked, clearly nervous and rather tipsy. 

Why did our eyes always have to find each other with such ease? And why did she always have to look so good?

"Yeah okay, do you want to go outside?"

Leah nodded, "Sounds good," she outstretched her hand, offering to help me up. I was a little unsure whether to take her offer or not, but seeing as the room was spinning and a part of me yearned her the comfort of our hands meeting again,  I took it and we then quietly excused ourselves from the high atmosphere and loud music. 

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked her as we sat on a table outside, staring straight into each other's eyes. 

"I broke up with Jordan," Leah said.

A little firework went off in my chest but I knew that I had to keep my guard up because as much as I was in love with this girl, she'd hurt me like no one else ever could. I couldn't break down all my walls for her again, it would have been unexplainably foolish.

"I'm sorry," I replied a little bluntly, pretending not to care. 

"No, it's alright. It's for the best I didn't love her," Leah explained, going on a little drunken ramble. 

I nodded briefly, not having anything to reply with, trying to force the words I wanted to say back down so they wouldn't all spill out. 

Leah sighed, her breath shaking, "But what I wanted to say to you is that it's always going to be you Kameron. I would rather save our relationship as many times as it takes rather than end up with someone new; someone whose not you. Because I will never love someone else as much as I love you."

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now