One Day

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Kameron's POV

Leah and I had just started going around to the fans, we used to love doing the lap together so it felt just like old times. 

I tried my best to speak to every single person, signing whatever they asked and taking photos because after all these were the people that supported my every match and were the reason I could be here today. I did in fact owe my life to these people. 

"Kameron! Leah!" These two little girls shouted up at us, they could have only been about ten.

Leah looked at me, grinning as her eyes lit up, we walked over to them, "Hey guys!" I smiled widely, waving. 

"Look at our shirts!" The blonde girl yelled, though it was still rather soft but full of excitement. 

The two girls turned around and one had my shirt on and the other wore Leah's. They were a brunette and blonde duo, just like us. 

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, "That is majorly cool!" I told them, my face animated as their smiles only grew. 

"You two know the best players on this team," Leah nodded then leaned closer to them, whispering, "Just don't tell Katie I said that, she'll have my head."

The brunette then piped up, "We're going to be like you guys one day!"

"You play?" I asked, as I signed both of their shirts before handing the pen to Leah. 

They both nodded excitedly, their mothers beaming with pride. 

"Well I'm looking forward to seeing you here some day," I assured them. 

"Maybe you'll be giving us a run for our money," Leah joked endearingly. 

They shook their heads, "No silly!" the girl laughed, "We would never replace you two!"

I laughed, "Thankyou very much for that, I'm not so worried anymore."

"You guys keep playing though!" Leah told them, "Excited to see you here one day!"

We then said our goodbyes and moved on, I stole a glance at Leah and my heart felt warm, she took my hand. 

"That was nice," she whispered quietly. 

I agreed, "Times like that make it all worth it."

Leah looked me up and down, "You're good with kids."

I scoffed, "Don't think I could ever beat you in that department, you're practically the pied piper for kids."

Leah chuckled, "one day."

I looked to the floor trying to hide my smile, "one day."

We talked to many more fans and each encounter felt completely unique, somehow I knew so many of their names from previous matches and I'd always see their faces light up when I remembered them. I loved this club, everything felt so personal like we were all family. I think I'd help out any fan I could, they did truly matter to me. 

Nearing the end of our lap we walked over to two teenage girls. 

They looked particularly excited when they saw me so I waved at them, Leah following my lead.

"We were so excited to see your first match back at Arsenal!" They exclaimed.

I smiled, "It was one to remember, I'm glad you guys came. Thanks for the support."

"You're our favorite player," they told me. 

"Aw you guys are too sweet," I gave them both a quick hug. 

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now