New Hello

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Kameron's POV

From the moment my eyes opened, I had a pounding headache, it seriously felt like a drill inside every single one of my thoughts. 

Everything was a blur, I remember getting to the venue, dancing and then it was all a little vague. I didn't even think I'd drunk that much so it was rather confusing. Rolling over, I was met by a room which was not Alessia's and mine. Shit, what had I done? Whose room was this?

Slowly, I sat up and steadied myself as the room spun. 

"You're awake then?" someone laughed, a voice so familiar that the memories of last night came flooding back. It was Leah.


"Slept on the floor by the way if you were wondering or anything," she told me, which I was thankful for because I was in no place to make decisions last night, I was seemingly more intoxicated that I'd realized.

Our conversation then came back to me, I linked everything that I remembered together and realized that ultimately I'd given in, was I pleased that I'd given in? Partly I was because I'd wanted to so badly, but I felt I'd let her back in too easily.

I now knew that I was open to working things out with Leah, but it hadn't been fully talked through yet. Aware that if we were to stand any chance in working for the long run, we needed to have a conversation about everything, a sober one this time. 

"Leah," I spoke up, "Can we talk about everything again, I don't think last night was the best time. We were both pretty wasted."

I could see the immediate anxiousness on her face, "Yeah course. Do you want a jumper and we can talk at breakfast?"

"Sure," Leah handed me a hoodie to put on, along with a pair of joggers and we walked down to the restaurant, luckily no one else we knew was staying here because I did not want people to see this, it had the possibility of getting messy. 

It was one of those buffets breakfasts that I'd grown to love, so I picked up a coffee and a slice of toast and returned to the table where Leah was already sat. 

"Now what did you take away from our conversation last night?" I asked her, not knowing exactly where she stood. 

"That we missed each other and I made a promise that I won't break this time," she told me calmly.

"And that promise was?" I needed to hear her say it soberly.

"I promised you forever."

"Okay good, we are on the same page then," I said to her, earning a smile back, "But if this has a chance of working Le, we need to talk about everything. I think we need to, for now, put how we feel for each other to the side and talk about what actually happened."

"Forget about the conversation last night for now?" She suggested. 

"Yeah, until we get through everything that happened."

"Alright, what do you want to know first?" She asked genuinely, I knew she wanted to work through this, I hadn't a doubt in that. But I felt uneasy and like the foundations weren't completely settled. 

I sighed, knowing I was about to go through a rollercoaster of emotions, "When you promised me forever for the first time did you mean it? Or was it all just a lie?"

Leah's eyes softened, clearly shocked that I thought a lot of our past could have been an act, "I meant it Kameron, every single word."

She couldn't be surprised, she'd run off to someone else before I'd probably even stopped crying, definitely in fact. "Why did you go to Jordan straight away then?"

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now