It Was Comfortable

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Kameron's POV

Beth and I climbed back into my car, "How was it?" Beth asked picking up on my anxiousness. 

"Jonas was great, he's going to sort it all out and the transfer is pretty much confirmed. But then I was walking out and quite literally walked into Leah."

"Shit," Beth muttered, "How bad was it?"

I scoffed, "Probably the most awkward experience of my life."

"I mean at least Jonas was good right?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "that's the main thing."

"How was he with the news, I know he's already missed you being on the team."

"He seemed a little sad but he said he'd do whatever I thought was best for my mental health."

"That's good of him, he was worried when everything happened."

"Yeah, from what Leah said he dealt with it all well."

Beth was lost in her thoughts for a moment or two, her eyes slightly dimmer, "how are you going to tell the girls Kammy?"

My face dropped, "I hadn't really thought about it yet." It was true, I'd been so preoccupied with the idea of getting away from Leah and the club which held such painfully wonderful memories that I hadn't even thought about the rest of the team.

"You should probably text them today before the news gets out."

"Yeah, I'll do it when we get back."

The car fell into a sad silence, I was really going to miss the entire team because it was a family. I knew I wouldn't be gone forever but it would be strange not playing along side them and even more so not playing in the WSL for the remaining months of the season. 

I was excited for my transfer and all the new experiences but I would miss the familiarity of home at Arsenal. 

"Do you reckon I should do something to say goodbye?" I asked Beth.

"Yeah, I think that would be nice and your parties are pretty legendary," she laughed. 

I shook my head, "Don't even remind me! I don't want Katie passed out in my bathtub this time." I was already planning everything in my head, "I'll probably book somewhere out."

"Will you be able to on such sort notice? You're going to be gone pretty soon right?"

"I've got my sources Beth, no need to worry. I guarantee it will be sorted by tonight."

"Whatever you say Kam," she laughed at my confidence.

We arrived back to my apartment, somehow every time I walked in, I expected to see Leah sitting on the sofa or by the island. My brain had adapted so dangerously quickly to her constant presence in my life, I just needed to shake it off; I was doing better without her.

"How did it go?" Alessia asked.

"Really good, Jonas is going to sort everything out this afternoon."

Ingrid let out a little excited scream and ran over to me, pulling me into a hug, "I'm so excited for you to meet all the girls at Barcelona, they'll love you."

"It's going to be great, I'm looking forward to it."

"And," Beth announced, "There's going to be a party!"

"Ooo," Alessia was instantly intrigued, "Tell me about this party."

"I thought it would be nice to throw a little goodbye party, just to get everyone together for the last time in a while."

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now