She Saved Me In Those Times

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TW: mentions of mental health, drug mentions, overdoses, addictions, suicidality 

No One's POV (3rd person)

"My mother," Kameron spoke, like that could have been the end of the sentence, like she was willing to reveal no more. Those two words themselves seemed too painful to bear. 

"Yes, your mother," Alex confirmed, looking as if she was thinking to ask more, "You've never spoken about her before, what was she like?" Alex started off easy, like baby steps to make Kameron more comfortable. 

To all that were close to Kameron, they knew Kameron's mother and the final years they spent together was probably the girl's best kept secret. She'd locked everyone out for those years, Leah being the only one to force her way in and then comfort the girl. 

Kameron sighed, deflating in her chair a little but her body staying rigid, "Growing up, my mother was wonderful, always very supportive, caring and we were very close. Her and my father had the perfect relationship, she loved him very much and I think that's why it hit her so hard."

"Your mother found it very challenging after your father's passing, am I correct?"

"We all did, but I think everyone else found a coping mechanism or a solace. I had Leah and I'll always think that she saved me in those times because perhaps if she hadn't been there, I'd have gotten into whatever my mother was doing. And I don't think my mother was a bad person, I think she loved my father and like anyone would, she broke apart when he passed. And now that I have felt the true and pure kind of love, I understand why she broke down but I needed my mother more than ever. I really needed my mum." 
Kameron ran her fingers through her hair and in those moments you suddenly saw the shakiness of the girl, the tears that filled her eyes broke free along her cheeks and her body began to tremble. You could see the girl attempting to hold it together but failing as her head fell into her hands. The topic was clearly a difficult one to discuss. 

From behind the camera, as they continued filming, you could hear Leah, "Kam," she hushed, jumping into frame as Alex gave her a nod, "You don't have to talk about this, if you don't want," Leah embraced Kameron and pulled her into her chest. Instantly trying to comfort the girl she so clearly loved, she proved time and time again that she was the solace Kameron had found. 

Kameron shook her head, "no just give me a minute. I'll be fine."

Alex spoke up to the camera crew, "Just give them a minute, we can start up again when Kameron's ready."

The cameras stopped rolling.

After a moment of darkness filled the screen, the filming begun again. The clip of Leah kissing Kameron's forehead as she checked on Kameron one final time before the interview started up again. 

"You ready?" Alex asked. 

Kameron nodded, readjusting her hair and settling back into her seat. 

"You spoke about your mother doing 'things', what was this?"

A breath left Kameron's mouth, "I mean it started off when I realized she was drinking more but it was nothing massively worrying and then over time the drinking got worse. Probably about four months after my dad's passing, I just started noticing more differences, something wasn't right. She became more verbally aggressive and violent whereas before she'd always been such a passive person."

"What made these changes happen?"

"I came home from practice one day and the house had clearly had cannabis smoked in it and that's when I realized she'd gotten into the drugs, but of course I knew that wouldn't be the reason for the aggressiveness so I searched her room and found bags of cocaine and other pills hidden in the dresser," it was clearly difficult for Kameron to admit, because those exact words had never left her mouth before, she'd never been so direct.

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