Kameron's Letters

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(all in chronological order)

To Leah, 

Today you walked up to me in training. I'd seen you before but you didn't look like you liked me much, but today you did. 
Everyone else in the team is nice but you're different, you're funny. I like that. You made me laugh and I think we will be great friends because speaking to you was different. I don't know the word to explain it but it was like a light went on in my mind.
Your mum seemed very nice as well.
I think I shall talk to you tomorrow and maybe we can become better friends

from Kameron :)


To Leah,

It was my birthday today, I'm now thirteen and I spent the day with my family but I wish you were there because it would have been so much better. I haven't written to you since we first met but I wanted to tonight because I miss you. Even though we only saw each other a couple of weeks ago, it feels like forever but tomorrow you're coming to watch my football match so I must play well for you. 
And yeah to the little me, we did become really good friends and I don't think I'd enjoy life as much if I didn't have you as my friend because you make everything fun and I can trust you more than anyone, I'm so thankyou for that.
I'm very excited to see you tomorrow but I must tidy my room now or mum will shout at me. 

Kam :)


To Leah, 

My dad got diagnosed with cancer today, they said it's terminal and I don't know what to do with myself. I need you right now and all I want is a hug because feels so lonely, but I know you'd come straight away and you also have a big match tomorrow, so I can't let you do that.
Also I don't know how to tell you, I don't know how to tell anyone. 
I'm going to loose my dad and he's the only person I properly have other than you and my mum I guess. I don't want to learn what my life is like without him and I can't say that out loud because I need to think I'll be okay, he needs to go in peace.
But my dad is pretty much my entire life, he's the reason I do everything so I don't even want to think about what's around the corner, I want my dad to walk me down the aisle at my wedding and be there to approve of the one I love. I want him to see when I hopefully play for Arsenal and to know that I did it all for him. 
But knowing that he won't see any of those things hurts because I want him to be with me forever, I'd never thought that I'd loose him, I still can't quite believe it.
I hope I can see you soon because you're the only one to bring me peace and I need one of your hugs right now, I want to feel that comfort again. 

Love Kam


To Leah, 

You've just gone back to London and I miss you already. You were only here for a month or so but I really felt like you were going to be here forever, I'd learnt to live my life with you.
Dad's gone and mum isn't right, I don't know what's going on but it's not normal. You made me feel safe and I don't think I'd have gotten through it without you so thankyou for everything, I'll always be thankful for you Leah.
But right now I just want my dad, I want a hug from him and I want to hear him offering me tea or calling me to dinner. I want him to drive me to practice and cheer when I score. I don't see the point in it now that he's gone, there's no point in anything.
I miss you though, I think I could have stayed in your arms forever and a month wasn't long enough, you brought me comfort that no one else could and I'm so thankful for that. You're the only person who makes everything worth it. I think you might be my person, I don't know what that means, but I know that I wouldn't want to ever live without you, I'd find it impossible. 
One day, I hope we live close to each other or in houses next door to one another because then I'd never have to miss you, everything would be easier. 

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now