If It Helps, I love You As Well

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Kameron's POV

We were a matter of minutes away from Leah's childhood home, we drove down the country lanes sprinkled with frost, the fields of white carpets and the lakes like ice rinks. 'Driving Home For Christmas' was playing and Ringo was snuggled into my lap, his fawn colored fur covered in a Christmas jumper to stop his small frame from shaking. Leah's spare hand on mine, I'd catch her smiling over at the puppy every so often. 

We'd dropped my family's presents off at my grandparents house and paid a very brief visit, they were happy to see Leah and I but they were equally glad to see us go, as after we'd lost such a treasured chunk of our family, they weren't fond of the festive season anymore, they felt much like I used to. 

Christmas had been pushed into a dark box or absence and hurt for so many years, but Leah had managed to find the key. Or maybe my dad had given her the key, all those years ago when he wrote the letters, I wasn't sure. Leah hadn't saved me because it wasn't possible for any other person to put the pieces of my soul back together, but she'd given me a reason to save myself, and that was the most beautiful and important thing in the entire world. 

Leah's car was filled to the brim with food, drinks, clothes and presents; you'd have thought we were visiting an entire city but that was one of the many joys of Christmas. 

I saw Amanda and David's house in the distance, the roof was sparkling white and the front garden frozen over, looking like the perfect Christmas card. Leah slowly backed into the driveway, her arm over the back of my seat as she looked behind, the butterflies taking flight in my stomach. 

We climbed out of the car and opened up the boot, taking as many bags as we could manage but somehow still not making a chip in the pile, I knocked on the door and was greeted by the familiar smile of Amanda, bright and welcoming as always. 

"Aw my girls! I'm so happy to see you! Come in, come in," she ushered us in the house and we left the bags in the hallway.

Leah and I were engulfed in hugs by Amanda, she then called up to David, "David! The girls are here, come and help them with their bags!"

Then we were graced by David's presence as he ran down the stairs, skipping just a little, pulling Leah into a hug and patting her on the back and then doing the same to me, "So let's get these bags in, shall we?"

Between the three of us, we only had to do a few trips back and forth from the car until we were eventually standing in the hallway, a sea of bags surrounding us.

"I'm going to leave you with mum, alright Kam?" Leah asked me, kissing my forehead, "I've got to go and sort a couple things upstairs."

"Brining me here was just an excuse to get rid of me wasn't it?" I asked jokily acting offended.

"How did you know?"

I smiled sweetly at the blonde, tilting my head to the side, "Am I allowed to know what you're sorting?" I asked playfully, a sudden curiosity taking ahold of me. 

"Nope," she popped her p, she loved leaving me in the dark, "You'll find out tomorrow."

Leah went to walk away and then Amanda called halfway up the stairs to her, "Leah, if you're going upstairs, can you take yours and Kameron's things please dear?"

"Yeah, course," Leah jogged back down the stairs and picked up the two rather large suitcases seemingly with very little effort. 

"Shall we unpack all the food Kameron, dear?" Amanda asked me.

"Yeah, I'll get all the bags into the kitchen."

"Thankyou lovely," she smiled at me.

I carried the bags of food and drink into the kitchen, piling them all onto the island. 

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now