Never Gets Old

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Kameron's POV

The possession seemed to be pretty equal in the match, us having slightly more. Though I did feel we were playing better than Sweden. We'd had more chances on goal and better precision with our passes. 

In the thirty-fourth minute I had scored an amazing goal, the ball had crept right above the keeper's head and curled into the net, it felt amazing to get us in the lead. 

After I'd score my goal, I'd run right over to the corner, I looked up at the stadium and saw Ingrid there, she was jumping around screaming. We caught eyes and I waved happily at her, in slight disbelief that she was there, I know she'd told me that she was coming, but it still felt so foreign seeing her there. But it was nice, she was clearly overjoyed by my goal and so supportive as she always had been, I was snapped out of my thoughts by Beth shaking me by the shoulders in congratulations. 

During half time, we all agreed that we could definitely score some more goals, we were creating some amazing chances, we just needed to finish them.
Everyone's spirits were high, yet again the atmosphere in the stadium was amazing. Every match, I had to pinch myself, this was so unreal, I'd never seen this volume of support for women's football before. Every game seemed to get better and better, the sight of kids and even adults wearing my name and number on the back of their shirts was a shock each time. When I was growing up, I'm unsure if you could even buy female footballer's shirts. 

We were truly making the change that we had entered this tournament for. 

In the second half, not even five minutes in, Lucy scored an amazing goal, I was so happy for her as she ran around the pitch cheering. Keira ran right over to her, those two had something going on, I was sure of it. Nothing had been confirmed though but they were always so cute around each other, I was definitely in full support; two of my best friends and the kindest people I knew dating sounded amazing to me. They fit each other so well, their energies bouncing off each other constantly. 

Alessia was brought on again and as always she made an impact on the pitch. 
I was completely surrounded by defenders next to the goal and I watched as Alessia ran, defenders either side of her, I was certain at that point we'd loose the ball. There was no way she could get out of this one. Then I saw a shot I'd never seen before, Alessia kicked the ball with her back heel, completely out of no where. Not only did it fly through the two Swedish defender's legs, but also the goalkeeper's. 

My mouth shot open as I ran over to her, she was sprinting around the pitch, arms out wide, shouts coming from her mouth. I leapt onto her back, hugging her tightly, "Oh my god Alessia," I screamed, "What was that?"

"I have no clue! But it went in!"

"You are a legend, that is so going down in history!"

I was so proud of Alessia she was truly a force to be reckoned with, the whole Swedish team had looked so confused when she scored, no one saw it coming. I'm unsure if Alessia had even planned what she was going to do, but it had worked. Alessia's goal had to go down in history, it was so amazing that even I was in shock. 

The game began again, I knew we could get another goal, though I was shocked that in the semi finals of the Euros we were winning 3-0 against Sweden, who were such a talented team. And being on home turf, in Sheffield made this even better. Like Leah had said at the end of the last match, this was truly a fairytale. 

In the seventy-sixth minute I was dribbling the ball towards the box, I looked around, no one was in space or a position that we could work with, defenders already lining up outside the goal, I decided to take a chance.

With all the strength my body had to give, I shot the ball, I was fully thrown to the ground through the lack of balance in my legs, but the ball pelted right into the goal, it was now 4-0!

Alessia ran over to me, pulling me up as I sat there with so much shock and joy on my face that I'd forgotten that I was even on the floor. 

The whole team celebrated once again, it was a great feeling, one that I could never grow bored of. When you score a goal in any match, let alone the semi final of the Euros, the pure euphoria and elation that courses through your veins is no like other. The feeling simply never gets old, just somehow even better every time. 

There wasn't long left of the match, maybe ten minutes, the Swedish team were frustrated which I understood, but their plays became more on an aggressive side. I had the ball beneath my feet, running towards the goal once again when suddenly my legs were completely taken out from underneath me. 

I felt my chest crash to the floor, winding me completely, loosing the ability to breathe, everything was blurry, I could just about make out the sound of the referee's whistle, pausing the game. 

The Swedish defender held her hand out in front of me, apologizing and offering to help me up but in those moments I could barely breathe, let alone stand. 

Leah ran over, pushing the defender away, "Get the fuck away from her!" She shouted, pointing her to leave, which the player did and walked back to her team, hands in the air in defense.

Kneeling down beside me, Leah held my face, her face full of worry, she knew that it wasn't good, "Kam, are you okay?"

I shook my head, still unable to catch my breath, feeling as if my lungs were collapsing in under themselves, I thought this was bad. Really bad. I had never been a player to dive and run around the pitch, everyone knew this, I could have the most awful tackle performed on me and get right back up again, I refused to let my spirit fade on the pitch.

But this time I was physically unable to get up, the girls all crowded around me, stress painting their faces.

The medics ran over, pushing Leah to the side, but she came around the back of my head, stroking my hair as the medics ran a few tests, I was still unable to breathe properly, "It's going to be okay Kam," She reassured me, but also herself, "You're going to okay. It's all going to be okay."

"Can you move?" A medic asked me.

I shook my head lightly, but I was unsure if my head even moved. 

"She can't breath, you need to do something," Leah told them, still running her hands through my hair.

For the next minutes, my world felt as if it were crashing down around me, the only thing keeping me here was Leah's kind words. Before I even knew it, I was being lifted onto the stretcher, Leah held my hand tightly, wiping the tears from my cheeks as they walked me off the pitch. 

Just as we walked off the pitch, Leah left a kiss on my forehead, "It's going to be okay Kam. I have to finish the match, but I'll come straight to you after it ends," she reassured me, then dropped my hand. 

Then I was left with completely nothing; no football, no Leah. 

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