Like A Fairytale

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TW: suicidality, mentions of mental health disorders

No One's POV (3rd person)

"Can you walk us through the feelings of the tournament?" Alex requested, a smile also on her face as she'd seen the true euphoria surrounding it, the Lioness' victory had truly changed history. 

"I wasn't in a great place before the tournament as I know Leah explained but as a way to live again, I put everything I had into those games and the fans and just everything surrounding the Euros. I don't think I could ever explain those feelings because the fans were insanely supportive like I'd never seen or imagined before. The team was just perfect, I love every single one of those girls with my entire heart. The football played was on such a high level and I felt every match created a new challenge and I loved that."

"And you most definitely rose to the challenge," Alex announced clearly proud of her long time friend, "You were the top goal scorer in the entire tournament."

Kameron nodded, "It's honestly insane. It still hasn't sunk in and I don't think it ever will."

"What was your stand out moment from the tournament?" Alex asked Kameron. 

"Well winning obviously," she laughed, "There was no feeling like the final blow of that whistle and knowing we'd actually gone and brought it home. But I think aside from that, it's got to be my final goal and the celebration."

"I was going to bring that up," Alex laughed, "I had the privilege of being there that match and I was screaming my lungs out and then you went and did your celebration and I was in tears, I love you two together so much," Alex told Kameron, showing her love for football as well. "Can you explain to anyone who somehow hasn't seen that moment, what you did?"

Kameron smiled at the camera, looking like a giddy teenager with the first taste of love, "I scored it was an insane feeling, like truly powerful. And people had told me if I scored that match the celebration had to be good and I assured everyone that I'd thought of something and in all honesty, I had no clue. So when that ball hit the back of the net, I just thought, who do I want to celebrate this with right now? The person that I love with my entire soul and I am forever going to be devoted to."

"Leah," Alex answered, tearing up slightly.

"So I ran all the way down the pitch because Leah happens to be in defense and I was already knacked from like two hours of football but I ran anyway. I remember running past everyone and they were all so confused. And I just jumped into Leah's arms and I remember her saying 'you've gone and done it' and we were both sobbing and it was a special moment."

"Definitely one for the history books," Alex agreed.

"And the British tabloids apparently," Kameron laughed.

"What was that moment like for you Leah?"

Leah laughed, shaking her head at the warmness and almost overwhelming joy of those memories, "I saw the ball go in off Kameron's foot and I was in so much shock and so proud of her then I saw her running and I thought she was going to the girls who were running towards her. But she entirely dodged them and then I realized she was coming towards me, and I then remembered that I was on the pitch and not watching on TV so I held my arms out. And those moments were probably some of the best in my life and it was freeing because when you have a love so pure it's amazing to finally show it. I didn't have any fear in those moments of showing the love we shared and I'm so happy we did because it was just right."

"What was it like when that final whistle blew?" Alex asked Kameron.

"I can't even explain it, the whole thing was like a fairytale," she shook her head, still in awe of those moments, "I literally fell to the floor, Alessia ended up dragging me to my feet and I was in a state, I was such a mess. I went over to my family and they'd saved a seat for my dad with his shirt and hat on it, my grandad came down and I just cried even more with his words. My dad always had a pint at the games so there was one for him, but obviously he wasn't there in the flesh to drink it, so my grandad gave it to me and I just downed the thing. But yeah, we were dancing for hours on that pitch. Honestly the best time in my life."

"And I know the celebrations that night were pretty insane too," Alex chuckled, referring to the parties which lasted well into the early hours of the morning.

"It was so fun though, all the girls were having a great time. I'd give anything to go back to that day."

"And I saw you the next day, I'm still surprised that all of you made it to Trafalgar Square," Alex raised her eyebrows. 

"I think some people really had to battle through that morning, me and a couple of the girls had our own little antidote but people were going through it," Kameron laughed, picturing all the team standing there in their sunglasses, looking half dead very clearing running off little to no sleep. 

"It was a match to remember though."

"No doubt about it," Kameron smiled, "It truly was just magical. I don't think there will ever be anything else like it."

"And that created some issues for you, if I'm correct?" Alex entered into the next subject, one that was indefinitely the lowest of the lows. 

Kameron nodded, looking slightly apprehensive before she began to speak, "Yeah, I think I'd put my whole life into the Euros, it was the thing that brought me back to life so I went from that massive, unexplainable high to my normal life. And the last time I'd been in my normal life, I was in incredibly dark places and then it sort of hit me, I'd never get a feeling like that tournament again. And it was over, I'd already found it very difficult to let go but I couldn't handle it when I got home because I had nothing to put my life into anymore."

"So you told yourself there'd never be a feeling like it?"

Remaining composed, Kameron continued to answer Alex's questions but you could see the mist clouding over her eyes and the slight cracks in her voice, it was small changes but that made it all the more vulnerable, "I mean what will ever compare to being European champions on your home turf with your best friends and the person you love? And scoring the winning goal in the final few minutes. You can't ever expect anything close to that to happen again, it's a once in a life time event. Those feelings won't ever happen again."

Leah was now on screen, a concentrated look on her face as she brushed her fingers along her jaw as if she was focusing on holding everything together. 

"After the Euros what do you think made Kameron so scared to let go, compared to everyone else?" Alex asked her.

Leah started off with a very professional attitude, getting her points across before she dived into the deeper emotions, "Well I think everyone on the team had their different views on the tournament coming to an end. As much as I enjoyed it, I was looking forward to getting back to my old life, some sense of normality.  I know people like Ella and Ellen were excited to get back to their partners, some were happy to get back to their clubs and homes. Everyone had sense of sadness that it had come to and end, but the rest of the girls knew they'd look back on the times with thankfulness and love whilst they got back to their normality, which most of them enjoyed," now a sense of hopelessness came over her expression, "but Kam wasn't one of those people. She'd put so much into the Euros that when it came to an end, Kameron felt as if she had nothing left or nothing would ever compare. Those feelings of winning were undoubtedly just incredible, I can't begin to explain them, but I knew that I'd feel amazing things again; the devotion to a loved one, Christmas with my family, even just seeing the sunset. Kameron didn't. In her mind that was the highlight of her life and it was just going to get harder and darker, she didn't see a way out or a next chapter which was worth living."

"Did she speak to you about these emotions?"

Leah shook her head, resting her hands at her chin, her face creasing as a tear rolled down her face, "No," the girl's voice was weak and almost rusty, "I thought we were out of the woods, I thought we were about to start our forever together. And that's something I'll never forgive myself, I should have looked harder to see the signs but I was under such an impression that times were better and we were both happy, but it was only me."

Kameron now sat before the camera, "What happened Kameron?" Alex asked, her voice just a breath. 

Kameron looked down at the floor, as much as she knew the events which unfolded, none of them were because of the memories she held. Even though these were her actions, it wasn't a story best told by her. 

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