I Had Love?

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Kameron's POV

"So, Kameron. Are you ready for your checks today?" the doctor asked me, as I sat in the chair to the corner of his office.

Slightly anxious, I nodded, I'd always hated doctors offices, ever since I was a child, they were so unwelcoming, almost designed to get you in and out quickly as possible, no sense of homeliness. 

"I'm Doctor Porter, and I'll be looking after you for this camp and tournament," he seemed kind at least.

I shook his hand, "I'm Kameron Quinn."

"So, any problems we should know about, to start off with?"

Already, my anxiety was racing, but I was so good at masking things by now, that he'd never know from my face, "nope, healthy as a horse."

"That's what we like to hear. So we'll just do some general checks today, check your health, and we'll continue to do that throughout the tournament time."

"Sounds good."

"So, first off all let me check your blood pressure and heart rate."

My blood pressure was rather low and so was my heart rate, but he had expected that seeing as I'm an athlete, but I couldn't help but assume it was for other reasons, though that didn't matter right now, I just had to get through this appointment and I could deal with everything else afterwards. 

There were a few other checks, like my height, ears for some reason and some others, all of them coming back perfect. 

"Can you step on the scales please Kameron?"

This was the part I was dreading, but I just followed his instructions, taking my shoes off and stepping one foot at a time onto the scale, keeping my head up, not even wanting to see the number, I just stayed looked at Doctor Porter. 

He didn't look happy, he looked surprised as he looked down at the number and then logging it into his computer with my other results. 

"You can get off now Kameron," he spoke as I sat back in the chair, "So you're rather underweight for someone your height, five foot seven, and your profession. And your body fat percentage is extremely low."

I shrugged lightly, "I think I've always been like that, I find it hard putting weight on, I am healthy though."

"What's your diet like?"

"I do eat," I blurted out.

"I know you eat, just maybe we should look at a plan to put some more weight on, I think it would make you healthier because this could be seen as concerning, I wouldn't have expected this from a professional athlete, your weight does worry me slightly," he explained seeming to buy my whole explanation. 

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll do whatever you need me to."

"Well, I'll draw something up and drop it off at reception, by tomorrow afternoon probably, if that works for you?"

"Yeah, perfect, thankyou."

"Well, I think that's us about done, for today," Dr Porter said, opening the door for me.

"Okay, thankyou for everything."

"Not a problem."

And that was it, the appointment was over, somehow I'd gotten through that and ended it in one piece, I was mildly amazed. It had shaken me a little, but now that he was thinking everything was fine, I should be good. 

As I walked into the waiting area, I saw Leah sitting there, scrolling on her phone, she was one of the last to go in as her surname began with a W.

She looked up, quickly giving me a hug, automatically knowing that I'd need it, a breath of relief from her that I'd gotten out of there, "How was it?" Leah kept ahold of my hand.

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