North London Forever

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Kameron's POV

Two weeks had passed. It was the Arsenal VS Barcelona Champions League game today, whoever won was on track for the final and even though Arsenal was my club at heart, I so badly wanted to win; it was the competitive spirit in me. 

I'd settled back into the routine of Barcelona; enjoyed training, laughed at brunch with Alexia, had fun with the team and played some amazing football. But I still missed Leah massively, every day we'd facetime and talk for hours about the littlest of things, though nothing would ever compare to hearing her laugh in person or being in her arms, the camera quality would never convey that glint in her eyes just right. 

Knowing that Leah was only a few rooms away from me right now was the only thought on my brain, we weren't really meant to go into the other team's changing rooms so I was trying to stick to that rule, I'd see her out on the pitch. 

"You alright Kam?" Alexia asked me, nudging my shoulder as I sat away from all the team preparations and conversations in the dressing room. 

Barcelona were like a family but the vibes were very much more professional in a way where we all knew we had a duty and had to prepare ourselves for that. Arsenal was an actual family, we all still understood our duty but it also felt like we all knew the legacy and community behind it, and we were all part of that community. 

"Yeah," I nodded, trying to convince both myself and her, "Yeah I'm fine," I continued nodding, only getting faster, I was going to get whiplash at some point soon. 

"You sure?" She now sat down beside me, laying a hand to my shoulder. 

I tilted my head towards her and huffed, "Yeah, I think I just need a bit of air."

"Do you want me to come with?" She offered, her words and eyes soft, much like an older sister to me.

"I'm good, just need to clear my head a little," I assured her, "Thankyou though."

"No problem," as I started walking towards the door, she then called after me, "Be back soon though, the game starts in forty-five minutes!"

I sent her a thumbs up and then walked into the hallway, suddenly being hit by a wave of fresh air from the nearby tunnel and the cheers of predominantly Barcelona fans who'd already arrived in the stadium.  

This was such a strange experience, because I had a loyalty to both clubs. My loyalty to Arsenal obviously ran deeper and was in my heart but for now, Barcelona had to be my priority, no matter how strange it felt playing to disappoint the fans I'd once given my everything to. 
The difference between Arsenal and Barcelona for me was that I played for the badge with Arsenal, I knew what it meant to the community, the history and legacies behind it. Whereas I played for Barcelona temporarily, my mind was in it but my whole heart would never be there. 

Then I was hit by an experience from home, the song "The Angel - North London Forever" was playing, which was always my personal favorite Arsenal song and one of my most treasured songs in general, it held so many memories from my childhood right up until my last game at Arsenal.
At first, I was convinced it was playing in my head, some sort of game I was unconsciously playing with myself to bring guilt as I was playing against my own badge. But then I heard chants and shouts of voices which brought me right back to my rather recent Arsenal days, brining tears to my eyes and a smile to face. They were my girls, my team. 

Nothing was set in stone about entering the other team's changing room, it was just frowned upon because it meant you were either starting trouble or fraternizing with the enemy; but this team wasn't the enemy at all, they were my people.

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now