Loves Her Very Much I Reckon

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Kameron's POV

Leah and I were in our room, packing the last of our things, it was sad the camp was over but it meant the Euros were only getting closer, so I brimming with excitement. 

"You staying with Alessia this weekend," Leah asked me as she pulled on a hoodie.

"No, I'm just going home," I replied as I chucked everything into my suitcase, seeing Leah cringe at the disorganization of it all, then her breath hitched in her throat, she instantly walked over to me. 

"Alone?" Her tone was filled with anxiety.

"Yeah, I'll be fine though Le, promise."

"Shit," Leah started biting her nails, I could see the thoughts all rushing through her mind, "Come with me," she blurted out.

I laughed slightly, at the suddenness of her offer, "Come with you where, Leah?" Not that it mattered honestly, I'd follow her anywhere. 

"I'm staying with my parents for the weekend."

"Le, I don't want to intrude, really. You go, I'll be fine," It's not that I didn't want to go, I just wouldn't have any distractions there, meaning I'd be left constantly aware of my less than fortunate situation of unreciprocated love. 

"Kam, you have to come," She stated and then shook her head, "Or I'll come down and stay with you. Please, you wouldn't be intruding, mum loves you." her tone grew desperate, I thought she'd become more comfortable with me being alone, but I guess not. 

"Okay," I replied quietly, not knowing what else to say. 

Her brows relaxed and a small smile of relief covered her face, "thankyou. It will be fun, I promise."

"Only doing this so I can see Amanda," I told her jokingly, I did love Leah's mum though, but everyone did, she was truly a breath of fresh air. 

"Of course you are," Leah pulled out her phone, "I'm going to phone mum, finish packing quick cause it's a long drive and I don't want it to be too dark."

"Okay, yeah."

Leah called her mum, she left the phone on speaker as she tied up her trainers, "Mum?"

"Yes, Leah," Amanda's voice made me smile instantly, she was such a great mum to Leah. They both appreciated each other so much.

"Is it okay if Kameron comes up with me to stay the visit?"

"Yes!" Amanda sounded pleased, "Yes! Of course, we'd love that wouldn't we Dave?" She asked Leah's dad.

We could hear him in the background, "What?" he asked, clearly not listening, making both Leah and I laugh.

"If Kameron comes with Leah to visit," Amanda repeated.

"Oh, yes of course. Lovely girl that, lovely girl to our Leah. Leah loves her very much I reckon."

"Dad!" Leah shouted through the laughter, her face turning red, "You're on speaker, so please shut up!"

"Did you hear that David?" Amanda asked.

"No, hear what?" David asked, clearly still not listening to anyone but himself.

"You're on speaker, both the girls can hear you," Amanda explained, "Leah's told you off."

"Oh, well sorry Leah," he responded, not seeming to care that much, making me laugh even harder.

"Well bye mum, see you soon."

"Bye Leah, bye Kameron. See you girls soon," then the call ended. 

Leah just awkwardly laughed, looking up at me, not quite knowing what to say, "Families, hey?"

I didn't quite know what to respond, seeing as I didn't really have a family, all my closest relatives were gone, so what most people consider a 'family', was a slightly foreign concept to me, "yeah."

Leah instantly realizing what she'd done closed her eyes slowly, "Shit, sorry Kam. Didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry, I don't know-"

I cut her off, I wasn't annoyed, I wasn't upset and when Leah was worried she would carry on forever, so I decided to end her stress a bit quicker, "Le, it's fine, I'm not upset, don't worry."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I promise."

"Okay good," she stood up picking up my suitcases like she did when we first arrived, "I really am sorry though Kam."

I rolled my eyes at her smiling, "Stop apologizing."

"Sorry," she apologized again, then realizing what she'd done, a smile coming to her face, a slight laugh even, "we should get going, you ready?"

"Yeah," I took her suitcases and we walked down to her car, putting the luggage in the boot and then climbing in.

"You put your music on," Leah told me as she pulled out, "I like your music."

I smiled, it was probably the best compliment anyone could give me.

The drive to Leah's family home wasn't too long, only a couple of hours. Leah and I could pass that time easily, we talked about everything at camp and the coming tournament, she was just as excited as me.

As the time I spent with Leah continued, I seemed to grow more confident, we both got into a jokey mood, it was fun. This was when I had the most laughs with her; when nothing we said was truly serious but everything had a meaning. It was somehow probably when we were most honest with each other. 

"My dad on the phone earlier," Leah laughed, shaking her head in embarrassment. 

"You really can't even hide it from your family, how much you love me?" I teased. 

"You just stole my heart Kam. What can I say?"

"It must be my beauty," I joked pretending to cover my blushed cheeks.

Leah was quick with her response, these were always the ones she was proudest of, "Well it wouldn't be your brains."

"Ouch, that one stung."

"Mum 's excited you're coming though," Leah smiled quietly, "She loves you, you know."

"More than you," I pretended to act shocked. 

"Shush," Leah quietened me down, "Genuinely, she really loves you. She always has since we used to play in the junior Lionesses together."

I smiled, Leah couldn't understand how much that meant to me, even though I didn't know her very well, I'd always thought Amanda was a little bit of a mother figure for me.

"She pointed to you and told me to stick with you," Leah looked back on the memory fondly, "She said you'd be a good one, and she was right."

"Mums always know," I replied softly. 

"Yeah, we're nearly there though so I should warn you, Mum will probably question you tonight."

"About what?" I was very confused.

"Everything probably, mum has a good heart, but biggest gossip ever," Leah laughed. 

"Well then me and Amanda can have a lovely little gossip," it sounded quite fun to me.

"Good luck, you'll never get away."

We pulled into the drive and Leah's car came to a stop, we pulled the suitcases behind us and Leah rung the bell. Very quickly, Amanda followed closely by David opened the door, practically dragging us inside to smother us in hugs. 

"I've missed you Leah," Amanda told her daughter, pulling at her cheeks, making me giggle slightly at the embarrassed look on Leah's face.

"It's only been like two weeks."

"Still," Amanda pulled Leah in for another hug, "I've missed you."

"Missed you too mum."

Amanda pulled away turning to me, hugging me tightly, "Haven't seen you in a long time Kameron, it's lovely that your here. Thankyou for coming."

"Thankyou for having me."

"It's going to be a great family weekend," Amanda told Leah and I as she guided us into the living room.

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