Twenty Years Of Us Loving Each Other

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Leah's POV

"Come on Leah!" Alessia grinned, "You gotta let me know why we're here," she begged, talking about the fact I'd dragged her out for some mysterious lunch which was rather out of the ordinary because Alessia and I weren't close enough to hang out alone, especially if that meant leaving Kameron and Ella behind. I think everyone could tell something was going on, I just hoped that Kameron would believe whatever excuse I came up with. 

I took a deep breath and nodded, "Yeah, I know."

"Go on then," Alessia urged me, looking slightly more anxious now with my serious manner. 

"So," I began, "You know mine and Kam's trip to Paris coming up soon?"

"Yeah," Alessia nodded. 

I closed my eyes for a brief second, for some reason overcome with anxiety to discuss this with Alessia. I assumed she'd have a positive reaction, or at least I really hoped she'd have a positive reaction. My whole life had been sort of building up to this moment. 

"I'm going to ask Kameron to marry me."

Alessia's lips parted slightly, I couldn't read the expression on her face but it didn't look like overwhelming happiness, perhaps it was just shock. 

"What?" She asked quietly, her body remaining completely still. 

The anxiety in my chest only tightened, "I'm going to-"

Alessia cut me off, "No, I know," she shook her head, "I heard you. Just what?"

I furrowed my brows, unsure of what she wanted me to say, so I gulped harshly and then tried a different approach, "I wanted to get your blessing, so to speak, because Kam's parents aren't here anymore and you're her family. It only felt right."

"To what?" Alessia questioned, seeming to only get more and more stressed, "To marry her?" She raised her eyebrows, like it was the most ludicrous thing in the world. 

"Well yeah," I replied rather confused why her reaction had been so abrasive, "I want to marry Kam, I always have. This is where it's always been heading since we were kids."

"So you're doing this because it just seems like the convenient next step?" Alessia shot the question at me, outraged. 

"No, of course not," I furrowed my eyebrows questioning how she could even think I'd want to marry Kameron any reason other than the fact I loved her, "I love her, she's my person and that's why I want to ask her."

"But why now?"

"Because it feels right," I replied softly, almost defeated at this point like in Alessia's mind I'd never be good enough for her best friend and whilst that was true, I don't think anyone would ever love her like I would. I'd given my heart and soul to Kameron from day one. 

"But it's so soon," Alessia also quietened down now, starring at the table. 

I sent her a small smile, realizing maybe she wasn't annoyed with me but rather scared of loosing Kameron in a sense, "It's almost twenty years of us loving each other."

"What if it goes wrong?" Alessia looked up at me, her face full of concern. 

"It won't," I assured her, "Things in life can go wrong, awful situations will happen - I cannot stop that. But Kam and I won't go wrong, I'd do anything for her and I hope she feels the same way about me."

"She does," Alessia whispered. 

"Then why are you so against it?"

Alessia looked to the ceiling, trying to stop tears forming in her eyes, "Because I'm terrified Leah. I'm not against it, I'm just scared."

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now