For Dad

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Kameron's POV

"This is it Le."

We were all in the kit room, we'd warmed up and now we had just a few minutes before we had to line up in the tunnel.

Of course our playlist was blasting and spirits were high, we'd all worked our entire lives for the next ninety minutes, we were going to enjoy them best we could. Treasure every single second.

Leah took my hand, "this is it!" she reaffirmed. 

Everyone's families were in the crowd today, even I had my own little cheer squad. Ingrid had decided to stay for the final, which I was happy about, I hadn't quite realized how much I missed her until she came back. Saka and Rashford had come, two of my closest friends on the men's England squad, they both had hearts of gold and I was like their little sister, they'd always protected me. And of course, my aunt and grandparents would be there. My grandad had created the sweetest banner for all of my matches and they always wore my shirt, they were the best supporters I could ask for. 

My dad would be watching as well, if he were here today, I don't think he could have handled it. He could barely handle normal matches, he always became so invested, but I think me playing the final of the Euros might just have killed him, but I knew he was watching down on me. 

Even today I felt as if my mum might be there too, we hadn't always had a steady relationship when she was still in the world, but we loved each other. I think she'd be proud of my achievements in football, I hope she'd also be proud of the person I'd become. 

"We've got this Kam," Leah told me, squeezing my hand.

"I know," I smiled at her, the only thing in the world that could have gotten me to this point today. If it weren't for Leah, I'd either be long gone or still in bed, she was the one I had to thank for this.

"What are you going to do if you score today?" she asked me.

"Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves," I told her laughing. 

"Come on Kam, you haven't not scored in a single match. You're a legend at this point, put you up in the hall of fame next to Beckham," she joked. 

It was a pretty nice image though, that's the new dream I guess.

"I'll do something special."

"Come on, fill me in on the details."

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

"Ugh you're annoying sometimes."

"That's why you love me."

"No, I love you despite how annoying you are."


Leah then pulled me up, we spent the last treasured minutes of pre match time as a team. This was the last match, this would never happen again. But I had to pull my mind away from those thoughts, they scared me. I didn't want to face the future just yet, I wanted to live in these moments forever. I loved my little Lioness bubble.

Sarina walked in, rubbing her hands together, looking almost emotional. I don't think anyone else noticed her as they just continued their songs. 

I walked over to her, placing my arm around her shoulder.

"What you thinking coach?" I asked her.

"That this has been a dream," she spoke, looking onto the players, pride filling her words.

"It really has been."

I smiled at her, seeing tears well in her eyes.

"Don't cry, you'll set me off," we both laughed, but knew it was true.

"I am so proud of you Kameron," she told me, "I know this hasn't been easy but you have done us all proud. Top goal scorer of the team, top goal scorer overall."

"That's mad," I just replied, a slight laugh. 

It was insane to think that I had once been a young girl fighting to get into a girls team at nine years old, begging my dad to do shooting practice with me in the garden, running around in Thierry Henry's football shirt. And now I was on track to be the top goal scorer in the Euros, it sent shivers down my spine. It would never feel real.

My dad would have been so proud, it was times like this that I wished I could bring him back for just a few minutes because he would know all the hours of work we put in were worth it. My career was dedicated to him. I just needed a dad hug. 

Sarina saw this, a few stray tears falling down my cheeks and she brought her arms around me, much like a mother would to her daughter. 

"You go out there today and make us all proud," she whispered in my ears, "You make your dad proud."

I nodded my head on her shoulder.

She let go of me, I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks. Sarina clapped her hands, "Right girls, it's game time!"

Everyone cheered, "Any words Leah?" Sarina asked.

"Um," Leah thought, she was a brilliant captain, but not really one for speeches, "Go on girls!"

I stood there laughing, sometimes Leah could be pretty poetic, but it didn't seem to be one of those times. 
Every trailed out into the tunnel, I waited for Leah who was at the back of the crowd. 

She grabbed my hand, walking us down the hall, "I'm proud of you Le. You are the best captain we could ask for."

"I'm proud of you Kam, I didn't know if we were even going to get you to this tournament honestly. But you're here and you have been incredible. We wouldn't have gotten this far without you."

Her words made me smile, I gently grabbed her face, a kiss for good luck and then we were standing in line. 

I heard the roars of Wembley, louder than ever before, I was so ready for this match. I was going to enjoy every second of it and hopefully play the best football I ever had. This was it. This is what my whole life had led up to.

We walked out, united as a team, lining up ready to sing our nation anthem. My arm was around Leah's shoulder, the sound of the stadium shook through my body, I looked to all the fans, so thankful for their support. I truly believe that we couldn't have done it without them. 

We all walked into our positions, Leah squeezed my hand as we went our separate ways. I looked over to the where my friends and family were sitting then I saw something that just made everything fall truly into perspective. 

Next to my grandfather, there was a seat. A seat for my dad. The shirt he always used to wear to my games, with my name across the back, was laid over his seat. His classic flat cap was there and England scarf. And a pint of beer, which was of course a match day staple of his. 

My dad was truly here, he had a seat. For the first time in years, my dad had a seat at one of my games. Even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was sitting there, for a second it felt as if I could truly see him, the image was just so real in my head. 

But my dad was truly here, sitting next to my grandfather. 

That's when I knew this was all for my dad. This was all for dad, everything up to this point had been too. Today was going to be the best game of my life, this was for dad. 

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now