Destined For Life

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TW: possibly triggering themes involving alcohol

Leah's POV

"Hey!" I shouted, running towards through the gap in the fence, into the woods which inhabited the plot next to the pub, "Hey! Get off of her!"

Because of the darkness, I couldn't see everything in detail, there were two figures; one of them being Kameron and the other being a man, he stepped away from Kameron, holding his arms up in defense.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled, pushing him backwards, sending his body right into a tree, I could see the fear contorted in his face.

"She was cold," he stuttered, "Looked lost so I offered to get her in my car, to keep her warm you know?" I leant down next to Kameron's limp body, pulling her into my lap, continuing to listen to the man's story, he seemed somewhat genuine but I wasn't sure, "Had a drink all down her dress so I gave her the jumper and then she passed out, tried to wake her up but I couldn't. I was scared she was going to be sick and choke on it or something, so I brought her out here."

I didn't know whether to trust him, but that didn't matter right now, "So you didn't touch her?" I asked him firmly, as I looked to Kameron's torso to see the rise and fall of her chest, she was breathing. 

He shook his head as he sat down on the floor next to me, "No. Never. She's an England legend, I thought I was going to wake up and her disappearance be on the news tomorrow, I just wanted to help."

I nodded, shaking Kameron's head lightly but it just continued to lay flimsy in my lap, "Kameron?" I whispered, "Kameron!" More desperation laced my words, "How long has she been out for?"

"Five minutes maybe."

"Has she been breathing properly the whole time?"

"Yeah, normal pulse too."

Sighing, I nodded, she was going to be fine; there was no signs of further problems, she just needed to warm up and hopefully sleep the alcohol off. "Okay, thankyou, I think I'm just going to take her back and get her to bed. There's nothing else I need to know right?"

He thought for a few seconds, "I mean she wasn't with it at all, that's what worried me, thought the cold got to her or something. She was muttering something about her dad, him coming to get her. When she spoke it's like she wasn't using her head, I don't know, it just didn't seem right."

Looking back down to Kameron, my stomach flooded with guilt, I should have gone with my instincts; I knew it was an episode, but I'd trusted the sweetest in her words for some reason. That smile made me fall for anything, it was a drug that instantly intoxicated me. 

"I mean she had a lot to drink tonight," I excused Kameron's rather unordinary behaviors', "I'm sure it's just that. Thankyou for everything though."

He shook his head, "Just doing what anyone would do for an England legend like Quinn."

I forced a slight laugh, "Well have a good night, thankyou again," I told him as I picked Kameron up, my arms under her back and knees, her body feeling like a glass doll in my arms, one crack and she'd shatter. 

As I walked back into the car park, Beth ran over to me as she saw Kameron hanging in my arms, "Oh my god Leah! Is she okay?"

"I think so, yeah. But can you call a cab, I want to get her back to bed."

"Yeah, course," Beth pulled out her phone, "Jesus, this girl never fails to give me a heart attack."

Nodding, I sighed, "Tell me about it."

Alessia and Ella came over looking terrified, from a distance Kameron did look completely gone, her limbs hung limply and the darkness only made matters worse, but I assured them that she'd be fine; I prayed that she'd be fine. 

As much as I believed Kameron would wake up the next day healthy, except from probably a killer hangover, I still was apprehensive. But that was my job to worry about Kameron, I needed to make sure she was safe.

The cab pulled up, Alessia opened the door for Kameron and I, "Do you need me to come with Leah?" she offered.

"I think we're good, she'll be alright try not to worry," I assured her, as I lay Kameron on my lap in the back seats. 

"You stay in our room tonight," Alessia told me, "I'll share with Ella."

"Thanks, I'll update you if anything happens."

"Thankyou Leah, she's lucky to have you," and then Alessia closed the door and we began driving back to the England grounds. 

In a matter of minutes the taxi pulled up outside the entrance, I quickly handed the cash over, telling him to keep the change and then I carried Kameron back inside, down the hallways and to her room. 

I swiped the door open and then rested her onto the bed, pulling some joggers onto her legs then I placed the duvet on top of her, along with another quilt. Then I went to the bathroom and pulled out some makeup wipes and gently removed her makeup and mine too, I got changed and then slotted myself into the bed beside her. 

Kameron was still freezing, so I pulled her on top of my chest, wrapping my arms around her in the hopes to warm her up and the feeling of her steady breaths brought me to peace, so thankful that after everything, no just tonight but her whole life, that she was still alive. It was a miracle, but the universe had given us that miracle for a reason and it was because Kam was destined for life. Her time was nowhere near over yet. 

But nothing would ever compare to the drop in my stomach and protectiveness that overcame me when I'd seen that image in the words; of course my mind had travelled to the worst possible case scenario. I'd thought about killing two people for Kameron tonight and I think I would have done it, if it meant she'd be safe. Of course I would have done it. 

I lay there, staring at the dark ceiling just listening to the deep breaths of the girl I loved as I slowly felt the heat return to her body over time, then I closed my eyes, ready to drift off to sleep, Kameron still encased in my arms. 

"I love you Le," she murmured, I looked down to see her still asleep but a small smile on her face, I felt her nestle slightly closer to my body. A smile fell upon my face, the look of love. 

"I love you too Kam," I kissed her forehead, "I love you more than anything."

And then I closed my eyes, feeling the world drift slowly away, the last thing I remember from that night being Kameron's steady heartbeat against my torso.

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now