What Felt Right

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Leah's POV

Bukayo and I ordered drinks for everyone, we bickered a little over who would pay but eventually I was the one to swipe my card, reminding him of the cracking goal he'd just scored.

I sat down at the bar, Bukayo followed my lead. Sighing, I turned to the boy who'd become a dear friend to me over the years but I'd never forget why our friendship started. It started because of Kameron. It started because he was a brother to Kameron, providing her with a family when much of hers' had left. 
I had endless amounts of respect and gratitude towards Bukayo, that's why I needed to ask him this question. It didn't feel like an obligation or some rule I sadly had to follow, it something I wanted to do because it felt right. 

"What are you going to ask?" Bukayo huffed, a smile playing on his lips. 

I paused for a second, "How did you know I was going to ask something?"

"You were quiet for a while, I just know things like this," He sighed. 

"Ah," I pretended to slap my leg, "Forgot you were a psychic."

"Go on then, you can't leave me hanging now," he chuckled. 

"Okay," I breathed deeply, "It's been something that's been playing on my mind for a while but now the time feels right. I mean, I've known for years but I think we're both in the perfect place and I couldn't imagine anyone else by my side so-"

"Yes." Bukayo interrupted me. 

I looked up to the grinning boy, surprised by his interruption, "What?"

Bukayo had such a light in his eyes, his smile showing such love, "Yes. I'd love it if you asked Kameron to marry you."

I smiled and couldn't help but feel this surge of emotion rushing over me, glassing my eyes over with tears, "Really?"

Bukayo chucked, "Of course! But maybe I'd have said something different if I knew you'd start crying like this."

I laughed, quickly wiping the tears from my eyes, "Happy tears, happy tears," I assured him. 

Bukayo looked at me, seriously staring into my soul, "I don't think I could think of someone more perfect for her, I really don't. Yes, you two have had your bumps along the way but that doesn't define you as a pair, your love does. And that's what I see between you, I see so much love."

I hid my head in my hands, "Bukayo, mate, you're doing no favors for the tears," I joked as I felt the feeling of ecstasy flood through my veins.
I felt like I was flying on top of the world, the highest I'd ever been in my life but equally I felt grounded, like I'd found my place on Earth and never wanted to leave. Death as a concept had never scared me but the idea of leaving this Earth, the place where I had my dream life and perfect partner, was now terrifying. 

"I know," Bukayo replied, I looked up to see tears in his eyes too, "But I'm so happy for the pair of you, I really am," he nodded whilst trying to choke the tears back.

I pulled him into a hug, both of us must have looked half mad as we sat there crying with beaming smiles on our faces but I think it was the most beautiful emotion I'd ever felt in my life. I couldn't explain it, but it was like my love for Kameron was hitting me right in the face alongside this hope and excitement for the future, paired with the pride of Bukayo's trust in me. 

"I'll look after her," I whispered.

Bukayo nodded, "I know you will."

"We should probably clean ourselves up though, can't spoil the surprise," I tried to laugh, taking a napkin and drying my face then passing one to Bukayo.

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now