The Letters

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Kameron's POV

The next morning had been amazing, Leah had cooked us all breakfast and us four sat in the kitchen at the breakfast bar with our coffees.

"So mum, dad," Leah spoke up, "Me and Kam are together."

She grabbed my hand, holding it in the air, shaking it around, I laughed at her sudden sense of awkwardness. 

"See, I told you Amanda," David said with a smile on his face, "I knew she'd do it!"

"I'm so happy for you girls," Amanda replied, "I know this is what was meant to happen." Then she paused, thinking about something for a second, "Though, Kameron, can I speak to you for a second, in the lounge?"

This was strange, Amanda sounded almost nervous, I looked back at Leah and she also looked slightly worried but she didn't know what was going on, though I followed Amanda nonetheless. 

She dug around in a drawer and opening a box, pulling out two letters, "When I say your dad and I knew since you were kids, he was pretty confident," she handed the letters to me, "When your dad was really sick, you know he wrote letters..."

I nodded, my heart dropping into my stomach, I knew my dad had written letters because I'd opened some already, there were only a few left in my possession, but I never knew he left any with Amanda. 

"He told me, when it finally happened, to give these to you," Amanda explained.

"Thankyou," I responded to her, I looked down at the envelopes, one addressed to me and one addressed to Leah, I was rather confused.

"I'll leave you to be with yourself," Amanda gave me a quick hug, "I really am overjoyed for you two, Kameron."

"Thankyou," and then I sat on the sofa, my hands trembling lightly, almost scared to open it but so happy at the thought of hearing my father's words again, they always brought me so much comfort.

My dad had died when I was fifteen, so he really must have been pretty confident in Leah and I, it made me smile, I knew he was looking down on me right now, and I knew that inside the letter was what he would have said if he were sitting right here, next to me. 

Carefully, I unstuck the enveloped, pulling the paper out and unfolding it. 

Dear Kameron, 

I can't say I'm at all surprised, but you know that, seeing as I wrote this letter. 
I thought it was an important message to write, and I was thinking whether I should address the other letter to whoever you end up with, but there isn't much of a doubt in my mind, I'm confident that it will be Leah. She's your person and I've been able to see it ever since you were young. 

I wish I was there to see it happen, but I'm still watching over the pair of you and I'm so proud of you and thankful that you've always had each other, I could always see that you had a connection with her on another level compared to anyone else. 

And I don't think there's a better person you could have ended up with, Leah always seemed lovely, and she loves you a lot, that was always clear. I trust her to keep you safe and make you happy and I expect you'll do the same for her, Kameron. 

I'm happy for the pair of you, I don't think you could find anyone more fitting for you. I'll be here watching you all the way, so proud, I always am. 

But yes, I just wanted to tell you that I always knew it would be Leah, your old man knew you quite well, it seems. You two will do great, I'm so happy for you Kam. You found your person early, you're very lucky. 

All my love 

Yet again, I found myself sitting there in shock, much as I had done in the past few days, tears rolled down my cheeks, I could hear my dad reading out the message in my head and to know that he always knew it would be Leah, meant a lot to me. 
I had his support and blessing.

He had everything worked out even when I was fifteen, he knew me better than I knew myself, but just to know that he was looking down on us, seeing it all play out, made me laugh, it all went exactly as he'd expected. 

Maybe life was rather predictable if you paid more attention. 

The letter didn't make me sad though, just seeing his writing caught me off guard slightly, but my dad's words made me even more excited for the future, I just had to go and give Leah her letter. 

I walked back into the kitchen, Leah immediately stood up and walked over as she saw I'd been crying, she led me back into the lounge, her hand on my back, sitting me down softly. 

"What's wrong Kam," she asked, holding my hand in hers. 

"No, I'm fine, just there's a letter for you," I passed her the envelope, she looked a little confused. 

"Who's it from?"

"My dad," Leah looked at me very confused, almost like I'd gone a little crazy. 

Leah's POV

I was very confused, but I just nodded after Kameron told me it was from her dad, I knew he'd written her letters before he passed away, though I was confused why she was handing me one.

"Do you want me to read it to you?" I offered, assuming that's what she was asking of me.

"No," she shook her head, "It's for you."

I was pretty overcome with emotion, Kam's dad had written me a letter, I was almost apprehensive to see the contents, I pulled the paper from the envelope and began to read.

Dear Leah, 

This could seem rather odd to you, but I felt like I should give you a message, the same one as I'd have told you if I were here to give it to, you in person. 

The fact you're reading this means you and Kameron have ended up together and I couldn't be happier, I always knew it would happen, ever since you were little children, you had something special. I was so certain, though I probably should have addressed this 'to whomever Kameron ends up with', but it felt wrong doing that because I'm certain that it's going to be you, I have been for years. 

I ask you to keep her safe, keep her happy and keep her laughing. I trust you completely though Leah, I don't think there's a better person Kameron could have ended up with, you two were almost made for each other. I remember me and your mum watching you two at training and even then it was clear.

I'm happy for both of you, but as her father, I must give you 'the dad talk' and ask you never to hurt Kam and look after her, or you'll have me to deal with, and hauntings can be pretty brutal, I hear. 

Thankyou though Leah, truly, I know she'll always have someone and that eases many of my worries about after I go, I know she'll have you and I will be eternally grateful for that. You're a good person and I could always see that you loved her a lot, so thankyou.


I sat there, not even knowing what to say, words wouldn't have been fitting in this situation, so I just pulled Kameron into my chest and hugged her tightly, her arms gripped around my waist and I kissed her forehead. 

I was never letting this girl go. 

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