Home Sweet Home

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Kameron's POV

Leah and I were standing in her bedroom, piles of her things surrounding us, we'd organized everything, now we just needed to pack it into the boxes. 

"Do you want to go and find everything else you're brining and I'll do everything in here?" I offered. 

"Yeah, that's great thanks."

It only took about half an hour to move all the piles of Leah's belongings into boxes, it was mostly clothes; something which we both loved. Though we had rather different styles, but I did love stealing Le's hoodies and she seemed to enjoy stealing mine equally as much.

I heard the front door open and then close, confusing me slightly as I didn't think Leah would have left with no warning. 

"Hi Jordan," Leah said from the kitchen. 

Oh, that was why the door had opened. I'd forgotten that Jordan lived here too. 

I had nothing against Jordan, in fact the two of us got on great at Arsenal but I was slightly nervous as to how she'd take me and Leah becoming so public. Thinking back, Leah had never really explained how things ended between them, so I wasn't sure if this would hurt Jordan. I certainly never wanted to hurt Jordan.

Walking into the kitchen I reached Jordan with a smile, "Hey Jordan."

"Hey Kameron. Well done for the euros, saw the goal it was great."


"What are you guys doing today?" Jordan asked and then it occurred to me that Leah hadn't told her she was moving out today. This situation was about to get real awkward. Oh god, why hadn't Leah told her?

"I'm moving today Jordan," Leah reminded her softly, "Remember? I told you before I left for camp."

Okay, so Leah had told Jordan, that was a relief. 

"Oh yeah. I'm happy for you guys," Jordan spoke in complete monotone but with a smile on her face, it confused me, "You two look great together."

"Thanks, it means a lot," Leah replied for the both of us. 

"I'll leave you guys to it then," Jordan sighed. 

"No don't feel like you need to leave," I blurted out, I didn't want to push Jordan out of her own home. 

"No, it's fine really. I need to go and pick Blu up from my mum's anyway," she explained. 

"Alright," Leah cleared her throat, clearly wanting Jordan to leave, "See you soon Jordan. Bye."

"Bye guys. Good luck."

And with that Jordan was gone, I was a little unsure of how to feel about that encounter but we needed to get a move on so we could leave the apartment before night fall.

"I'm about done in there," I told Leah. 

"Yeah, same. I think everything's packed."

"You sure?"

"I mean if I forget something, I can always come back."

We hauled all the boxes into the elevator and then into Leah's car.

As we arrived back at my apartment, I couldn't help but be flooded with excitement for this next step, to many it may have seemed like a big deal. But for Leah and I, it just seemed completely natural, though we were still over the moon about it, just we held no anxiety. 

"Home sweet home," I announced as we brought the boxes up in a trolly, meaning we only had to carry Leah's things up in one journey. 

Leah laughed in disbelief, shaking her head, "That's never going to get old."

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now