I Insist!

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Kameron's POV

Camp was going great, I'd gotten into the routine pretty quickly and eventually it became easier to get up at the crack of dawn every morning.

The football was amazing, I always loved playing with these girls; it was so easy that everything happened without even thinking, it flowed freely. 

Leah and I hadn't found many moments to ourselves and weren't showing our reunion off to everyone else yet, so we were mostly constricted to stares across rooms and small smiles. Or on Leah's end it was those cocky smirks and comments whenever we got close to one another. 

Tonight though, Sarina had set up a pub night for us, she'd promised a night of fun for all our hard work. We'd been told it was a night of fun and as always; drinking. 

I was excited, it was always nice to go on a little excursion out of camp, even if it was only to the local pub five minutes down the road. 

Alessia and I were getting ready in our room, we'd been told to dress nicely tonight because as always, the team loved to go all out. 

I was staring in the bathroom mirror, trying to coat my lashes in mascara, Alessia stood next to me applying her lip gloss. 

"Kam," she spoke somewhat seriously, "You know I'm your best friend right?"

I laughed, "Yeah of course. Why? You're not thinking about ditching me are you?"

"No, never," she assured me, "But as your best friend I want you to be able to talk to me about anything."

"Yeah, same to you."

"What I'm saying is, even if I'm not Leah's number one supporter, I'm still yours. So I want you to talk to me about everything. I still want all the details."

I smiled, I'd been wanting to share everything with Alessia but I didn't want to upset her or it to result in another fight, "Only if you're sure?"

"I'm sure," she nodded. 

"Okay so," I started off, "Actually I don't even know what to say," I laughed, everything disappearing from my mind.

"Alright, let me be question master," Alessia giggled.

"Okay, shoot."

"Are you guys officially back?"

"Well not officially, we never said like we're dating but it was inferred I guess. But dating always sounds so casual, it just isn't the right word."

"Okay, I somewhat understand that. Have you kissed?"

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Was it good?" 

"Oh my god Less, what is it with these twelve year old boy questions?" I laughed, not knowing what to say.

"Sorry," she held her hands up in defense, "You said shoot."

"Fair enough, I don't know, just being with her is nice it all feels comfortable."

"I am happy for you Kam," Alessia told me, "You know that right?"

"Yeah, I know."

"I'm sure one day I'll get on fine with Leah but I just don't trust her yet."

"Yeah, I understand that and so does she."

"You ready though? The cars are here in five."

I quickly put my heels on and then nodded, "Yeah, I'm good to go."

Alessia and I began walking to the entrance, I was wearing a silk white dress and a pair of chunky white heels. 

"I don't know how you can walk in those things," Alessia laughed, looking at my shoes, "You're like Bambi on a good day, somehow you walk better in them than normal shoes."

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now