She's Done Something

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TW: continued themes from previous chapter

Leah's POV

The interview had gone great, it was always nice talking about our time at the Euros, it would forever be a special time to me. 

Though now I was just excited to go home to Kameron. Home. That would never get old, every time I said it, I couldn't help but smile. Before Beth had left, she'd been teasing me for it, but I didn't care how many times Keira called me lover girl or Beth teased me; I was happy. Kameron made me happy in a way no one else could understand. 

It felt like Kameron and I had made it, we'd gotten a home together. We had forever to spend with each other and I planned to cherish every minute.

Grabbing my bag, I looked down to my phone, notifications coming through like I'd never seen before. I sat down, opening up my phone, my heart in my throat, my hands shaking. I had no clue what this was about.

The messages were predominantly from Keira and Lucy and then a couple from my mum.


Leah are you with Kameron?

Leah pick up

missed call

missed call

missed call


Leah go to Kameron now

She's not picking up

attached image (paparazzi picture
of kameron buying the alcohol)

Leah answer me 

missed call

I felt violently sick, as soon as I opened that image I didn't need to look at anyone else's messages, I just ran. 

The engine to my car couldn't start fast enough, I knew that every single second counted. My mind racing to the worst possible case scenarios, I tried to calm myself by thinking that the worst case had never happened before. I'd always just been overthinking everything. I just had to breath. 

Driving as fast as I could the journey should only take me ten minutes, but it was ten minutes too long in my head, I needed to be there now. I didn't care if I got a speeding fine, I needed to get to Kam. 

Tears poured down my cheeks as I drove, it had all been okay this morning. She'd been doing so good for weeks, what had happened? I knew I shouldn't have left her this morning, I'd just had a bad feeling, I should have acted on it. This was my fault, nothing would have happened if I just stayed with her.

Parking in the street parking spaces, I ran into the apartment block; there wasn't time to drive into the garages. Pressing the button a million times on the lift, praying for it go faster, I just stood there, tears still falling, my lungs constricting to the point I thought they'd never open again. My stomach a big pit, feeling as if all my organs could have fallen right through. 

The lift door opened, I ran down the corridor. My hands trembling to the point, opening the door was a challenge, I had to get my head in the game. I had to get my head in the game for Kameron. 

"Kameron? Kameron!" I screamed, praying she'd walk out and everything would be fine. 

But I saw no Kameron, I saw an empty vodka bottle thrown across the floor, the glass shattered into pieces. I saw blood over the kitchen island. I saw a letter addressed to me. But I couldn't see Kameron. 

My heart imploding on me, I continued to scream, "Kam! Kameron!" Desperation laced my words, continuing to grow with every second. I ran into every room, praying to find the girl that clutched onto my heart. Praying to find the girl that had to be okay, she had to be okay. I didn't know what to do with myself if she wasn't.

I went to one of the bathrooms, twisting the handle. It was locked. I pounded on the door, "Kameron! Kameron open the door! It's me! It's Leah," I sobbed and shouted all at once with no reply, I couldn't hear a single movement or cry from within the bathroom and that's what terrified me the most. 

I didn't know what to do, I had to get into that room. I threw myself at the door, over and over, using my entire body weight, my shoulder feeling as if it were about to concave. Nothing, the stupid door wouldn't budge. 

I kicked through one of the panes, the wood splintering everywhere. I kicked again and again until the gap was big enough for me to fit through. As I hoisted myself into the bathroom, I felt splinters dig into my arms and stomach but that wasn't the thing that cut me the deepest.

Kameron was laying there limp on the floor, before I even checked everything I dialed 999, "Hello I need an ambulance. I need an ambulance right now!" I shouted as I checked for a pulse desperately but found nothing. No matter how many time I checked, it never changed. Kameron's limp body lay in my lap and I tried everything to wake her up. 

"What's the problem miss?" How could they be so calm? I had the love of my life unresponsive in my arms and they were asking the problem, my voice should have made the urgency obvious.

"She's not breathing. My girlfriends not breathing. You need to come quick," I looked around the room seeing everything. The empty pill boxes, the knife, the blood that covered the once white towels.

"Help is on the way, they should be with you shortly. What's happened?"

"She's done something," I cried, trying to hold myself together but when you look at the person you love most in the world. The person you live and breathe for and they're gone, nothing will ever prepare you for it. I felt yourself cascading into the abyss of life without Kameron.

"What's she done?"

"She's bleeding bad from her wrist and she's taken pills. She's taken a lot of pills."

"How many pills has she taken?"

"I don't know but it's empty."

Then I heard the front door slam to the ground, quickly I unlocked the bathroom door, pushing it open for the paramedics. 

"In here!" I yelled, the sight of Kameron now being something that physically broke my heart into a million pieces, my whole chest feeling as if it was falling in on itself. 

They came rushing, one of them taking me by the arm pushing me into the hall, "We're going to need you to give her space miss," they told me. 

I stood there, trying to peer above their bodies, trying to look at Kam. She looked so helpless laid there as they moved her around, one man beginning chest compressions as the other moved her onto a stretcher and a third stopped the bleeding. But still, she laid there. Not a single movement.

My soul was entirely torn apart, that was my Kameron. And she was like this because I'd left her. 

As they moved her out of the apartment, I followed. Grabbing the letter addressed to me as I walked past the island. I don't know why, but I'd instinctively just picked it up, almost as if Kameron herself was telling me to. But I couldn't accept that because that meat she was gone. And I wasn't giving up on her. I was never giving up on her. 

One of the men led me to the back of the ambulance and I sat there watching as they continued performing CPR, the sirens blazing.

Every second that went by and she hadn't responded I could feel her slipping further and further away from me, almost as if she were now only a speck in the distance. 

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now