Just Friends

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Kameron's POV

"Alessia," I was faced with the same problem which seemed to be a constant battle of mine, one that only Alessia could solve, "I don't know what to wear."

The day had passed us quickly by, and I now had two hours to get ready for dinner with Leah, she'd put my suitcases in a spare room so that we could get ready separately. 

Earlier, we'd gone on a beautiful walk in the woods, Amanda told me some of the funniest stories of Leah as a child, who just walked beside me highly embarrassed. Then we'd gone to their local pub for lunch and watched a movie, a very slowly paced day, but very enjoyable.

"Well, what are your options?" Alessia asked.

I showed her the three options I had, a little black dress, a pastel blue corset-like dress and then a white corset top with a black skirt. 

"What's the place like?"

"I'm not completely sure, but Le said I should wear something nice."

Alessia giggled down the phone.

"What?" I asked her, beginning to grow stressed because I had no luck at decision making, when it came down to clothes. 

"This is so a date," she teased.

"No it's not," I told her.

"Then Kam, why is she taking you to a fancy little restaurant, and why are you so goddamn stressed?" Alessia spelled it out for me.

"Because she's doing a nice thing. We're just friends," I told her.

"Just friends?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," it's true, Leah and I were just friends, as much as I wanted it to be a different situation, it wasn't, "Just friends."

"Okay, well seeing as your just friends, you don't need to stress. Therefore you don't need my help," Alessia said quickly, more in a teasing tone, she was trying to get information out of me.

"No, Alessia don't go," I replied quickly, "Okay, there might be more on my end but I'll tell you later tonight. Now can you please just help me?"

I was somewhat glad to get that off my chest, I didn't like hiding things from Alessia and as I'd just experienced, I was absolutely rubbish at it.

"Okay," she replied smirky, "Now that you've admitted that, I'll help. The corset and skirt is a bit cheap looking, really cute but not classic." Alessia told me so quickly, she seemed to just know when it came to these things.

"I like the blue dress, but if you want to look properly cute, it might not go with what she's wearing or the restaurant."

"Why does that matter?" I laughed.

Alessia gasped, "trust me, it matters. Like listen, what happens when you want a picture and the blue clashes with her outfit, or the restaurant, or even the plates?"

I laughed, still not quite understanding why this was such a deep problem according to Alessia, but she was the expert, I trusted her.

"So I would say the black dress, it's a basic color but it's not plain and simple, it's cute."

"You make it so easy, thankyou."

"That's my job."

We said goodbye and I looked at the dress laying in front of me. It was black with a lace detail, it would hang nicely off of me, with a rather low V-neck. It was somewhat casual but could definitely be made more formal, but I didn't want to wear an overextravagant outfit, I just wanted to blend in. 

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