They Were Us; The Sky And Earth Angel

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Kameron's POV

My eyes practically tore open, my mind fighting to get out of my dream, ignoring the peaceful bliss it had brought me because it was Christmas morning, no dream would ever equate.
I looked to the clock beside me, it was just past six o'clock, the tingles already inhabited my stomach and my head light as a cloud and I couldn't stay still, the excitement was too much. 

"Leah," I whispered, my mouth close to her ear, "Leah it's Christmas."

I then saw Leah's mouth form a bright smile before I'd even seen the blue of her eyes, which then burst open, looking directly into mine, "It's Christmas," she repeated.

Nodding, I felt my lips part into a wide smile, "Yeah," I pulled her face to mine, leaving a quick kiss on her lips. 

"What's the time?" She asked me.

"Little past six."

"Time to wake up mum and dad then," she told me, pulling the duvet from our laps.

"Leah," I laughed, "It's only six, you can't wake them yet."

"Yeah I can," she shrugged, "It's past six, that's always been the rule since I was kid."

"You never do grow up, do you?"

"Never," her face was smug, "Now are you coming or am I going to have to carry you?"

Leah was already walking towards me, her arms positioned to pick me up, "I think you're going do the option you prefer no matter what," I giggled as I felt my body lifted from the bed, Leah carrying me bridal style, as I clung to her hoodie, walking towards her parents room.

If I hadn't already learnt it, Leah could be loud and this was one of her loudest moments, she practically burst open her parents door, "It's Christmas!" She shouted.

"Jesus, you know how to make an entrance," I laughed underneath my breath.

I saw Leah's parents jolt awake, clearly shaken by the shouting of their very excited daughter, "Fucking hell Leah!" He dad exclaimed, "You're going to give a heart attack next year."

Both Amanda and David now sat up, catching their breath.

"It's Christmas!" Leah repeated, this time a little quieter but with her mouth wide open still trying to convey that it was in fact Christmas.

"I know honey," Amanda smiled up at us, "And you two both look very sweet but maybe next year wake us up a bit more quietly."

Eventually, Leah manages to convince her parents to get out of bed or more so give them the breathing space to have the capacity to get up. We all headed down stairs, David's first stop being to the coffee machine where he made himself and Amanda some extremely strong coffee and Leah and I hot chocolates, it felt like being a child again.
Having all the energy in the world whilst everyone else remained asleep, something you take for granted when you're young but it so refreshing as you grow older. 

We were sat on the sofa and everyone began to exchange gifts, the smile on Amanda's face being one of shock and adoration as she opened up her presents from David and David's chuckles of surprise opening his. 

Leah and I watched her parents living in their own little bubble and it was a beautiful sight; love always was.
The world had been made out to be such a cruel place, where bad men lurked in the shadows and a treacherous fall hid around every corner, and yes those things existed but on the whole, there a was a universe of light that people failed to mention. Love was often overlooked with hate because somehow, it is easier to hate than to love. 
But love is everywhere you look, it's in the way lonely eyes catch across a busy room, the sensation of tingles as your hand brushes against another's and in the arms of those who you are most protected by. 
The world seems a daunting place until you find your home, but once you're there, it's like the curtains have finally been opened and the light floods in, drowning you in that unexplainable feeling. 

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