Girl Code

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Kameron's POV

"Okay everyone!" Mapi shouted, pouring vodka into little rainbow shot glasses for people, "Let's all do a shot for Kameron!"

The whole team cheered, arms flying in the air, and choked back the shot, the majority of people looking disgusted afterwards and complaining which I'd forever find amusing. 

Lucy wooed and clapped over everyone, her voice was always somehow the loudest, "Now!" She announced, "I want this to be a night of pure fun, last one we'll be having in a while!"

"Yes girls. After this, it's back to work!" Alexia told us all. 

Mapi walked over to the speakers and cranked them up to the highest volume, the sound waves practically causing the entire room to shake. You couldn't help but to get involved of the atmosphere of slight chaos, flashing lights everywhere and people which very quickly turned into blurry figures. 

Lucy had somehow appointed herself as bartender for the night and constantly walked over to people and poured more spirits into their glasses, always very pleased with herself; Keira just laughed and shook her head, finding the whole thing rather funny. 

A few hours into the party I stood towards the back, just drunkenly admiring the team I'd grown to love. Mapi walked over to me and flung her arm messily around my shoulder.

"Pretty great party you've got going here," I laughed, as she practically leant her whole weight onto me. 

"Yeah, they sure do know how to have a good time," I felt her eyes fall onto Ingrid who was jumping up and down with Jana, a smile gracing her face and a bounce to her hair.

"What do you think about Ingrid?" I asked Mapi, normally I wouldn't have gotten involved but the alcohol had turned my judgement messy and I thought these two would be good for one another.

"For you?" Mapi replied, shotting her drink and flinging the plastic cup off to the side of the room.

"No," I shook my head, "us two are definitely just friends, much better that way. I meant for you?"

There was silence, I looked over to the girl beside me to see her staring at Ingrid, she practically had hearts falling from her eyes and a little smile on her face which she couldn't wipe away.

I smirked, "You like her don't you?"

"Don't tell her," Mapi rolled her eyes at me.

"I won't, it's not my place," I tried explaining clearly, but everything came out somewhat slurred, "But you should tell her."

"No, it would be too awkward."


"I mean it's obvious she wouldn't like me, I'm not really her type."

"What's her type then, if you know her so well?" I knew that Mapi was Ingrid's normal type to every last detail.

"You," she replied disheartened.

I shook my head, I was the anomaly to Ingrid, "I think you'd be surprised how she feels."

"You really think so?"

"I've known that girl for years and years," I assured her, "I know for certain."

"What should I do then?" 

Mapi was usually so confident, she radiated the same cockiness as Leah always did, I was surprised to see her so unsure of herself. It was quite sweet though, this new found vulnerability showed me that she was even more perfect for Ingrid that I'd first thought.

"Go talk to her, see what happens."

"What about girl code? I don't want to step on anyone's toes."

"What do you mean?"

Mapi shrugged almost uncomfortably, "You guys seemed pretty serious."

I let out a soft laugh, "Mapi, I'm the one telling you to go for it and yeah, we were pretty close but it was a while ago plus me and Ingrid realized we should be friends cause that's better. It's all chill."

"You sure?" she looked up at me.


Mapi looked back over at Ingrid, I gave her a slight shove in the right direction, "Now go and get your girl!" I called after her, "And I want every, last detail!"

Mapi just waved me off, looking rather embarrassed and nervous as she first left but by the time she joined with Ingrid, I saw that familiar confidence and smoothness return, she was going to do just fine. 

I decided to let my eyes trail away from the duo that I hoped would find solace in one another, to the rest of the girls. They all looked so happy and free. People don't seem to care what they look like when they've had a drink or two and I think it made them all more beautiful. 

They'd let their hair fall messy and free, the expressions on their faces were all genuine. And the ways their bodies moved to the music showed the energy and happiness they all had.

Pulling out my phone, I took a quick video of everyone screaming and dancing then uploaded it to my Instagram story along with the selfies Alexia and I had taken earlier on, it would be a nice moment to look back on and I loved giving the fans behind the scenes stuff; it showed how close the team truly was. 

Not even a minute later I felt my phone ping in my hand, a notification that shamefully made me smile like a young school girl seeing her crush in the hallway. She had so much power over me, a few simple words had me going weak in the knees, but I was going to blame it completely on the alcohol. 


you look gorgeous

looks like a great time
have fun 

missing you though

thanks ;)

miss you too Le
we have to catch up 
at some point

Yes! Sounds great

have a good night <3


Even though Leah and I had our fair share of history, to say the least, this all felt completely new. Of course she was familiar to me, but it still felt fresh and exciting, I wasn't sure if that was a good thing, but I did enjoy the warm feeling in my stomach and the heat that crept onto my cheeks. 

I don't think the night ended until the next morning, from the last I'd seen of Ingrid and Mapi, they looked very cozy together. Mapi had taken my advice and I assumed it had worked in her favor, I hoped so at least. 

I'd woken up the next morning, more accurately the afternoon, still in Mapi's house much like most the Barcelona players. We all seemed to pass our scattered around, except for Alexia who seemed to be mothering Jana who was suffering from the decisions she'd made last night. 

My phone pinged as I walked into the kitchen, hoping to revive myself with a morning coffee. 


morning, or should I
say afternoon?

how you feeling?


Yet again, the butterflies took flight, performing circus tricks in my stomach. If I hadn't said it already; I was completely and totally fucked. 

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