Like Old Times

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Kameron's POV

"Oh my god I'm tired," I groaned as I collapsed into my seat beside Leah on the plane, my eyes already struggling to stay open and moving a single centimeter felt like running a marathon.

Lucy shook her head and laughed, "maybe you shouldn't have gotten home so late and packed earlier then." She spoke in a motherly tone, it was almost scarily accurate to how my mum used to talk, before everything happened.

"Sorry mum," I rolled my eyes.

Keira then scorned me, "Kameron! Don't talk to your mother like that!" She tried to keep a straight face but eventually the laughter prevailed which then all the rest of us joined in with.

Keira and Lucy really had adopted me, we were like our own little family. I was aware that the whole thing had a large degree of humor to it, but I did feel mothered by the two of them and I was thankful for that; it was something I hadn't felt in a while. The Barcelona duo felt like my protectors, like they'd guard me from the horrors of the world and hold me tight when everything had gone wrong. 

"But seriously, I'm shattered," I huffed.

"Sleep then," Keira told me, "You've got a couple hours. We'll wake you before we start landing."

I nodded, closing my eyes very quickly feeling my consciousness fade away.


Leah's POV

"How did things end with Jordan?" Lucy asked me, her arms crossed and she clearly wasn't in agreement with mine and Jordan's past relationship in the slightest, I looked up from my phone to be faced with them both staring at me, cold looks on their faces. This had clearly been a plan. 

Kameron had already fallen asleep though thankfully, her head hung lightly towards her chest and her lugs curled up in the chair, she looked peaceful. 

"Not great," I admitted, "quite a lot of shouting, mostly on her end."

"I'm not surprised," Keira sighed, "It was wrong Leah, you shouldn't have done it to her."

"Are you talking about Kam or Jordan?" I asked. 

"Both of them," she told me.

"I'll make it up to Kam," I looked to her, Kameron still sat there fast asleep, a bittersweet smile covered my face. She looked so peaceful now but I knew the pain I'd caused and I wished I could take it all back. But life didn't work like that, there was no rewind button.

"And as her mothers we feel responsible to give you the talk," Lucy announced, a slight smirk on her face but seriousness remained in her eyes. 

"The talk?" I questioned. 

"That don't hurt Kam again because she won't forgive you if there is a next time, and neither will we," Lucy told me, Keira nodded along, showing her agreement. 

"There won't be a next time," I assured them, "I'm here for good, she's just going to have to put up with me forever now."

"Okay now that's out of the way, we can go back to being your friends," Keira replied, chuckling lightly at the slight fear my eyes held, I truly felt like I was being told off by Kameron's parents. 

Lucy cleared her throat, "So what do you think camps going to be like?"

"I don't know I think-," I was then interrupted by Kameron's falling lightly onto my shoulder meaning I lost any concept of my thought process, my heart immediately speeding up and my whole body tensing, at a complete loss at what to do.

Stand By Me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now