2.24 (M)

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Riding into battle gives people strength. For others, it was their God that gave them strength, but for Y/N, it was her husbands. They gave her the strength. They taught her how to fight. They taught her what to believe in, and now, one of them was gone. Abandoned her. Now, she must find the strength herself to keep going. To keep fighting. For Finan as he would her. Finan would always fight for her, and it was time she did the same.

Y/N looked around Æthelflaed's estate for Finan. Her boredom had over exerted itself and found its way to irritate her.
"I take it, Uhtreds men will not come looking for Skade?" Y/N approached Finan, who was talking to a group of men at the stables. Finan looked back at her with a frustrated face, causing her to laugh.
"Can you blame them when Sihtric abandoned them." Finan shook his head, reaching to pull her towards him, placing a kiss on her lips.
"Uhtred won't be happy when he comes back." Y/N hummed. Nodding tentatively as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "That is true."
"What is that look, woman." Finan eyed her, a smirk forming on his face.
"Well. Uhtred isn't back yet, and Osferth has gone to pray." Y/N said with a glint in her eye. "So I thought I would say goodbye properly, as Lord Aldhelm has agreed to bring me back to Wessex." Finan smirked as he pushed her back against the poll, his hand reaching towards her face.
"And when do you go." Y/N peeked round to see Lord Aldhelm fetching the horses.

Finan chuckled as he bought her lips close to hers, brushing them against hers slowly.
"Then we will have to be quick!" Finan murmered as he lifted her up, letting her legs fall around his waist. Carrying her towards the corner of the stables. Y/N quickly pulled down her breeches before pulling him into a deep kiss.
"Finan!" Y/N gasped when she felt him push his way inside her. Finan bit her ear gently as he thrusted into her. Her hands grabbed his arse pushing him deeper into her.
"Lady Y/N. Are you ready to leave?" It was Lord Aldhelm's voice. Finan and Y/N chuckled as Finan thrusted harder.
"Let me say goodbye to Finan!." Y/N called out, breathlessly, as Finan found his way towards her neck, trying his best to cum quickly for her.

Finan rested his head on top of hers, looking at her eyes. A sad look on his face, knowing he had to leave her.
"This isn't right. Yu should be here with me." Y/N stroked Finans cheek gently, feeling his pain. Neither had ever had to separate before. Y/N always came with her husbands, or she would always stay with one of them when the other was away, and now she was to leave on her own.
"I know, but I can not fight in this condition." Y/N nuzzled her nose against his. Something that she had not done in a while. "I am no use to you with a wounded shoulder."
"I will find a way to return to yu, with Skade dead or alive." Finan promised.

Lord Aldhelm nodded at Y/N as she approached. The Lady Æthelflaed had managed to convince Edward to allow Y/N to seek refuge in Wessex under Father Beocca's protection. It was granted if she abided by Alfred's proposal that she would attend to duties with Thyra and not involve herself in any affairs.
"Lord Aldhelm." Finan greeted as he lifted his wife onto the horse.
"I have given my word to the Lady Æthelflaed that I will return your wife directly to Father Beocca. I give you my word that I will keep her safe." Lord Aldhelm spoke with confidence and assurance to Finan that he would keep his wife safe.
"Yu better." Finan looked at his wife one last time. His heart broke, knowing he had to leave her, after everything that had just happened, he felt he was abandoning her.
"Remember I will always come back to yu. I swear it." Y/N leaned down to kiss him one last time before she pulled her cross off, handing it to him.
"I want it back, Finan. I want yu back home with me."

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