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During those lonely months that Y/N spent with Father Beocca and Thyra, Finan spent alone. Sleepless nights came to him as he worried about his wife. Feeling as though he, too, had abandoned her, even though she was safer at Winchester. The feeling never left him until Uhtred decided they were to regain Skade. His stomach knotted in anticipation as he clutched her cross that was around his neck. Kissing it every morning and every night as if she were with him. With every journey, he was ready to get rid of Skade. Even if it meant killing her himself.

When they reached Crowland, they made themselves known to attract Cnut and his men that they were here for Skade. Burying themselves in ale, making it look like they did not wish to be reached.
"Men with weapons, Lord. Some with bows." Osferth came to the table, informing them that they were now retaliating.
"He has sent his message, and now he plans to keep us here." Finan chuckled, knowing they were getting closer and closer to Skade.
"Inside an Alehouse? I can think of worse places." In reality, any place was a bad place if Y/N was not there.
"Guthlac belongs to the Danes. They will hear we're trapped and will ride to kill us all. Which is good. There will be less men at their camp. We're a distraction." Uhtred informed his men.
"And we are surrounded." Finan made clear to the guards, watching the men check the exits.

Guthlacs voice got louder and louder as he demanded for Uhtred. Finan shot up, prepared for Uhtred's command as he watched Uhtred walk up the stairs, checking the balcony.
"Uh. What now, Lord." Finan asked, as he watched two women scarper down the stairs.
"Bring me fire quickly." Finan turned to pull the torches off the wall, handing them to Uhtred, with a sigh. Finan grabbed Osferth to head outside to their horses. Heading to the woods, to scout the area.

The longer they scouted, the more frustrated Finan became. They were know where near to getting Skade, and it started to agitate him.
"I see only Cnut." Finan grumbled.
"That's good enough. Less men at the camp." Uhtred said as they watched Cnut appear with a small army.
"Do you think Sihtric is at the camp?" Osferth asked. Finan glared at him, feeling bitter about Sihtric.
"If he knows what's good for him, he will face me." Finan said bluntly as he watched the camp. Waiting for Uhtreds word, as they watched more men leave. Finans' eyes scanned the area when he noticed a figure starting to approach them. He recognised that figure.
"It is Sihtric." Osferth confirmed. Finan held onto his dagger closely, not trusting the Dane anymore.

Uhtred moved to approach Sihtric with an angry face, making Finan tighten his sword.
"You have something to say to me, boy?" Uhtred stated, as Sihtric unsheathed his sword.
"Yield to me." Sihtric raised it towards Uhtred with a glare. Finan watched closely as Uhtred dropped his sword. Sihtric did the same and approached Uhtred with a hug.
"I'm going to kill him." Finan murmered, realising the whole thing was set up.
"You were playing us. My goodness, they were playing us, Finan!" Osferth slapped Finans ankles. Finan did not move, as he wanted to attack Sihtric.
"Why?" Osferth asked.
"They would not believe us if we did not make them." Uhtred said with a laugh. Finan watched Sihtric approach him carefully. His face was ridden with guilt.
"Is Y/N well?" Sihtric whispered. Finan shoved him backwards as Sihtric approached him.
"Are yu a fool, Sihtric?" Finan spat. "Do yu know what yu have done to her?"

Sihtric shook his head, looking towards Uhtred in anger. Sihtric had already suffered enough, but Finan would not allow him to be pardoned so easily.
"Do you not understand how much it pained me to do that to her. To blame her. To watch her own heart break at your hands. To tell her that none of it meant anything to you. Do you think that was easy." Sihtric spat. "Do you think it was easy to walk away from her and live with the seer who tortured her. Who killed our CHILD. While your own wife has to suffer again."
Finan made a big sigh. He knew he could not blame Sihtric. If anything, Uhtred was to blame, but the pain she had to endure just for Skade was not worth it for Finan. There were many other ways Sihtric could have told her. Finan just did not understand why he chose to be so cruel to her.
"All I'm saying is she's gonna kill yu when she sees yu and I'm not holding her back." Finan said with a sigh.
"She wouldn't hurt him that bad?" Osferth said worriedly, looking between them.
"She could cut off yur cock. Depends on her mood when she sees yu." Sihtric looked at the ground sadly, he did not care anymore. Only wishing to see her. "It would be worth it if she would forgive me. Anything would be."
"Finan!" Uhtred interrupted. "Do not worry him anymore. We will return to Y/N soon, and I will speak with her."
"Lord. She will because yu told him to hurt her. She might as well take yur cock as well." Finan glared, "I'm just saying, Lord. Yu've both messed up big time, so be prepared when she sees yur face, because I know my wife is going to be pissed." Finan looked at a solemn Sihtric, who's face never moved from the ground beneath him. "I would cut it off now. Best to be safe." Finan grumbled as he finally embraced Sihtric with a hug.

"Sihtric. We need to know now?" Uhtred asked, knowing they were running out of time.
"Only Hæsten remains at the camp. Bloodhair is dead. He fought with Hæsten and was killed by Skade." Sihtric informed. Finans eyes widened as he muttered under his breath at how dangerous Skade had become.
"She's a witch like no other." Sihtric stressed, after what he had seen her do.
"She knows of your promise to shadow-walk, but there are too many guards." Sihtric informed, "she is allowed to collect grass and herbs by a tree for her spells." Finan and Uhtred looked at each other as they listened to the information Sihtric had given them.
"A tree?" Uhtred asked. Sihtric rolled his eyes, "it's a single tree. On the other side of the camp. You cannot miss it."
"We will take her tonight." Finan breathed in at Uhtreds words. Knowing he was finally going to get to return to his wife, along with Sihtric.

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