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If a war had not started, it had officially started now as they all looked down at King Edwards' wife, Ælflaed. None of them knew what to say or to think. Hæsten bringing the body of Ælflaed has now bought a dread of uncertainty.
"Why would Sigtryggr, do so stupid." Finan stated.
"He would not. This is not his command." Uhtred answered. Finan and Y/N looked at eachother silently. Dread started to fill them.
"Lord, not to state the obvious, but shouldn't two of us go to Sigtryggr and ask him directly?" Y/N stated. Uhtred nodded, looking at her and then to Finan. "Y/N you will go to Aegelesburg with District. Take Æthelstan, with you. Finan and Osferth you will stay here and guard the Queen. I will go to Eoferwic with Hæsten." Y/N sighed, but silently agreed, as she went to find her husband.
"Mother. I need to tell you something!" Cynlæf shouted, but she waved her hand to stop him.
"I already know. Myself and Sihtric are going to Aegelesburg, stay here with your father until we get back." Y/N quickly said as she walked off to find Sihtric, leaving her son stood there rather confused.
"Sihtric, Æthelstan. We ride to Aegelesburg. Now!" Y/N shouted as she walked towards her horse, climbing onto it.
"Has something happened?" Sihtric asked.
"I will tell you along the way." Y/N quickly kicked her horse to set off.

When they reached Aegelesburg, they had all ready drawn attention, which meant the people of Mercia knew they were here. Y/N said nothing and silently followed Lord Aldhelm.
"We will be noticed." Æthelstan complained. "Sihtric. Mother."
"Not if you stay quiet. Learn to move my stealth." Sihtric whispered as he followed his wife to the door, staying the opposite side to her, as they listened to what Lord Æthelhelm had to say. It seemed as if Lord Æthelhem was already well informed of the massacre. To informed. Sihtric looked at Y/N, silently agreeing. Y/N leaned her head closer to get a better insight.
"Little Aalys, slaughtered as she carried the tapestry on its sacred journey. Hung from a tree like a piece of rotten meat. The visionary... A symbol of your common people, murdered." Lord Æthelhelm told the story as if it was recited. But. It was recited wrong. Aalys was alive, it was his daughter that was hung by a tree. Y/N walked off, already having the answer.
"Y/N, what is it?" Sihtric said. Y/N looked at Æthelstan for a brief moment, before an idea came into her head.
"Æthelstan. Stay here. If he has heard this much then in time he will hear the worst of it. You may want to comfort your father." Y/N said rather coldly. She was doing it on purpose and with good intentions. Before Æthelstan could say another word, she rode off, heading outside of the gate towards the river to wait for Sihtric.
"Can you please tell me, what is going on." Sihtric said impatiently.
"Lord Æthelhelm is the one who ordered Aalys death, only for the Queen to take her place." Y/N climbed off her horse to tie it's reigns to the tree. "Æthelstan is King Edwards son. At the end of the day if a battle came then he has to make a decision. I can not force someone to go against their father, that is wrong. It is time he chooses his path and that he must do alone." Y/N trailed off when she felt something break in her chest.
"You should have warned me." Sihtric said.
"It does not matter. We cannot play the game of thrones anymore. We have family, and it is getting incredibly stupid." Y/N said as she clutched her stomach. "Something is wrong. I can feel it."
"Finan is there. Along with Cynlæf and Osferth." Sihtric said as he wrapped his arm around her waist, but she pulled him off, dropping to the floor, crying out.
"O-one of my children are dead. One of-f them. I can feel it." Y/N whimpered. Sihtric just held her tightly.
"I can feel it." Y/N cried out.
"I believe you. I do, but we need to return for the others." Sihtric quickly wiped his eyes, trying to brave for her.

A day later on the road they met with Uhtred, "Y/N, tell me?"
"The news has already spread to Aegelesburg, but the wrong news. They think Aalys is dead. They also talk of attacking the Danes." Y/N said.
"How did the news come?" Uhtred asked.
"Lord Æthelhelm." Sihtric stated. Uhtred thought for a moment, till he realised what they all had thought.
"What if they planned it? The killing of Aalys. Æthelhelm was unaware his daughter travelled with the pilgrims. So he arranged to kill the visionary to poison the people against the Danes. We must now alert the enemy with in."
"Lord!" Someone called. They all turned around to see Cynlæf, Finan and Eir, who's arm was wrapped in a bandage.
"What are you doing here? Ælfwynn is in Buccstan." Uhtred called out. Y/N looked at the three of them who were covered in blood, but their eyes held pain, so much pain.
"What news of Rumcofa?" Uhtred demanded.
"What of our children?" Sihtric demanded.
"Uhtred lives, Lord, but... F-Finan and Osferth did not make it." Cynlæf stated. Y/Ns heart shattered causing Uhtred and Sihtric to grab her.
"Finan. Explain!" Sihtric yelled. Finan tried to speak but nothing came out.
"Finan!" Uhtred shouted.
"Men from Wessex came to slaughter the Danes. I tried. I tried." Finan choked out.
"Finan saved Eirs life, mother. He fought like a warrior." Cynlæf assured.
"He is a boy!" Y/N shouted. "He is my boy!"
"M-Mother, I am sorry." Eir breathed out.
"What are you sorry for. You didn't get him killed. Finan should have protected  you better." Y/N said slowly.
"Y/N I swear to you, I am s-sorry." Finan breathed out. Finan knew it was only the grief talking, he accepted it, but he hoped she could pull it together, there would be a war and a lot more deaths.

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