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A/N: As I am coming towards the end of my degree, I am going to keep updates to 2-3 days as I have two months left at university (thank God)!!!! I thank you all for your patience in advance for the next two months!!!

I have written a few chapters ahead of time. Just in case I get really busy but it is only for a short while!!! 🩵

If things had changed when you reached Cookham. Things had massively changed in three years. Y/N had ended up with two more children called Young Finan and Kåre. Two sets of boys in a short space of time. She had even once swore to herself, that she would never hump Finan and Sihtric again, even though that was a lie. They're home now had five children living inside. Seven if you included Finan and Sihtric. Although she loved her home, it had become such a small place. There was no room. Cynlæf and Æthelstan had become huge boisterous teenagers. They had a massive growth spurt and spent their days sword training at sunrise. The two had become sworn brothers and did everything together. They would train together. Play together. Visit Ælfwynn in Mercia together. Even though Y/N had started to suspect something was going on as Cynlæf wanted to visit Mercia a lot more during the days. Even his fathers noticed Cynlæfs new interest and even tried to advise him that "There would be plenty of time to hump and fall in love." Eir, on the other hand, became a quiet little girl. She would follow her older brothers Cynlæf and Æthelstan when she could, if she wasn't playing with her parents.

Sihtric did turn out to be a housewife in the end and spent his days tending to his wife and their two newborn sons. It was more so out of fear that he would miss another birth because he was sent a way. However, Sihtric was a stressed housewife and spent the three years raising his voice a lot more because the house was so small that he could not move, while Finan spent his days as the new swordsman teacher. Teaching the children how to fight with Uhtred, even though he secretly wished he opted for housewife duties and sent Sihtric instead. It was a peaceful life for once, and it was almost quite scary, considering how Uhtred had left things with King Edward and Brida. Brida. How Y/N feared Brida would come back. She knew that woman would come back to find Uhtred one way or another, and she would wage a war against all of them. Uhtred was her childhood lover, and he hurt her way too many times, but only time would tell. King Edward, on the other hand, was not an issue, even though Y/N worried he had hidden ideas. Edward still kept his promise and allowed for Y/Ns children to be educated, but in Mercia. They chose Mercia because it was safer for Æthelstan. There were still threats in Wessex, and Y/N would not risk having her children put in danger.

Then again, there was always danger when they were with Uhtred. They were never safe. Even their own children were not safe from Uhred, as of now.
"I'm sorry!... look... all better." Uhtred said nervously as he caught Kåre's head on the torch, setting poor Young Finan off.
"I'm going to cry!" Sihtric grunted as he stood up to pass Eir a plate when the two boys came running in, nearly knocking their father out the way.
"Cyn! Urg! STOP RUNNING AROUND!" Sihtric shouted, making the two boys laugh as they plopped themselves down next to Hild, who came to visit. Y/N laughed as she bounced Young Finan on her lap, making him face Cynlæf who pulled faces at him.
"Oh sit down, Siht!" Y/N said, pulling at his wrist.
"Siht should sit!" Cynlæf taunted, a new joke he found. Sihtric hit his fist on the table, completely fed up of the two boys.
"Stop pissing yur father off!" Finan shouted as he walked in with Osferth. Finan kissed his wife on the lips before kissing his sons head before taking Kåre in his arms.
"Sihtric!" Uhtred called in amusement as he watched Sihtric pace up and down.
"We need a bigger house." Sihtric grumbled.
"Maybe stop humping your wife so much." Father Pyrlig said with a laugh, making the two boys giggle.
"I do not. It's Finan. He can't go five days without humping her!" Sihtric growled in frustration, making Finan laugh as he covered Eirs ears from such words.
"I have, yu know. There is nothing wrong with having Irish blood." Finan said with a smirk as he looked at his wife, who shook her head at him. "And besides. We now have Osferth living with us!" Finan grumbled as he looked at a sad looking Osferth who had his heart broken by Eadith.

Eadith had spent the first year with them after she had nowhere else to go. More so, Eadith and Osferth did seem really happy together, but the more she stayed with them, the more she missed her home in Frankia. She wanted to make something of herself and not be known as the wife of Osferth. Y/N could understand as she, herself, did not always stick around as a housewife. Y/N fought in battles as a friend and an equal of Uhtred. Eadith was not a liar, nor was she deceitful. She had always admitted her feelings and concerns, but in the end, England was not truly for her, so she left for Frankia to study in medicines and alchemy. Osferth even promised to wait for Eadith to come back, but Eadith did not know how long it would take for her to return, so she asked him not to wait. Y/N did not blame Eadith, unlike her husbands, who called Eadith a liar, a deceitful woman, but they were men who barely understood independent women. Luckily for them, Y/N was an easy woman who at least appreciated their company and didn't want to abandon them for some schooling in another country.

"Alright! Alright!" Y/N said, getting fed up with the bickering. "Problem solved. We move in with Uhtred." Uhtred looked at Y/N with a glare. There would still be no room in Cookham.
"Are we not running out of money here in Cookham?" Osferth muttered. That was also true. Cookham was not as wealthy as it once was, and they were struggling to make trade. Uhtred looked at Y/N with a smirk. A look that told her, if she wasn't pregnant all the time, they wouldn't be poor.
"I will cut it off, Uhtred!" Y/N said as she looked at Finan.
"No! Next year. One more!" Finan said quickly. It was a contradiction. He was the man who said no after Eir and ended up with two more.
"No more Finan!" They scolded. Shaking their head at Finan.
"Have you asked Æthelflaed? She may have some land." Hild asked with a smirk.
"Yeah, Uhtred. Ask Æthelflaed!" Y/N said with a smirk, knowing Æthelflaed would give Uhtred anything if he humped her right. Uhtred sighed as he drank his ale, looking at them all. He knew it was time to leave Cookham and find a new estate. They all needed the wealth.
"I can ask, but Cynlæf has seemed to have rocked the alliance between us at the moment." Uhtred said with a smirk, making Y/N smack the back of her sons head.
"I only gave her a gift!" Cynlæf defended, avoiding the gaze of everyone in the room.
"You better not have given her one of your arm rings?" Sihtric said sternly. Cynlæf looked up from his stew. Looking between his fathers nervously.
"CYNLÆF!" Finan and Sihtric shouted, making Cynlæfs shove a load of bread in his mouth, ignoring the scolding from his fathers about how sacred arm rings were.
"I don't know why you are telling me off. You gave mother your arm rings." Cynlæf defended. Uhtred sighed as he slammed his cup down, "I will see what I can do."
"Yu better, Lord!" Finan said as he looked at Sihtric, who glared at him.
"When we move, you can stay in the house with the children." Sihtric spat at Finan.
"Sure. I got one year left!" Finan smirked, causing his wife to smack the back of his head.

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