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Y/N decided to visit the Nunnery on the outside of Winchester to share her news with Uhtreds children. She had missed them greatly and had been trying to convince Father Beocca to speak to the King about letting her visit, within reason. The reason that she must be accompanied by Steapa, who must report back everything she discussed with the children. As Alfred feared, she could be conspiring against him.
"Lady Y/N. Lady Y/N." A young boy called, his face red from running towards her.
"Uhtred. How have you grown. Your hair is long." Y/N noticed, carefully sliding from her horse to give Young Uhtred a hug. The boy embraced her gently. Almost unsure whether it was appropriate to touch her. Y/N noticed and stepped back to look at him. Seeing him in his Monk robes. A cross hung around his neck.
"Are you well? How do they treat you?" Young Uhtred smiled at her as he led her inside the Chapel. Steapa following behind her.
"Yes. Yes, I am. They treat me well and have shown me the way of God. The true way." Uhtred said as he sat with her at the table. Pouring her a drink. "Please do not be offended, Lady Y/N, but the nuns do not wish my sister to see you. They believe you will taint her, as Stiorra has always looked up to you. Stiorra will not join me in the Christian path."

Y/N was surprised to hear the accusation against her had travelled all the way to a Nunnery. She had heard it all week and she was sick of it, but she could not suggest anything differently. She must not riall Alfred with harmful words, as she was gifted with this interaction.
"That is sad to hear, but I do hope she is well and knows that I think of her." Y/N said as she looked around her, feeling slightly threatened by those around her. "But why did you choose to visit me, Uhtred?"
"You have looked after me, and God knows that. And I know you would accept my wish to stay here as a servant of God." Y/N reached for his hand, squeezing it.
"I am not your mother, Uhtred. I can not stop you, nor am I against you for believing in God. I am still a servant of God." She wanted to say, 'even if she was married to a Pagan,' but she did not want to give any more reason for Alfred to suspect her of the unnecessary.
"You are. You will always be, Lady. Even if you trail away, God will always bring you back." Uhtred squeezed her hand back. "How is my father? Are your husbands well? I do not remember them much."
"I have not seen them in around two months. It was not safe for me to journey with them for a while. I am not fit for fighting for now." Y/N said with a smirk, wondering if the young boy would understand.
"I do not understand." Uhtred shook his head lightly. Feeling guilty, he did not understand the hidden message.
"God has blessed me with a child." Young Uhtreds face changed into a bright smile as he got up to hug her.
"I will pray for the health of you and your child. That your husbands will return soon to be a father." Y/N saw the pain in his eyes. He felt that his father had abandoned them.
"Your father." Young Uhtred interrupted her. "I know who my father is. He is a heathen and Godless and that is not your fault, Lady. Though I hope your husbands will be a better father than mine."
"Times up." Steapa said as he approached from his position. "Let's move along."
"I know what times up means, Steapa. I am not a fool." Y/N snapped, giving Young Uhtred one last hug.
"One last thing. How is Osbert?"
"Do not worry, Lady. We are all well. I will share the news with Stiorra. I will pray for you. I swear it." Y/N hugged him one last time, placing a kiss on his head before leaving with Steapa, to head back to Winchester.

That afternoon, Y/N spent it threading beads with Thyra as they waited for Father Beocca to return. Neither of them spoke to each other as they quietly threaded the beads.
"Beocca." Y/N murmered as she heard the door go. Not looking up from the string as she concentrated on trying a knot.
"There is a pile of dirt, soil." Father Beocca complained as he pulled up a chair to sit at the table.
"Where." Thyra said, not looking up either.
"Outside the door." Y/N hummed as she still tried to thread it. Her mind was telling her to chuck the thing on the floor, but she did not wish to make a mess. Knowing she would have to clean it.
"You are thinking of something more than a pile of dirt." Thyra asked.
"May God forgive me, but I wish Alfred would just close his eyes and die. The longer he lingers, the more anxious people may grow."
"Arrr." Y/N interrupted as she snapped the thread, letting all the beads fall lose. Y/N looked between Thyra and Beocca. Quickly apologising before she got down on the floor, picking up the beads that had started to scatter themselves around the floor.

Y/N sat on the floor, re-threading them. Ignoring Father Beocca's complaints about Alfred until he mentioned the issues of Thyra being a Dane.
"He does not mean they will just see you as a Dane. He means I as well." Y/N said, putting the beads down carefully. "I can read hidden meanings, Father. I am too aware of the name calling. Of being a Pagan. Being called a whore because of my marriage." Father Beocca looked down awkwardly at the woman.
"The God's will decide." Thyra said gently.
"God." Father Beocca said, causing the two women to smile.
"That is what I said." Y/N chuckled before she growled again. "I hate this. It does not tie, and the God's hate me." Thyra walked over with a chuckle, taking it from her hands. Y/N watched her take it from her hands, watching the beads leave her hands. Her eyes flickered to her ring, making her drop her head.
"What is the matter?" Y/N cried. She hated it. She wanted them hear.
"I miss them, both of them." She wanted Finan back. She wanted Sihtric back. She hated Winchester.

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