Authors Note

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After watching the Seven Kings Must Die, I have decided not to extend this fanfiction for the reason that I have already parted ways with this incredible fanfiction! I am massively happy with how the fanfiction has turned out along with all of the major support over the last year I have written this. I feel that if I started the extra chapters or extended the fanfiction, I feel it would not flow as well and I do not wish to ruin something that I already love so much.

I genuinely only wrote this fanfiction for a bit of fun and never expected it to take off and have this much support along the way! Nor did I expect to write a separate fanfiction once I finished this!!

I will not be updating anymore for A Saint to A Sinner!!

So, I am sad and happy to say this is my final goodbye to this fanfiction!💙

And I love you all loads!!!!
A 💙

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