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For once Y/N did not feel nervous or worry, that she was going into a marriage with Finan and Sihtric. She had hoped, and even prayed that her sister Hild would attend their wedding. Y/N was dressed in a dark green dress, with a fur covering that Thyra had stitched on for her, as it was going to be dark and cold. The three of them were going to get married at the river, away from the crowds and burning eyes.
Y/N rode beside Gisela, covered in her thick black coat so no one could see them. They were prepared for King Alfred to question the absence of their whereabouts and why they where not in Winchester. Clapa rode the women to the river for protection, while the men waited for them. Neither knew what to expect but trusted the men had everything sorted.
"You nervous?" Clapa asked the woman with a smirk, but she shook her head. Feeling confident in her choice than she had ever been.
"I would be. I hear there not good at humping women."
"Clapa." Y/N breathed out. "I will let you know when we return to Coockham." The man grinned as the women shook their heads at Clapa's words.

The closer they got, the more her stomach tightened in anxiety. It was a mixture of excitement and uncertainty, when she saw them, but it disappeared when she saw Hild with a smile on her face. Finan walked over with a grin, helping her off the horse. Uhtred and Beocca were stood by the river, a few candles were lit to help them see in the dark. Y/N looked around, noticing a few of Uhtreds men, but no one that she did not know.
"Lord!." Finan breathed out, looking at the bridal gown that Thyra put together.
"We are gathered here today to witness this the marriage between three people." Father Beocca smiled looking at Uhtred, muttering "which I will never be doing again."

Beocca took Sihtrics hand placing it underneath hers before placing Finans on top, binding a blue ribbon around their hands.
"The three of you will never part as you are bound as two men and one woman, in the eyes of God." Father Beocca pulled out a ring from his pocket, replacing the one on her thumb with a smaller one to go on her ring finger.
"Now let us pray. That God and all his Saints and angels bless you and pardon you." Sihtric laughed at Beoccas' comment. "Let us pray that this union between Dane and Saxon. Amen." Father Beocca, untied their hands, allowing them to embrace each other. Y/N mouthed a thank you, to Beocca for allowing this to happen.
"I thought Uhtred was going to marry us?" Y/N said to Sihtric who wrapped his arms around her, while Finan kissed her head.
"We ran out of time when you finally agreed to marry us." Finan said laughing, "we had not actually prepared for you to agree so quickly and besides Alfred has been watching Uhtred far too long." The woman had never been so grateful to anyone so much in her life, that she did not expect herself to marry them, let alone two other men. She did wonder why God had allowed this, but trusted in him as he did not stop them.The wedding had to be cut short as Uhtred feared Alfred would suspect their absence and call upon him. More so, Uhtred did not wish to explain their marriage this early on and have Alfred sanction them all.

That night, they travelled to  London, annoyed with Æthlered's men who were even more distasteful than Æthelwold. Uhtred was sent there to meet with Erik and Sigefrid, in hopes to get them to leave London, but London was not a place like Winchester, it was a dangerous place.
"I hear women do not walk the streets unguarded. That their bodies are found in the river daily." Sihtric said worriedly. Finan shook his head, putting his arm around both of them, "London is not Winchester, what you get is worth ten elsewhere." Finan kissed Y/Ns head before looking at Sihtric, "besides. We can't have another place that Y/N hates."
"Then why did you not live here before our marriage." Sihtric asked.
"And end up dead in a river. Do I look like fool." Finan laughed as Sihtric shoved him.
"Finan." Y/N scolded at the man, slapping his arm.
"Woman I'm not going anywhere. I'll take you down with me."

Uhtred guided the men to the centre, Æthlered walking, closely behind them.
"Sihtric. Find an inn to stay and look for any weaknesses. I will look after our wife." Finan muttered to Sihtric who slid off into the walls. Sihtric was good at being a spy as he was quiet and observant. The man could hide in the shadows and in plain sight. Sihtric used to creep up on the woman, when he wanted to see her. Finan kept Y/N close to him as they walked through the streets until they reached a man crucified on a cross. Y/N respectfully made a cross with her hands, giving Finan a nod that she was okay.
"God preserve us." Æthlered muttered.
"It is a death. Nothing more." Finan added. She could tell he was slightly bothered but did not say anything. Y/N made a mental note to ask him later. Finan pushed her through, muttering to her not to look up as they met with Erik and Sigefrid, who greeted them, a hint of satire in Sigefrid's voice, mocking Uhtred as the King of Mercia.

Y/N watched the men exchange words on a price to leave London. It was almost amusing for the woman to see Æthlered intimidated by Danes.
"Æthlered they're teasing you." Uhtred mused. The man clearly does not understand the Danes vulgar humour.
"Perhaps you should begin with a cup of ale. It's been a long walk from the river." Erik agreed and directed them to where they could drink. Y/N looked at Clapa with a smirk, she did wonder whether that man ever got full or bored of eating. Finan passed Y/N some bread watching Erik quietly speak to Uhtred.
"Do you trust him Fin?" Finan passed the cup of ale to Y/N, still watching him.
"It's his brother I don't trust," Finan grumbled watching them with slight irritation. The man had hoped to spend more time with his wife but as always Alfred had other ideas.
"Slowly Lord. It's a cruel death." Finan said as he got off the wall, approaching Sigefrid.
"That's what the priest said." Sigefrid complained.
"The priest is right." Finan challenged looking at Uhtred for a better death for the man.
"You should let him fight. The Romans used that square for that purpose. Combat." Erik rejected the idea of the priest fighting for his life. Y/N crossed her arms as she watched them decide what to do with the priest.
"Bread?" Clapa mused giving her another bit of bread.
"Are you always hungry?" She questioned. Clapa shrugged his shoulders taking his axe, following the men out to the square to see the priest standing with a shield and a blunt sword, making useless attempts to strike the Dane man called Bolton. With every strike the priest fell to the ground, still refusing to yield, as everyone cheered and shouted.
"The man can fight. He's pretending." Finan stated, watching the priest carefully, as the priest got up and pushed Bolton the floor. Finan was right, the man could fight.
"Is he a Dane?" Finan shrugged his shoulders, watching Uhtred speak to the priest.
"What do we do now?" Clapa asked.
"Stay there." Finan grumbled moving to speak to Uhtred.

Ever since they arrived in London Finan had seemed even more unhappy. She couldn't work out whether it was the interruption of their marriage or the man on the cross.
"We are to stay the night. Alfred will probably send an army." Finan huffed, looking at Clapa.
"Æthlered wants a fight?" Finan shook his head, heading towards an inn. Y/N followed after him, grabbing his arm, hoping to stop him, but he kept walking. Sihtric greeted them, swiftly kissing her on the lips before informing Uhtred of the four gates and the access points. Y/N knew she should have paid attention to Sihtric but instead she found herself wanting to know what was wrong with her other husband.
"Talk to me." Y/N placed her hand on his shoulders, leaning her head against his  Finan touched her hands before bringing them to his lips.
"My father used to threaten me with the cross. He used to put his own men on the cross in Irland to warn people." The woman sighed, listening to his burdens, he never meant for it to bother him, but it did.
"That's not what's bothering me."
"No?" She questioned, watching him drink the ale, before pulling her on to his lap, planting a kiss on her neck.
"I hate putting you in danger." Y/N looked at him gently, a smile rose from her face.
"I am safe. With you and Sihtric always." Finan looked at her almost studying her face, memorising it for when they may be forced to part next.

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