Chapter 2

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I pulled up to the gate of the compound and a voice asked me who i was there for... I told them i was there to meet Fury and the gate opened and i made my way in... I looked in awe at the magnitude of this place... I started to wonder if i had made a mistake... There were people everywhere... Running around doing God no what... I looked up to the sky where someone other than stark was flying around... 

"Eyes everywhere" I mumbled to myself... A few seconds later i got almost run over by a kid... What was a kid doing in this place?  I thought to myself... The kid ran on yelling an apology to me making me chuckle. 

I took a deep breath closed the door of the car i had rented and made my way towards the big doors... The doors opened and as soon as i stepped in i saw Fury appear smiling... Something about this man was unnerving when he smiled... 

"Ms. Celestino..." He said and i rolled my eyes shaking his hand. "Cleo..." I answered and he chuckled. "Jarvis call everyone to conference room 1..." Fury said and an artificial voice answered with a "Certainly..." 

I sighed and felt nervous all of a sudden. "Let me introduce you to everyone... It is rare but they are all in today..." Fury said and i stopped walking... "Nick... I dont know if i can do this..." I mumbled and he stopped to walking up to me. "You can... I know you can... Dont worry they dont bite and otherwise just bite back... I would like to see some of their ego's being brought down a notch or two..." He said and again that smile... 

I sighed and nodded... We walked on and before he opened a door, he paused looking at me with again that creepy smile... "Has anyone told you your smile is creepy..." I said and he laughed pushing open the door letting me go in first... The group of people waiting for us looked at us confused... 

To say that the room was impressive was an understatement... I looked around the room while the people in the room looked back at me... I chuckled when i saw the kid who bumped into me earlier look at me blushing...He looks so young and again i wondered what he was doing here... 

I could feel them trying to assess me... My eyes met the baby blues of Steve Rogers... Aka Captain America... He gave me a little forced smile... But his eyes bored into me... I wanted to look away, but his eyes had this hold on me...

"This is Ms. Celestino... Your new assistant... She will make sure everything will run smoothly around here..." Fury said and Captain Rogers eyes went cold his whole demeanor changed and it became cold...  Making me shiver... 

"You can't be serious..." Rogers said looking annoyed... "She will crack under the pressure... She can't possibly handle all that comes with the job...She is a woman... and a weak looking one at that..." He said and i looked at him stunned... 

Fury was about to say something when i stepped forward... "Excuse me...? Who do you think you are judging me... You dont even know me... I might be small but i can handle myself... I dont need a serum to get along with the big boys... And for me being a woman... Might i remind you that you put your life in the hands of women on your missions... So, i think you should think again when you judge me purely on the bases of me being a woman... Maybe think about that when you insult a whole demographic... We are not living in the 30's and 40's anymore Captain... If you are not careful it might come back and bite you in the ass..." I spat at him now standing in front of him...

"You are hired..." Stark said putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me out of my stare contest with the Captain... I could hear chuckles all around the room and Captain Rogers scoffed and walked out... 

"Okay someone will show you to your room and if you need to pick up some stuff from your place, we can arrange that... Welcome to the team..." Stark said with the biggest grin on his face... "Goodluck Cleo..." Fury said chuckling and started to make his way out... I rolled my eyes. "We are going to have a talk about this Nicky...!" I yelled after him... 

"Do you like party's...? Yes, you do..." Tony said smirking... Before i could even answer he rambled on... "Tonight we will have a party to welcome you... Wear something nice... Tomorrow you will be shown your office... Well and let me introduce everyone... You met the captain of course aka Capsicle... i like to call him... These are Vision and Wanda they are an item... Sam Wilson... Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff and over there is Rody... Peter... Thor and most important me..." He said grinning and everybody waved and welcomed me... 

"Pepper my wife lives her to... but she is out of town for business... Romanoff would you mind showing her her room..." Tony said and the red head smiled nodding... 

My head was still spinning of all the information but most off all from the fact that Wanda was poking around and i had to try my best to make sure she would only see what i wanted her to see... 

"Come with me..." She said smiling taking my arm and i walked with her... "We can pick up some of your stuff this afternoon... I know Barton and Peter wouldn't mind helping... You can call me Nat by the way... It is nice having another woman around... Especially one who can bite back..." She said smirking and i chuckled. 

"I dont have much stuff i need to pick up so no need to help but i could use the company though..." I said and she smiled. I felt comfortable with her... I hoped we would get along in the future having a friend or someone friendly around would be nice... "After i show you your room we can go get you a dress for the party and then go and pick up your stuff... And then tomorrow i will give you a tour through the compound..." She said and i nodded. "Sounds like a plan..." I said and we got off the elevator. 

She walked to a door and asked Jarvis to open it... The door opened and a beautiful spacious room appeared fully furnished... A big bed... a little sitting area and a luxurious bathroom with walk in closet... There was even a little kitchen with a sink and fridge... no cooking though... "We always eat together down in the kitchen... We take turns cooking... But most times we end up ordering in..." Nat said as she saw me looking at the kitchen... 

It looks amazing..." I said smiling looking around... "You are sharing this floor with me... Sam and Steve..." Nat said and i sighed. Great sharing with the guy that most certainly hates me i thought to myself but shook it off... Maybe he just needs time to get used to me... 

We walked back out the room and walked downstairs... She quickly showed me the kitchen and living room before we headed out to get a dress...  Apparently, a party to Stark standards needed a formal dress which i didn't own... 

Nat smirked showing me a credit card... "Compliments of Tony Stark..." She said and i chuckled shaking my head. The dress was gorgeous... a bit risky for my taste but i kind of liked it and Nat insisted that i looked hot and had to get it... After she had also picked a dress, we went to my place to pick up some of my stuff... We had a quick bite to eat at a diner close to the compound and then went back to get ready for the party... 

I smiled as Peter who was jumping around outside helped us get our stuff upstairs... He asked me like a hundred questions which i answered where i could and wanted... He was sweet... He still had that young innocence... And once again i wondered why the hell they would subject him to all of this, but Peter seemed to love it... 

Nat left to go to her own room to get ready as i took a quick shower and got ready... Looking in the mirror when i was done i smiled... There was a knock on my door and i answered making the door open automatically... "Lady Celestino it would be my honor to accompany you to the party..." Thor said and i smiled as he holds out his arm... 

I smiled as he led me to the party talking about his home Asgard... "It sounds amazing Thor... You must miss it when you are here..." I said and he smiled... "I do... Maybe one day i can show you..." He said and i nodded. "That sounds amazing..." I said as we walked into the party...

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