Chapter 53

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"You lied? About what princess?" He whispers after we had gotten dresses... After i confessed that i started to shake and Steve insisted, we were getting out of the shower and get dressed. 

He sat me down on the bed and got on his knees in front of me... "Princess... What did you lie about..." He whispers and i look at him with tears in my eyes. "I didn't want you to be distracted on the mission... I did it to keep you safe..." I say sobbing and he nods. "Okay... But i am not on the mission anymore so you can tell me now..." He says in a soft voice... "Please dont be mad... I didn't know... I- i please dont leave me... I thought we were safe..." I say sobbing and Steve pulls me off the bed and into his lap on the floor holding me tight. 

"I promise princess... But please tell me because you are scaring me..."  He whispers kissing my forehead and i sigh... "I told you nothing was wrong... but that is not true... It is not something is wrong, but it is something..." I mumble and he takes a deep breath... "Okay whatever it is we will get though it together..." He whispers and i let out a soft chuckle... "I am just scared you are going to be angry or leave me..." I mumble and now he chuckles... "Never princess... Never..." He says and i take a deep breath... Now or never just rip the band aid off... "I am pregnant..." I whisper so soft it is barely audible...

"Pregnant?" He whispers and i nod... "Really?" He asks with a smile on his face catching me off guard... but i nod... "Pregnant..." He whispers looking a little dazed...

"I dont know how... I was on birth control i swear..." I say starting to panic but he turns my face towards him and kisses me to shut up...  "How far along...?" He asks and i shake my head... "I dont know... I just... Dont know..." I mumble and Steve smiles... 

"You are not mad?" I whisper and he chuckles... "No princess... I am not mad... But we need to find out if the baby is alright and how far along you are..." He says and i sigh nodding... "I know i will make an appointment tomorrow..." I whisper and snuggle into him more... "No..." He says and stands up with me and i scold him for possibly ripping his stitches... He puts me on his feet and asks Jarvis to connect him with Bruce... 

Steve walks to the little call station and looks in the camera "Hey Steve everything all right?" Bruce asks working on something and not looking at the camera.  "Yes, everything is fine I just need a favor... Can you meet me in the med bay in 10 minutes..." He asks and Bruce looks up in the camera confused... "Uh yeah sure..." He says and Steve smiles and hangs up... He walks back to me and puts his big hand on my stomach and smiles at me. "We are going to have a baby..." He says and i nod... I am just totally shocked by his reaction... I expected yelling and shock... Not this... But it is nice...

Steve takes my hand, and we walk to the med bay... We wait for Bruce and when he walks in Steve closes the whole room off for prying eyes... Bruce looks confused, and Steve pulls me into him, and he has the biggest smile on his face... I am still in a daze as so many emotions are running through me... "So, we have some news... But we want to ask you to keep it to yourself for now..." Steve says and i nod in agreement... "Okay..." Bruce says and Steve looks at me and i nudge for him to tell... 

"Cleo is pregnant..." Steve says beaming and Bruce looks at us and a smile appears on his face... "Congratulations..." He says smiling and my daze breaks and i start to smile... "Thank you..." I whisper... "We were wondering if you could do a check up and see how far along, she is?" Steve says and Bruce nods smiling.  "Of course... I will get the ultrasound... Just lay down..." He says but before he walks off, he hugs me tightly... "An Avengers baby... This is so exciting..." Bruce says and we both laugh... Bruce walks off and Steve pulls me in and kisses me again and again making me giggle. 

Bruce walks in with the ultrasound machine and i lay down... He gets me ready and starts the ultrasound... "There he or she is..." He says smiling and both Steve and i look at the screen where our little baby appears... "Our baby..." I whisper with tears in my eyes and Steve takes my hand and kisses it... "It is perfect..." He says and i look at him and see he has also is tearing up...

"From what i can see you are about 8 weeks along..." Bruce says and i start to cry... "Omg the party i had alcohol... I was already pregnant... and i was completely drunk going out with Nat" I say all panicked...  "The baby looks good Cleo... healthy... You didn't know..." Bruce says and he turns on the sound and the sound of a strong heartbeat fills the room... "That is your baby's heartbeat... Nice and strong..." Bruce says smiling and i calm down. "We will do regular checkups and day or night you can call me and i will do a checkup okay?" Bruce says and we nod and thank him. He prints out a picture for us and starts to clean up. 

We thank him and he congratulates us again and after Bruce hid all the evidence with Steve from this checkup because we were not ready to share Steve unlocked the room again... "Jarvis call Bucky to the med bay..." I say and i prepare a shot for Steve... Bruce chuckles and he says goodnight and leaves... 

I give Steve his shot when Bucky walks in. I can see Steve is having trouble keeping it a secret from his best friend, but he has to... I dont want to share yet... Bucky sits down and stares at Steve... "What is wrong with you?" He asks and i chuckle... "Just happy to be home..." Steve answers and Bucky looks at him weird but lets it go... I prepare the shot for Bucky and after giving it to him we all leave... Bucky and Steve talk about the mission and when we split, we say goodnight and enter the apartment. As soon as the door closes Steve lifts me up and carries me to bed... "Steve... Bear needs to be walked first..." I whisper and he groans... "Okay... You stay put I'll be right back" and he runs out the room and calls over Bear and i hear the door open and close...

I quickly change and do my nightly routine when i hear Bear and Steve coming back... 

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