Chapter 25

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I walk into the kitchen. They are still a few hours out so that gives me time to make them something to eat... It also gives me something to do to distract myself. I asked Jarvis who got hurt but he told me he didn't have that information and i decided to not contact them to get that information... 

I am anxious to see Steve again but part of me is pissed and just wants to punch him... These feelings are so confusing... I sigh and start cooking and try to push it out of my mind and try to be excited to be able to hold him again in a few hours... But no matter how much i wanted that i was angry... The overwhelming feeling of frustration of not having said goodbye with the risk to never being able to hold him again was overshadowing my excitement of him coming home... 

Maybe i am being ridiculous... Maybe i should not be this upset because we were only together for a few days before he left... I could not have gotten this attached to him so soon could i?  I didn't want to be this needy or clingy... It was not like i didn't want him to do his job... It was not like i didn't want him to go... I know what his life in tales and the risks his job brings... But because of that is it too much to ask for him to wake me up and give me a proper goodbye instead of a damn note... No matter how sweet the note is...

I finish up and clean the kitchen when Jarvis tells me they are 2 minutes out... Part of me dont want to go to the med bay... Part of me just wants to stay here and avoid it all but i knew medical attention was needed and that was part of my job now...

I walk into the med bay just in time for everyone to walk in and i scan around the room to see Steve sitting down he has a cut on his forehead but other than that he seems fine... My eyes fall on Barton who is groaning holding his arm and i can see it is out of the socket... 

I walk over to him and i can see relief washing over him when i take the pain away... "Oh thank god..." He mumbles and i chuckle... I grab a pair of scissors and start cutting his shirt off... "At least buy me a drink first Cleo..." He says smirking and i can feel the tension from Steve radiating off of him by Clint his comment. 

"Bruce, can you help me hold him..." I ask and before Bruce can even answer Steve answers. "I can do it..." Steve says standing up but i shake my head. "Sit down Rogers... You are hurt to... I'll be right with you..." I say and he looks at me now even more confused but sits down... He knows i am pissed now because i only call him Rogers when i am mad... 

I can feel his eyes on me following my every move as i prepare to put Clints arm back into place... "What did you do?" I hear Sam whisper to him... There is no audible reaction from Steve but i can feel him being confused and sad at my reaction to him... "Well, you did something... She seems pissed..." Sam whispers...  

"Okay everyone who has no business here out! There is food in the kitchen..." I say because everyone is getting on my nerves. "Goodluck man... Dont want to be on her bad side..." Sam whispers and he leaves the room with the others...

I work with Bruce putting Clint's arm back in place... and when i am done i lift my pain spell and ask him to move his arm while i feel if it is in place... He smiles and thanks me... I tell him to take it easy and put a sling on him to at least give the arm some rest...

I sigh and then turn my focus on Steve trying my best to not give in because the urge to just kiss him gets bigger... "I can handle it Bruce... Go and eat..." I say and he smiles and leaves the room and now i am alone with Steve... 

I grab everything i need to clean and stitch the gash on his head and sigh stepping between his legs. Neither one of us was saying a word as he just looked at me with sad eyes... I clean his wound and i take a deep breath when i feel his hands on my hips... It sends a tingle all through my body and i take another deep breath... "Princess i am going to be okay... It is just a gash..." He whispers and i sigh shaking my head... 

"Please dont be mad... It is the risk of the job... You knew this..." He murmurs and i scoff... "Not why i am mad Steve..." I say and he looks now even more confused..."Stay still..." I say and i block his pain and start to stitch his head... When i am done i run my hand over his cheek and plant a soft kiss on his lips in a weak moment... I step out his grip and he let out a little sigh before i start to clean up... He watches me and i feel he is trying to figure out why i am mad... 

"Cleo... You are killing me here... I thought you would be happy to see me... This was not the welcome home i expected... Please tell me why you are mad..." He says his tone getting more frustrated... 

"You have no idea why i possibly could be mad... Or maybe i am not even mad maybe it is more hurt..." I say throwing my hands in the air... "No! I have no clue... Do you...?" He says raising his voice and i shake my head my anger and desperation coming to the surface... "You know what... I will let you know in a fucking note..." I yell and run off... 

I hear him yelling after me but i keep going... Tears are now streaming down my face... But he catches up easily and stops me from walking away from him and i try to struggle out of his grip... "Princess calm down..." He says his voice soft and caring and i lose it and start to punch his chest... He doesn't stop me but just wraps me in his arms and i stop and give in... He holds me tight and i am now full-on sobbing... 

"You can't just leave without saying goodbye..." I say between my sobs and i can feel him take in a sharp breath... "I-i didn't think... I wanted to let you sleep..." He whispers. "What if something had happened... Then i didn't get to say goodbye... I didn't get to kiss you one last time..." I murmur and he sighs... When i look up at him i can see the sorrow in his eyes... "You can't do that to me... I woke up and you were just gone..." I whisper... 

"I am sorry princess... It will never happen again... I will wake you up next time... I am so sorry... I didn't mean to upset you..." He whispers and i sigh... "I know the risks and i can live with that... I will never stop you from doing your job... But in return i just want you to say goodbye..." I mumble and he smiles and leans in and kisses me... 

I finally completely give in and melt into the kiss...

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