Chapter 73

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Steve and i had showered together but i was annoyed because people kept knocking on the door... Apparently, we needed to debrief but the last thing i wanted was that... It had been a long day and all i wanted was to cuddle up in bed with Steve and let the world around us wait until tomorrow... 

Steve was getting dressed when there was another knock on the door and i had enough. "For the love of god what dont you get from i will see you tomorrow!!!" I yelled opening the door to Tony and Fury... 

"I dont want to hear it... I just want to lay in bed and relax... It is late... and i am tired... Tomorrow you 2 will be the first on my list..." I say and they both sigh... "Cleo, we need to know what is been said when it is fresh in your mind..." Fury says and i roll my eyes... "You know what is been said... You have the recording from the phone..." I say letting out a sigh... "Cleo, you talked with him through you mind at some points... We can't hear that through the phone...." Tony says rolling his eyes. 

"Look i get it... But i am tired... It has been a long day... I promise it will be fresh in my mind still tomorrow... I just want to sleep... Me and my baby need sleep..." I say and they both look at me with a guilty expression... "Cleo... Tomorrow you will be briefed for your talk with Loki..." Tony said and i shook my head... 

"Cleo said not now... She is tired and needs sleep..." Steve said in his stern voice appearing from the closet. "Rogers..." Fury said but Steve shook his head... "She has been through enough today... See you tomorrow..." Steve said closing the door and i looked at him with a smile... There was another knock on the door, but we ignored it... 

 "My hero..." I whispered suppressing a giggle as he stepped closer and wrapped me in his arms lifting me up with a smirk on his face before planting kisses all over my face... With me dangling in his arms as some sort of stuffed animal and me now full-on giggling, he walked me to the bed and put me down carefully... "Do you need or want anything before we go to bed?" He asked and i shook my head yawning... "No i just want to sleep..." I mumble because now as i feel the soft bed underneath me exhaustion sets in... 

"Okay princess let's get you all nice and comfy..." Steve said as he pulled the sheets back and picked me up and put me into bed... He looked at me with his beautiful sweet and soft smile on his face... "Sometimes i can't believe we are where we are..." I mumble... "I was so sure you hated me... I thought you were such a..." I murmur because exhaustion takes over and i can barely keep my eyes open. 

"Never princess... I loved you from the moment i saw you... Just didn't know how to handle it..." I hear him say in my daze... and i smile with my eyes closed as i can feel him walk around the bed and get in beside me... I am barely awake my eyes are closed but when i feel his warm body i gravitate towards him and wrap myself around him... 

"I thought you were hot... But an ass..." I mumble burying myself further into him and he laughed... "Hot ass..." I mumble... and i can hear him still chuckle in the distance but soon i am off to sleep... 

The next morning i wake up to some sort of argument on the hallway... Steve is not in bed and when i get up and walk to the door i can hear Steve, Tony and Fury bicker... "She is not up yet... She needs her rest when she is awake, she will report to you..." I hear Steve say and i sigh opening the door... "Give me..." I start to say but nausea takes over and i run to the bathroom and start to throw up...  

Steve follows me and he holds my hair and rubs my back. "Sorry..." I mumble when i am finally done and Steve shakes his head... "They have to stop pushing you... Take your time get cleaned up and dressed i will make you something to eat and when you are up to it, we will go to Fury and Tony... I will tell them to back off for now..." He says and i sigh... Steve helps me up and i go to clean myself up and get ready for the day while he leaves... 

"Jarvis show me Loki in his cell..." I say when i am done and showered and dressed ready for the day. A screen appears and I see Loki pacing up and down in his cell... All of a sudden, he stops turns to the camera and smiles... The door opens and Steve walks in with breakfast and i look at him and smile... 

"Do you have any idea why he wants to talk to me and me alone?" I ask and Steve shakes his head. "Not even Thor knows... He doesn't even want to talk to his own brother..." Steve says letting out a sigh. "Dont worry i will be careful and as soon as something feels off i will leave..." I say and Steve nods... "Tony and Fury want you to get everything you can no matter what..." Steve mumbles but i shake my head... "They can kiss my ass if they think i am going to put our baby in danger..." I say and Steve kisses my temple... "That is my princess..." He whispers and i smile...

After breakfast we walk down to were Tony and Fury are waiting... After seeing me run off to throw up they have calmed down a bit... Or maybe it is because Steve went off on them... I dont know but i feel less pressured... I tell them about my conversation with Loki and what i felt in his emotions... They wanted to give me a list with questions but i refused... "Listen i have my own way of communicating with him... This..." I said throwing the list on the table... "Is not going to help me... It will only work against me because he will know it comes from you not me..." I said rolling my eyes and i cut them off after protesting... "Either you let me do this my way... Or i am not doing it... Your call..." I said and stood up and walked out... 

A few minutes later they all walked out... "Why do you have to be this damn stubborn..." Fury said shaking his head but i could see a little smile. "That is why you hired me in the first place..." I said and he now chuckled... "Do it your way but try to get the answers that we need..." Fury said and i nodded...

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