Chapter 57

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"Hey there she is... You look amazing today..." I hear and when i look up Tony is standing in the doorway of my office... "Go away Tony..." I sigh... "Bucky and Nat already tried... But for now, you 3 are on your own... Have fun with breakfast and dinner..." I say giving him a fake smile hoping he will go away... "What is going on with you... You are never like this... Well unless it comes to Peter of Steve..." Tony says and he sits down. "Oeh, Peter!!  He was coming over for dinner tonight... I need to let him know that he needs to come to the apartment..." I mumble taking out my phone and while ignoring Tony i text Peter. 

While i work Tony just sits there hoping it will annoy me and i will give in but i just block him... Around lunch time Steve appears... "Hey princess ready to... What is he doing here...?" Steve says letting out a sigh. "He is trying to wear me down... I think the thought of making their own dinner is getting to them..." I say as bored as possible... "I'll just order dinner for everyone..." He mumbles standing up and walking off... We both laugh and i gather my things... 

"Banner is waiting for us..." Steve says smiling and i walk to him... He kisses me takes my hand and we walk to the med bay... I groan when i see Tony there probably venting... He gives us a little shake with his head and without Tony seeing us we walk away... 2 hours later we are getting a message from Banner that it is safe and walk to the med bay again... 

We walk in and the med bay gets closed off... "I thought he would never leave..." Bruce says letting out a deep breath and we both chuckle. "Sorry for getting you in the middle of this Bruce..." I say and he shakes his head... "Dont worry about it... This mission from Nat, Bucky and Tony is annoying... I mean i know that we all live under one roof... But we all need our privacy... Now let's get you checked out..." Bruce says smiling and i chuckle...

"Before you do that... Cleo and i had a question..." Steve says and Banner nods... "Is it possible the baby has any of our abilities... Like the serum or Cleo her powers..." Steve asks and Bruce thinks about it for a second... "Well i can't say for sure... But we can keep an eye out for that..." He says and we both nod... 

Bruce asks me questions and does an examination and then it is time for the ultrasound... Steve and i have smiles from ear to ear when we see our baby and hear his heartbeat... "Everything is looking good... Baby is doing good growing like her, or she should... Heartbeat sounds good and strong..." Bruce says and Steve grabs my hand... "Look at our baby... So perfect..." Steve whispers and i smile... "Of course, it is perfect... The baby is part you and part me..." I say grinning and Steve chuckles.  

After we are done, we help Bruce clean everything up. "Like nothing has happened..." I say with a proud smile. "Now we should go to the apartment... Peter is coming over for dinner..." I say and Steve chuckles. "Yes ma'am..." He says and i slap his chest. 

The shutters go up and my smile evaporates and Steve groans. "Seriously..." He yells. They open the door and walk in... "So, what are you 3 doing in here..." Tony says smirking and i sigh... 

"Why are you guys so obsessed with us... This is getting ridiculous... Thank you, Banner... For your help..." Steve says and i can see the panic in Bruce his eyes. "Hey, do you want to join me, Steve and Peter for dinner...?" I ask and he seems relieved... "Yes..." He says... "Well lets..." 

"No...! Nobody is leaving until you are explaining what is going on..." Tony says blocking the doorway... "Since when do you have secrets from me Steve..." Bucky says trying to guilt trip him. 

"We are a team... Secrets will only make us weaker... What if we are a mission and the fact Steve is keeping things from us will have an effect on the way we will react..." Nat says looking at me a sliver or a smirk on her face.

"Wauw finally there she is... The woman i was warned about... Dont get too close to Romanoff... She is dangerous... She has no trouble turning on you... Using your weak spots... Dont be friends with that woman... She doesn't know what friendship is... I told them all to fuck off... But i guess i see her now... Threatening the safety of Steve in the field because she doesn't get her way... God forbid people have a little privacy..." I said getting in her face and Steve tried to pull me back as now i was fuming.... I could feel i was getting to her... That everything she said hurt her... But she threatened to let Steve get hurt... 

"I... I wasn't serious..." She mumbled and i scoffed. "Princess..." Steve whispered trying to get me to calm down... "No, she threatened to get you killed..." I said my focus still on Nat... "Doll... Nat didn't mean it... She would never do that..." Bucky said and i scoffed again... 

"I am so done... So so done..." I said shaking my head... "Fine you guys want to know... Know what Steve and i are hiding... The thing i not really am ready to share..." I spit at them, and Steve now pulled me into him... "I am pregnant... Are you fucking happy now... Thanks a lot for forcing it out of me... Congratulations and i hope you are happy because i never going to speak to any of you again... From now on to you... I am Ms. Celestino... and i will only talk to you if it is work related... Thank you for taking this news i wanted to share on my terms... You forced it out of me because God forbid Nat threatened to get my baby's father killed... And God forbid i get the fucking respect of sharing this news when i wanted... God forbid i have something for myself..." I said i a calm yet freezing tone... 

"Pregnant...?" All 3 said with eyes almost popping out of their heads... "Cleo please were sor...." Tony said and Bucky and Nat just looked at us in shock... But i held up my hand shaking my head.

"Steve... Please get me out of here before i am going to kill them..." I say shaking... "Come over whenever Banner dinner is in about an hour..." I said and Steve took my hand kissed the back of it... "Sorry princess..." He murmurs but i shake my head... "Just get me out of here..." I whisper as tears start to come... But it was too late and i broke down and my knees gave out... Steve lifted me up and looked around the room... "Hope you guys are happy..." He said in a small voice before he carried me out. 

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