Chapter 37

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I arrive at the place the GPS says Steve is... I look around... It is a building with few windows and there are to armed guards standing in front of the door... I am nervous... But there is no way back now... He is in there i can feel it and i need to get him out... I know i can get him out and i didnt need the rest to come and screw it up...

I park the bike and while i hide away i look around to see if i didn't miss any guards... I try to get as close as possible without them seeing me but when they finally do and aim their weapons at me i simply tell them to put them down and kneel... I freeze them on the spot and just open the door... Part of me finds this thrilling... Part of me is scared to death...  I know i am not cut out for this... But for Steve i can suck it up... As pissed as i am i need him safe... Safe and home so i can yell at him...

I walk in closing the door behind me... I stand still for a moment to feel if i can sense where he is and to let my eyes get used at the lack of light. I let out a sigh of relief... He is here... I can feel his mind i can sense him... Another guard comes but before he can warn anyone else i freeze him... "Sorry buddy... You have no idea who you are dealing with..." I say patting his cheek with a smirk on my face as i can feel confusion and fear... I keep walking on...

A few more guards appear and i just roll my eyes freeze them and walk on until i reach a door...This is almost too easy... I can feel him clearer now... I push the door open and chained to the wall i see him... "Steve!" I say running over to him and he looks up at me confused... He shakes his head... "

No, she is dead... You are losing your mind... You saw the pictures... She is dead..." He whispers to himself and i kneel down and put my hands on the sides of his face making him look up at me... "I am not dead baby... I am here..." I say and press my lips on his to make sure it sinks in that i am really here. "Cleo..." He whispers and i nod... "Now let's get you out these chains..." I mumble but he shakes his head... "Without a key you can't... Its Vibranium... I tried... But then she said... That you where... you were..." He says looking at me with tears in his eyes... "You are here... You are alive..." He says as a tear runs down his cheek... Just as i want to say something i feel her...

"Hello Sharon..." I said standing up turning around and looking at her... "Isn't this nice... The man who just threw me away and the whore who stole him from me... God you should have seen him cry when i showed him the pictures i had made of you dead... Oh if only it was true... Oh well it will be soon enough..." She says pointing a gun at me... 

"I have to give it to you... You are a very brave girl coming to look for him all alone..." She said... "I have a question though..." She said and i watched her... "How did you get past my guards..." She asked... 

"I shrugged my shoulders... "I asked nicely..." I said and she chuckled... I could feel the others getting closer and i knew it was not long before they were here... But i was not done yet... I wanted to toy with her make her pay... "What are you planning Sharon... Why are you doing this... He doesn't love you... Killing me won't change that..." I said and she chuckled... 

"Well seeing as you saved me the trouble of coming to you to kill you... I will tell you..." She said with an evil grin... "Princess..." Steve said fear in his voice... "Dont worry Steve i got this..." I mumble and Sharon chuckles... "Stevie... Princess... Really?" He started to struggle against the chains even though it was no use... "Sharon please dont do this..." He begged her... But she ignored his begging...

"When i am done killing you... I have to take Steve to the place were i finally can make him forget all about you... I tried before you know... Killing you that is... But he had to come and safe you and when i saw him on the side of the road holding you in his arms crying begging you to wake up i knew that without making him forget you... I would never get rid of you... Even with you, death and buried... I would live in your shadow..." She said and i sighed... 

"It was you..." I mumble.... "Are you surprised...?"  She said smirking and i shook my head... "No... I knew you were evil from the moment we met..." I say and she chuckles again... "Oh it was fun running you off the road... It was even more fun seeing you in pain the days after..." She murmurs with a smile on her face as if she is thinking about it as a happy memory... To be fair to her it probably was... But this let me know that she had no clue what i could do...

"My room?" I ask and she gets angry... "I thought with your room trashed they would force you to move out... But noooo Nat offers her room and Steve takes you in and you start dating and he forgets about me as if i never existed... They didn't know how quick they had to reassign me to keep their golden boy happy... Then i have to find out that you two are getting your own freaking apartment in the compound...!!!  You stole my life... He is mine...!!!" She is now losing it and screaming like a mad woman... "Sharon stop this... Even without her we wouldn't last..." Steve says fighting against the restrains... 

"Stevie... Dont say that... Soon you have forgotten her, and everything will be back to normal..." She says chirping and i sigh rolling my eyes... "You know he hates that nickname..." I say and she steps closer and when she does i smirk... She gets in my face, and she is about to start screaming again... "Tony did you get all that?" I ask and Tony steps out... "Yes..." He says and Sharon looks panicked and i smirk... She is about to pull the trigger when i say... "Freeze..." 

"Where is the key Sharon..." I ask her as i enter her mind and i can see the shock in her eyes... "Yeah... Shocker isn't it...? Here you were thinking you were in control... Surprise you never were..." I mumble and reach in her pocket pulling out the keys... I see Bucky and Sam appear and i unlock the chains and kiss him again... He wraps me in his arms and i let out a sigh glad this is over... I know we have a lot to talk about, but he is safe... 

Tony stands in front of Sharon and waves his hand in front of her face... "Hello crazy lady..." He says and Bucky chuckles... I stand up again... "Can you help him up...?" I ask Sam and Bucky and they nod... "How am i going to get her back to the jet...?" Tony says and i chuckle... I walk over and pry the gun out of her hands... "Walk..." I say and she starts walking... While we walk out Steve between Bucky and Sam i gather the guards in the same way... I walk them out like a group of school kids... 

Outside i sit them down and i turn back to Steve and hug him... Right now, i need this... The rest will come when we are home... A truck appears and they all get cuffed and led away... A car appears and Fury gets out and i smile... "I want to go home..." I say as he has reached me and he nods... Tony and Sam fly off, Bucky drives Steve's bike back and the rest is quiet as we sit in the back of a truck... Steve is laying with his head in my lap as he is exhausted and i run my fingers through his hair... 

We arrive at their temporary base, and everything gets loaded in the jet quick and an hour later Clint starts the jet, and we take off... Steve is laying with his head in my lap again and i can feel everyone watching us... But no one says a word... I sigh as happy as i am he is safe... I can't help but feel betrayed...

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