Chapter 28

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They were home for a week now and everything was going great... Steve and i were together as much as we could... The construction on the apartment for Bucky and Nat was almost done. The had a fully equipped kitchen now and i had to say part of was a little jealous because it sounded heavenly to have a little apartment all to yourself...  Especially when they would be away so i didn't have to roam the big rooms feeling even more alone...

Sometimes i had a little daydream about it... Imagining me and Steve having such a set up... A place where we could lock ourselves away and not having to go out to cook or whatever... 

I was sitting in the living room reading a book when Steve and Tony walked in smiling... They had been acting strange all week and i was getting frustrated by their secrecy... I was one whisper behind my back away from exploding. Even Steve was hiding something and i was tempted to read his mind bur refrained...

"Cleo..." Tony said and i looked up. "Steve looked absolutely giddy and i looked at him with a raised eyebrow... "What are you two up to..." I said a little hesitant at their smiles... 

"We have something for you..." Tony said and handed me a wrapped gift... I took it from him and sat up as they both sat down... "Open it..." Steve said all excited and i tear the paper off and look at them in shock... "You guys fixed it..." I whisper looking at 2 frames with the photos that were destroyed when my room was teared apart... 

"This is amazing thank you..." I said kissing Steve and hugging Tony with tears in my eyes... "There is one other thing..." Steve said and i looked up as the rest walked in with a big box and i looked at Steve and Tony confused... "What's all this..." I whisper as Bucky puts the box in front of me. 

"We know you hate being alone when we are gone so we got you some company..." Steve said and i look at him shocked. "You didn't..." I say in disbelief and Steve smirks... "I dont know... Just open the box..." He says and i look at the box... Everybody smiles at me as i sink down on my knees in front of the box... I take a deep breath and the cutest German Sheppard puppy is staring back at me... I slap my hand in front of my mouth and tears start to come through... "You guys got me a puppy? What about the no pets in the compound rule..." I whisper as i pick the pup up out of the box...

I had brought it up one time... Saying i would love to have a dog that it would be nice to have something around when they were not... But even with the promise the pup would be my responsibility Tony had said no... Tony was adamant... There was a no pets in the compound rule so getting a dog... Was out of the question... 

"Yeah, well that was more for us because we leave for long stints of time..." Tony said shrugging his shoulders and the others chuckled... "You got overruled didn't you...?" I said smirking and Tony rolled his eyes... "Thank you Tony..." I said and kissed his cheek... "Yeah, Yeah, yeah... Just know he is your responsibility..." He said blushing at my show of gratitude and i smiled nodding... I took Steve his face in my hand and kissed him. "Thank you, baby..." I whisper and he smiles... "Your welcome princess... Love you..." He whispers and i blush because this is the first time, he says it in front of the others... "Love you to captain..." I whisper and he grins...

"What is going to be his name?" Sam said interrupting the little moment Steve and i had... I look at the puppy and smile. "His name is Bear..." I say smiling and Steve kisses the side of my head before pulling me closer... "That is perfect princess..." He whispers... I look at him and smile before i hug Bear a little tighter all over the moon with my pup... 

I sit up and smirk at Steve... "What?" He asks and i jump up. "We need to go shopping for Bear..." I said and he rolled his eyes but with a smile on his face before he stands up... The others laughed. "Goodluck buddy..." Bucky said patting his back. "I heard that!" I yelled as i was already halfway out the door with Bear in my arms... The others laughed and a few moments later Steve caught up with me and Bear. 

We got to the car and Steve opened the door for me and i sat down with Bear in my lap... We drove off and Bear looked out the window his tongue hanging out his mouth his paws on the door... 

"Are you happy princess?" Steve asked and i looked at him with a big smile... "I was already happy Steve... But now even more..." I say and he takes my hand kissing the back of it... We arrive at the store and Steve opens the door for me and i get out with Bear... Steve tucks me under his arm and i smile feeling so protected like this... 

The first thing we got Bear was a leash so he could walk along in the store... He was a happy pup strutting his stuff and i couldn't help but have the biggest smile... I got him way too many toys but i just couldn't resist... We got dog food and bowls and treats lots of treats... Steve just smiled as i ran around picking out stuff. "We need a dog bed..." I said and Steve let out a sigh... "He is going to be the most spoiled pup on earth..." Steve joked and i smirked. "You're right... He doesn't need a bed he can sleep on the bed with us..." I said and Steve's eyes grew wide... "No... Nope... He gets his own bed..." He said taking my hand and dragging me off to the dog bed section... I just giggled. 

We picked out a bed and i sighed... "We are going to need 4..." I said and Steve looked at me confused... "One for your room... One for mine... One for the kitchen and one for the living room..." I said and Steve sighed... "About that..." Steve said looking shy all of a sudden... 

I looked at him worried... "What is wrong Steve..." I whisper and he shakes his head... He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me... "What if we do the same set up as Nat and Bucky..." He whispered and blushed profusely... "Really?" I whispered and i felt tears coming... "I dont want to sleep a night without you... I like sharing space with you... And we could have our own little space to hide away from the others..." He says and i took in a deep breath... "Steve... Are you sure you can't read minds..." I whispered and he smiled before cupping my face and kissing me... "Is that a yes princess..." He whispers and i nod as a tear is running down my cheek. 

"But we still need 4..." I whisper and he chuckles. "Whatever you want princess..." He said and i blushed... "I love you Steve..." I whisper and he kisses me again. "Love you to princess..." He murmured... We started laughing when Bear started to jump up against us and Steve lifted him up and i smiled... 

I walked back into the compound and into the kitchen with Bear behind me... "Did you leave Steve behind in the store... Have you already replaced him with the dog..." Sam said and i rolled my eyes... "No but for that comment you can go and help him unload the car..." I said and Bucky started laughing as Sam groaned... "You to Barnes..." I said looking at him sternly... 

"How much stuff did you buy?" Nat askes smirking and i blushed... "Steve needed 3 trips to get it all in the car..." I whisper and Nat laughed while Sam and Bucky groaned stood up and walked out... 

"Something else happened..." Nat said looking at me intently... I blushed and let out a big sigh... "We decided to do the same set up of rooms as you and Bucky..." I whisper and she jumps up all excited. "Oh, he finally got the courage to ask..." She said all excited and i looked at her surprised... "Girl, he had been talking about it ever since we got on the jet for our last mission..." Nat said smirking... I blushed as i didn't know how to respond to that. 

Here i was thinking i was the only one thinking about it but Steve was way ahead of me... A few minutes later the guys walked in, and Nat started laughing as each of them had their hands full... "This dog has more stuff than all of us combined..." Sam mumbled and i blushed... 

"Where do you want all this doll...?" Bucky said and I grinned and stood up handing Nat Bear and i directed the guys to put one dog bed in the kitchen and one in the living room... I took Bear back from Nat and kissed Steve and taking the rest of the bags from Bucky and Sam... 

Steve and i said goodbye and walked to our room... Steve set up the bed and Bear plopped on it immediately and fell asleep... I smiled and wrapped my arms around Steve's waist and laid my head on his chest... I let out a deep sigh as he wrapped his arms around me a warm feeling washing over me... 

Steve pulled me on the bed and on his chest and i let out a sigh snuggling into him as much as i could... We talked about the set up for our rooms and i smiled as we talked colors and furniture... It feels all so normal... I loved it... 

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