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I was pushing the cart through the store... I liked these little shopping trips. Planning the menu for the week and then getting everything was some sort of mini break from the chaos that was the compound sometimes... Thor would be coming back sometime this week and i threw a bunch of pop tarts into the cart... After my welcome party he left for Asgard, and he hadn't been back since... He was nice... a bit rough sometimes but he has a good heart...

Nat had told me that he would stop by from time to time and help out if he could. But he had an obligation to more places than earth... She told me to make sure there would be pop tarts because these were his favorite... Nat and Bucky had grown closer and i was happy for them, but it made helping him sleep difficult... Luckily, Nat would help him when he had nightmares and making sure he wouldn't scream the whole floor awake... So that was a win... I just wished i could take his agony away... I liked Bucky he was friendly a bit rough around the edges but deep down he was a big softy... He and Nat made a good couple...

Vision and Wanda were on a vacation they wanted some time just the two of them but were on standby if it was needed... Things were quiet... There were no big missions for now but i knew that could change at the drop of a hat... At any moment something could happen, and they would leave in a hurry but for now all was peaceful and quiet... Barton was with his family and would be back in a week... He had shown me pictures of his wife and kids, and he was glowing with pride... 

I hummed deciding to also make some treats because i felt like baking... I grabbed some stuff for making a cake and that is when i felt it... It feels like someone is watching me... I sighed. "You are going paranoid..." I mumbled to myself as i looked up and saw no one... But the feeling did not go away and i was getting anxious... There were to many people in the store... I couldn't single out the source of my anxiety... "You are going crazy..." I mumbled to myself... But the anxiety didn't go away...It only got worse...

Tony must had gotten in my head... He had been saying i should have groceries delivered but loving these little shopping trips i had refused... He had even offered for one of his empty suits to go with me to help... Which i found ridiculous... The thought of walking around the store with one of his bots following me made me cringe... So, I told him if he even tried to send one with me i would paint all his precious suits pink and program them to only play... It's a small world after all... On repeat for music on his missions... When he told me i couldn't possibly manage that i told him to try me... So, he let it go... Nat and Barton had doubled over laughing at my threat saying to please do it and that they would pay good money to see that... Tony being Tony had said whatever they were offering he would pay double to not... I had just smirked at him and told him some things even money could not stop and walked off...

But now feeling the anxiety inside me rise and the feeling i was being watched grew i whished i maybe had not been that dismissive... I grabbed some of the things Steve, Bucky and Sam had asked me for and i sighed... That was another thing... Steve was giving me whiplash... The one moment he was nice... sweet even... But the next time i would see him he would be rude and cold... I would rather have him being rude all the time because that way i would know what to expect... I started to think he did this on purpose to drive me insane... To make me quit...

I sighed as i finished shopping and headed to the register... The cashier rang everything up and when i handed her my credit card she looked at me with big eyes... "Wauw you work for Tony Stark?" She whispered leaning in and i awkwardly nodded... "Are you his chef or something...?" She asked and i sighed. "Or something..." I answered... 

"Did you ever meet Captain America..." She said with little hearts in her eyes and i sighed... "I have..." I mumbled and she let out a little squeal. "He is so dreamy..." She said blushing and i rolled my eyes... "A nightmare is more accurate..." I mumbled. "What??" She asked looking at me as if i had grown an extra head... I shook my head. "No nothing... He is nice..." I said and she smiled... When i finally had paid i pushed my cart outside... I loaded the groceries in the car and put the cart back in the line... 

My senses were working overtime... I checked the backseat before getting into the car... I locked the doors and took off... In the corner of my eye i saw this blacked out SUV... I had a feeling i had seen this car before... Did i see this car on my way to the store?  Why hadn't i paid better attention instead of singing along to the music on the radio... 

Every turn i took the car followed and for a moment i thought maybe Tony had send it but there were no license plates on the car and when i saw that i knew i was in trouble... I made some random turns, but the car kept following me... I couldn't see the driver the whole car was blacked out... 

"Call Nick..." I said and the sound of phone dialing filled the car... "Cleo... What can i do for you?" He asks and i sigh... "Nick i am being followed... I can't see the driver and there are no license plates on the car but i am being followed... I saw the car on the way to the store and now... Well i took some random turns and it is still behind me..." I said trying to not sound panicked...

"Stark get her GPS..." Nick said and i groaned... I had called Nick because i didn't want Tony involved... I wouldn't hear the end of it seeing as how protective he had gotten... But before i could even think about it or respond the SUV sped up and rammed me... I swerved and the whole world went upside down before it went black...

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