Chapter 4

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I woke up really early and got dressed before walking down to the kitchen. The kitchen was still dark, and the private wing of the compound was still quiet... Yesterday i had found out that this part of the compound was only excisable to me and the Avengers it really was their house... 

I looked in the fridge and smiled... I grabbed some stuff and put it on the counter. I was going to make everyone breakfast... Pancakes and eggs and Bacon... Some fruit and of course coffee... Sam was the first one to appear and when he saw i was making breakfast he smiled. "Take a plate and eat..." I said smiling and he chuckled. "I am going to love having you around..." He said smirking and i laughed.... "Men... So easy... Feed them and they will be happy..." I said laughing...

Nat appeared looking rough and i grinned handing her a cup of coffee... "Thank you..." She murmured and she sat down. I chuckled and made her a plate putting it in front of her... One by one they all came in and sat down to eat... I smiled at the compliments and after i had eaten myself i cleaned the kitchen. 

After breakfast Nat showed me around pointing me to my office and Tony appeared... Nat left and i sat down with Tony discussing my tasks and responsibility's... I was in charge of the cleaning and maintenance staff... I could make changes hiring and firing but new people needed to be screened... I basically was just there to make sure the house was organized and that the fridge was stocked... And whatever the Avengers needed up to a certain point... There personal rooms were their own responsibility... Tony said his door was always open if there was a problem... During missions i would be alone in the compound and maybe Pepper would be around... She would be back in a week, and he would introduce me...  The last thing he did before he left my office was handing me a credit card for expenses... "Everything over 10.000 dollars needs to be approved... Anything under it you can go ahead... Just make sure you can justify it when needed... Accounting will keep track..." He said and i chuckled nodding.  

He leaves and i go over some paperwork... I check the personal files making sure i know something about the people i am supposed to manage... When i look up Steve is standing in my office doorway and i put down my papers. "What can i do for you Captain..." I say letting out a sigh wondering what is about to come... "Are you settling in, okay?" He asks and i look at him confused... 

"I am... I am just going over the personal records to see what kind of people i am dealing with..." I say and he nods... "We have a mission and are leaving tonight... I dont know how long we will be..." He says and i nod... "Thanks for letting me know... Do you need or want anything to be done when you come back?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders... "No nothing i can really think off... Besides like i said i dont know when we will be back..." He said and i nodded. 

"Okay... Well..." He said still hanging around and i looked at him confused... I had the urge to read his mind but refrained... I could use my powers to get him to like me but that didn't seem fair and an invasion of his privacy... Even if he had been a dick... "Thanks for breakfast this morning..." He murmured and turned around and walked away... 

I sat back in my chair smirking... Maybe there is hope after all... 

After reading through all the personal files i decided to hold a meeting when the Avengers were out so i send out an email inviting them and i booked a conference room... I wanted to get to know the people and build a good working relationship... 

There was a knock on the door and Nat appeared smiling. "We are leaving in an hour... Tony wanted me to ask if one of us needed to stay behind seeing as you just got here..." She says and i smile shaking my head... "No, I'll be fine... I have a meeting planned and a walk through to see what all needs to be done seeing as you guys have been without and assistant for a few weeks..." I said... 

"Wauw... Taking charge... I like it..." She said smiling and i laughed. "You guys just be safe okay... I would hate to have stich people up..." I said smirking. "You can do that?"  She asked and i nodded... "Hmm i have to go but when we get back i want to know more about that..." She said and i nodded again. 

I put everything away and walked with Nat to the jet seeing everyone off... I looked at Steve who was checking some sort of equipment and i catch myself admiring how he looked in his suit... Damn he looks good... If only he wasn't such and ass... I sigh and tell everyone goodbye before walking back inside... The compound is quiet... I decide to take a long hot bath and then watch a movie in the media room... I make myself some dinner and then go to bed early so in the morning i can prepare for the meeting i organized... 

In the morning i go over the schedule of the cleaners again and put something on paper i want to go and change... I walk through the living spaces writing down what needs to be fixed and make a grocery list using Jarvis... 

The meeting starts and i introduce myself... I let everyone introduce themselves and the let them list the things they think can be done different or need to be fixed... I ask them what they need and tell them i like open communication and to come to me with problems so we can find solutions together... I also let them know if there is something going on in their personal life's what can affect their work to please come to me so we can make a plan to help... That i am a firm believer in the fact if you treat the people who work for you right, they will go the extra mile when needed... 

I implement some changes and let the maintenance staff know what needs to be fixed and let me know if they run into problems... All and all it seems to have been a fruitful meeting and everyone seems to be satisfied... 

After the meeting i decide to work out and have some lunch before doing some paperwork and approving some work orders... 

A few days go by... There is no news and being alone in the big compound alone is getting boring... Then Jarvis announces that they will be coming back arriving in 2 hours so i decide to make some food in case anyone is hungry... I put everything away when i am done so i just needs to be heated up when Jarvis announces that they are 10 minutes out and i am needed in the med bay to assist Doctor Banner... Someone got hurt....

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