Chapter 38

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We land on the landing platform next to the med bay... While Sam and Bucky carry Steve inside i stand up... "What are you going to do..." Fury asks and i shrug my shoulders... "I have no idea Nicky... No idea..." I sigh... "I maybe just need a few days away from here... There is no threat anymore..." I say and he nods... "Take all the time you need... Just keep me in the loop... Let me know if you need anything..." He says and pats my shoulder before walking off... 

I stand there for a minute debating what to do... I was happy to be back... I was happy Steve was safe... But i could not put it off anymore... He was safe now and it was time to deal with it... The betrayal made me sick... It felt like they didn't trust me... So why should i stay... I had done nothing but be nice... I never violated their privacy... I did my best to block all of that out... So why invade my privacy by putting a tracker on me...?  And if it was for my safety why not tell me...

Most off all i wondered if i was so blinded by love that i didn't see this coming after the whole bracelet thing... Had i really become that naive and stupid...

And the few times i used my powers, it was to help... Never to harm... Up until today i had never controlled them... Yes, i had told the guys to behave when Peter brought MJ over telling them i would make them my puppets if they didn't but that was to protect Peter... I was clear what i would do... I didn't do it in secret... Sometimes i just wished i was normal again... 

I had finally accepted my powers not thinking of it as a burden... I finally had accepted and was happy with my life... I finally had opened up and trusted people only for this to be the result... 

I take a deep breath and grab the hammer i have had my eye on for the whole flight... I grab it hide it in my jacket and walk inside... "Do you want to examine him Cleo..." Banner asks shyly as they all avoid looking me in the eyes. "No, you go ahead..." I say and walk over to Steve... "Where is it..." I ask looking Steve in the eyes... "Where is what...?" He asks... "The necklace..." I say and he smiles. "You want it back princess..." He says smiling opening a pocket... "Yes please..." I say as sweet as possible as i can hear everyone around me take in a sharp breath waiting for what is to come... 

He hands me the necklace and i smile holding up the necklace making is swing from side to side... "I was so touched when you gave this to me... I loved it... I thought it was beautiful... It was such a precious moment to me... So filled with love... It really meant something to me..." I murmur and he smiles... "That was a good day..." He whispers and i sigh because even now he won't admit it... 

"Yeah, it is a shame really... Because now... It is nothing more than i fucking dog tag... a reminder that i am not trusted... A reminder that the man i thought loved me doesn't seem to trust me enough to talk to me about what it really is... A fucking tracker..." I say throwing it on the table grabbing the hammer out of my jacket and smashing it... Making everyone jump at my sudden outburst of violence towards the necklace...

When i am done i push the hammer in Steve's hands as he looks at me in shock... I turn around and without saying another word i walk out... I walk up to our room and grab a bag from under the bed walking into the closet... I sigh and open the suitcase... I take of my clothes and throw them on the floor... I put on something comfortable and when i am done with that i stuff some stuff in the bag... Just before i close it... I grab one of Steve's hoodies... My favorite... stuffing it in the bag... 

I sigh looking around the room before i walk out... I keep walking even when people are calling after me... I dont want to talk... "Cleo! Wait please just let me explain..." I hear behind me as i walk to my car in the garage... I know it is Steve... But i dont turn around... I just get in the car and drive of as fast as i could...

Tears start rolling down my cheek as i drive of the compound grounds... I make my way to Peter and May's place to pick up Bear... May opens the door and she sees i have been crying and she pulls me into a hug... Bear runs over to me and after May has released me i hug him... "Where is Peter?" I ask and she smiles and points out his room... I take a deep breath and walk over knocking on his door and he opens it... I expected him to be angry... But he just hugs me and i chuckle... "That was not the welcome i had expected Peter..." I mumble...  

"It's okay... I understand... I would just gotten in the way..." He whispers and i pull out of the hug... "No Peter... That was not it... I didn't want you to see me the way i was over there..." I whisper and i sigh... "I promise never to do that to you again..." I whisper and he smiles... After catching him up i left with Bear thanking them both for taking care of him... I got in the car and made my way to my old apartment... 

I sighed when i closed the door of my apartment behind me... It was depressing... I had forgotten how depressing this place really was... But i didn't care... It was mine... It was free from others, and no one was bothering me here... 

I sigh and walk into the bedroom... I crawled into bed and Bear laid down beside me... I buried my head in him and started to cry until i had fallen asleep...

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