Chapter 18

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Nat had gone to the party already... She was itching to see Bucky again... I looked in the mirror again and took a deep breath... Time to get this show on the road... I walked down the hall and to the big party room... The doors were opened for me and i walked in looking around trying to find Nat and Bucky... I smirked internally when people's heads would turn as i walked past... 

I saw Nat, Bucky, Sam, Steve and Sharon stand near the bar so i made my way over and when my eyes met Nat's eyes, she smirked... "There you are..." Nat said focusing everyone's attention on me and i high fived myself internally when Steve's eyes almost popped out of his head... 

Nat hugs me... "You look amazing... Doesn't she look amazing?" Nat says and Bucky and Sam nod smiling... "Doesn't she Steve..." Nat says as he still is staring at me Sharon behind him fuming... "Ye-Yeah...Stunning..." He mumbles blushing and Sharon looks at him angry... But he doesn't notice as he keeps looking at me. "Thank you, Steve..." I say and he gives me a small smile... "Okay i am going to get us a round of drinks..." I say smiling and ask what they all want... 

"I will help you..." Steve says and he follows me to the bar... "Cleo..." He whispers and i sigh... "Dont Steve... Let's just forget what happened and move on..." I mumble and he looks down... The bartender asks me what he can get me and i giggle as he is checking me out... I give him the order and i turn to Steve he is giving the bartender a death stare... "Steve look at me..." I say and he turns his attention back to me...

"It was a mistake... I get it... Heat of the moment... Let's just forget it..." I say and he nods but looks down at his beer... He is tearing at the label and i put my hand on his stopping him and i feel the jolt of electricity... and deep down all i want to do is kiss him... But i can't... He is not mine to kiss...

"I get it you love Sharon... I won't tell her what happened... We are just going back to how it was... It never happened..." I say and he looks up at me... I want to pull back my hand, but he holds it... "Is it that easy?" He whispers and i sigh... "Steve... you are still with her... So, you clearly see it as a mistake..." I whisper and he is about to say something when we get interrupted by the bartender putting the drinks in front of us... 

"Everything okay here..." Sharon says as she appears... I look at Steve as she kisses him, and he doesn't stop her and even kisses her back and that is all the answer i need... I grab a few of the drinks. "Can you take the rest..." I say and walk off... 

I hand Nat, Bucky their drink... "Steve has yours..." I tell Sam and he nods... "Sorry i couldn't keep her here longer she was getting antsy..." Nat whispers leaning in... "It is okay we had time enough..." I whisper back and she gives me a sad smile... I take a deep breath and i put on a smile... 

Steve and Sharon join us again and Steve hands Sam his drink... Sharon keeps looking at me and i do my best to ignore it... 

I dont know why i let go so easily as i had planned on driving him crazy and ignoring him but as soon as i saw him i just couldn't... Deep down i would not only torture him but myself to... Besides it was a mistake, right?  I peak at Steve, and he is looking back at me... I just need to let it go... I need to forget how it felt when he kissed me... When he touched me... 

I feel myself getting worked up so i excuse myself and go mingle... I smile as Thor walks up to me and hugs me while i stand at the bar... "Lady Cleo... You look sad..." He says caressing my cheek and i smile up at him... "Please tell me more about Asgard..." I whisper and he looks confused but tells me about all the beautiful things they have... He tells me about his mother with a smile on his face and i can't help but smile back as him smiling while talking about his home is infectious... 

He asks me to dance and i happily oblige... For a moment while he swings me around on the dancefloor i forget about Steve... After dancing he gets called away and i walk back to the bar and order myself a round of shots slamming them back quick... I can feel the alcohol numb me and that is when Bucky appears and i smile... "Oh doll..." He whispers and pulls me in for a hug... "I let him go..." I whisper and tears come down my cheek... "He is a fool..." Bucky says and Nat joins us... 

I shake it off and put on a smile again... "Who wants shots?" I ask and Bucky and Nat grin and nod... Sam joins us, and it is like they all know now because he hugs me... "Does everyone know?" I ask and they shake their heads... "Just us 3..." Nat says and i sigh... "You must think i am an idiot..." I whisper and slam back another shot. "No gorgeous... He is the idiot..." Sam says and i smile. 

I try to make the best out of the party and avoid Sharon and Steve... At the end of the night though we end up sitting in a sitting area... All the guests are long gone... We are talking among ourselves even Tony who i haven't seen all night has now joined us... I laugh as they all try to lift Thor his hammer because apparently you can only do that if you are worthy... Nat doesn't even want to try...  

I swear i see it move when Steve tries it... But no, he gives up... That is when i notice that Sharon is not here... I have been so focused on avoiding him that i didn't even notice... Tony has brought out one of the suits to try but still nothing... Bucky tries with his metal arm but nothing... "Lady Cleo..." Thor says and i chuckle... "No i won't be able so i won't even try..." I murmur and protests ensue...

 "Fine I'll try..." I murmur and stand up... I take the handle in my hand, and it feels light... I panic internally... If i can lift this... Then i would have to answer so many questions... So, i give up and smile... "See nothing..." I say and sit back down next to Bucky... "Anyone another drink?" Nat asks as she stands up from Bucky's lap and a few people nod... "Another gin and tonic please..." I say and Nat smiles and walks to the bar...

"You and i need to have a little talk later doll..." Bucky whispers in my ear and i look at him blushing... "Why?" I whisper back and he grins... "Dont worry your secret is safe with me..." He whispers and i look at him shocked... "Please Buck... You can't tell..." I start to say but he cuts me off... "I won't..." He whispers but i still feel tense... 

After i finish my gin and tonic i stand up and say goodnight to everyone... They all protest but i tell them if they want breakfast in the morning i better go to bed... "Oh come on... We can order breakfast..." Tony says and i roll my eyes... "You know what you guys do that... I am taking a day off tomorrow..." I say smirking... 

"I approve... But you have to stay..." Tony says and i shake my head... "It has been a long day Tony... I am beat... I just want to crawl into bed and sleep..." I say and i hug him wishing him a goodnight... I walk out and back to my room... I sigh when i close my door behind me and i look around in shock... 

My whole room has been trashed... My clothes ripped apart and scattered on the floor... My bed is teared apart... Furniture is trashed and in pieces... The few pictures of my parents that i still had teared up into small pieces... It looks like someone had thrown it the air making it that pieces are everywhere...  It is like someone went crazy in here... I open the door and run out back to the party....

"Cleo...? Everything okay?" I hear but i dont register who has said it... "My room... Everything... Trashed..." I say between sobs and sink down to the ground now completely panicked...I feel two arms wrap around me and hold me tight calming me...

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