Chapter 65

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I giggle as Steve lifts me over the threshold... After falling asleep in his lap, he had excused us saying that the pregnancy was wearing me out and with the help of Nat and Bucky opening the car for us he managed to get me in the passenger seat without waking up... 

I had woken up when we were almost at the lake house and i blushed as Steve had the biggest grin on his face. "I am sorry..." I mumbled but he took my hand kissed it and told me everyone understood... Banner had even said that maybe this pregnancy was going to be more tiring than most because the baby might have the serum running through its veins... "When we get back to the compound, he wants to keep an eye on you..." Steve whispered and for a moment i thought i saw a flash of fear in his eyes... "Okay..." I whispered.

He didn't put me down but brought me to the couch setting me down... When he leaned down and kissed me i pulled him with me and he chuckled... "You need rest princess..." He whispered and i whined... "I had other plans..." I murmur and he chuckles... "Later princess you need rest so for now we are going to cuddle on the couch, okay?" He whispered and i sighed feeling a bit annoyed but i gave in... "Okay..." I mumbled but i couldn't stop the tears coming...

Steve made us some tea and snacks and he pulled the blankest over us and i cuddled into him. "Thanks for making this day amazing... I really loved it... I am really happy being Mrs. Rogers..." I mumble as my eyes get heavy and i feel his lips on my forehead. "Glad you liked it Mrs. Rogers... I love you..." I hear him say in the distance because i am already halve asleep again.

I dont know how long i have slept but i wake up and everything is dark. I am not on the couch anymore and the dress has been replaced with one of Steve's shirts. I am laying comfortably in the big bed wrapped around Steve who is asleep a soft snore sounding in the room... I look at the time and groan seeing it is 3 at night. My stomach rumbles and i sneak out of bed to get myself a snack. I smile as Bear gets up from his pillow next to the bed and follows me into the kitchen... 

"Sorry you couldn't come with us today bud..." I whisper as i crouch down next to him in the kitchen with a tub of ice cream. "No dogs allowed in the courthouse..."  I mumble as i hug him and plant a kiss on his head before opening the ice cream... He lays nudges me and i sigh. "I know i shouldn't be sitting on the floor..." I mumble and smirk looking at his pillow in here. 

I pull myself up and take an extra spoon and take a blanket from the couch before i walk to Bear his pillow... I sit down on his pillow and for a minute he looks confused but then enthusiastically he sits down next to me giving me a kiss making me giggle. I take a spoon full of ice cream putting it in my mouth as i take the other spoon and feed Bear some... I chuckle as he licks the spoon clean... Bear and i share the ice cream and i smile as he looks at me with that goofy German shepherd look...

"Princess...?" I hear and i smile... "Over here..." I say and Steve appears, and he chuckles... "What are you doing?" He says crouching down and stroking Bears head. "We were hungry so came to the kitchen for a snack..." I say grinning with a spoon full of ice cream in my mouth... Steve chuckles and sits down... "Can i have some...?" He asks and i take a spoon full and feed him making him grin... 

"Are you okay princess?" He asks and i nod... "Can i ask you a question though?"  I whisper and look down at the ice cream blushing... "Of course..." He says and makes me look at him putting a finger under my chin... "Are you scared about the baby?" I whisper and he sighs... "Maybe a bit worried that it takes so much energy from you..." He says and i sigh... "That is normal Steve... My body needs to get used to growing a baby inside of me..." I mumble and he nods... 

I feed him another spoon of ice cream before taking the other spoon and feeding Bear another spoon... "You are spoiling him..." Steve says and i grin... "I know but look how happy he is..." I say and Steve chuckles again...

"Are you ready to go back to the compound?" Steve asks and i sigh... "I am but with all the changes i am worried... Where are we going to sleep while the contractors are constructing everything..." I whisper and Steve chuckles. "We get one of the guest bedrooms..." He says and i sigh... 

"I just down want everything to be done at the last minute... I want to be able to relax and settle in before the baby is born... I am scared everything will not be ready in time... I want to be able to nest and be able to set up the nursery I guess it is stressing me out a bit..." I murmur and Steve sighs... "It will be okay princess... I promise... Even if i have to do it myself..." He says and i start to grin... "I wouldn't mind seeing that you all hot and sweaty building things..." I say smirking and he laughs... 

"I just feel so ungrateful... But i am not... I love the fact that they want this for us... But i am just scared that i will not be ready in time... And i hate that that was the first thought i had instead of being happy and thankful..." I whisper and he sighs. "It is okay baby i understand... I promise to do everything in my power to keep it as comfortable as possible..." He says and i sigh. 

"Are you still hungry?" He asks and i shake my head showing him the bottom of the ice cream container that was full before i begun at it and he chuckles... "Let's go back to bed then..." He whispers standing up and pulling me with him. "Can Bear come to?" I whisper and he chuckles and nods. 

He takes my hand calls for Bear to come and we crawl back into bed cuddled up before Steve calls Bear into bed and i smile as i feel happy and content cuddled up with Steve and Bear...

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