Chapter 24

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I wake up alone... I reach over to Steve's side...But the other side of the bed is cold...I stretch myself out and look around the room... I sit up and only then do i notice the note on Steve's pillow... I read it and i can't believe it... They got called on an urgent mission and instead of waking me up to say goodbye... He leaves a note... It is a sweet note but still... I rather had said goodbye to him just in case... "No... No, we are not going to think like this... It is Steve... He will be okay..." I say to myself... "

Jarvis any messages for me...?" I ask and Tony's voice comes through the speaker... It is basically that they are on a mission... The private area of the compound is sealed off for my safety... That everyone was needed on this mission so sealing of was the only way... Resulting that the contractors will not start today... To not go outside to please not go outside... And that they do not know when they will be back... But that it will not be soon... 

I sigh and read Steve's note again... 


You looked so peaceful... I didn't want to wake you... We got called in i dont know when i will be back... Make yourself at home... My room is your room... 

I am going to miss you princess... Can't wait to hold you again...

Be a good girl for me...

x Steve

Why does it piss me off so much that he didn't wake me...?  I sigh and get out of bed... I take a long hot shower trying to wash the anger off of me... After my shower i get dressed... I can't leave the private part of the compound so i work in the kitchen... I dont need the cleaners or maintenance staff in here... So, i let them know i am giving them some paid time off... 

I sigh and can't seem to concentrate on my work so i go about picking a paint color for my room... I pick night blue and then do some browsing for furniture...  "Jarvis? Any updates?" I ask and Jarvis says there are none... I change in a yoga outfit and go to the gym and do some yoga...

When i ask Jarvis for an update he tells me that they are all okay... I ask Jarvis to tell me when they are on their way back... I can't help but get angrier at the fact that Steve just left a note and did not wake me up... Just so i could kiss him and hold him one more time... God forbid if something would happen... Did he not want to kiss me one more time before he left... Was i over reacting?  I didn't want to be that type of woman... But it was annoying me... 

I make myself dinner and i spend the evening watching movies... I go to bed but i just twist and turn... It feels weird sleeping here alone... The last two nights sleeping in Steve's arms was comforting... It felt safe... and definitely warmer... I missed his warm body... I missed him...  "This will get easier right?" I mumble to myself... "God i am pathetic..." I mumble to myself again...

The next day Fury stops by, and we chat about everybody knowing about my powers now... Me dating Steve and well what happened with my room... He updates me about the fact that they can't proof that Sharon had trashed my room but that she is been transferred to another unit... 

So, we won't see her here anymore... Fury said he didn't believe her but without proof there was nothing they could do... Campbell on the other hand is released and under surveillance... When i ask why he didn't let me talk to him Fury laughed... Telling me that i was the victim and couldn't which make sense... But surveillance hasn't revealed anything shocking yet and the rooms were clean no listening devices or anything like that... Right now, it looks like he was just a freak out for Nat's panties...

Nick stays for dinner, and it is nice to have some company...  After he left i do some more Yoga before watching another movie...

The days go by slow... and they are now gone a week... The only updates i get is that they are all alright and well that is enough i guess... I dont know what they are doing and so i can't call them and risk putting them in danger... 

I look up when i hear heals in the hallway and i smile as Pepper walks in... She is in for a day before she flies off for business again but i am grateful for the company if only it is for a day... "How do you deal with Tony being gone and not being able to contact him..." I ask her and she sighs and gives me a little smile... "It is different when there are feelings involved isn't it." She says and i nod... 

"It will get easier..." She says and i sigh... I tell her about the note, and she nods understanding me but knowing Steve it came from a good place... "Just tell him to wake you up next time..." She says smiling and i nod... "Still, it has pissed me off..." I mumble and she chuckles.

Pepper and i make dinner together and eat together before she retreats to her room and i am alone again... Alone with my thoughts... I got to stop this... The previous times i wasn't this restless... I did my own thing... But then again... Back then i was allowed to leave the compound... I am stuck here...

15 days they are now gone and nothing other than they are okay... No phone call no little message... Nothing... I am sitting on Steve's bed working on the laptop when Jarvis lets me know that they are going to be home in a few hours... 

"Anyone injured?"  I ask... "Only minor injuries... Ms. Celestino" Jarvis says and i sigh... "Does anyone need medical attention?" I say and it takes a moment for Jarvis to respond... "Yes."

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