Chapter 17

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"Ready to go Buck?" I ask after i have cleaned everything up from breakfast... "Yes..." He groans and i chuckle and take him by his mechanical arm leading him out the kitchen... I run into Tony and tell him we are going out... He tells me to be careful and to Bucky to make sure i come back in one piece... 

Bucky and i make it to the dress shop and he sits down while i show him dress after dress telling the girls i want a dress to die for... I can't decide between a black silky tight dress showing every curve or a red dramatic dress that with the color alone will draw attention to me... 

"Which one do you think Buck?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders... "You look great in both doll..." He says and i sigh... "You are no help... I'll take them both..." I say to the girl, and she smiles... 

"Go for the red... There is no way to get around the red one..." The girl whispers when i pay... and i smile thanking her and take the bags from her... 

Buck and i get to the restaurant for some lunch... "So, i was thinking... Seeing as you still dont sleep in your bed finding it too soft... Maybe we could go to a bed store to get you a different mattrass... I know that Nat would love to sleep in a bed..." I say smiling and he just looks at me confused. "I never thought about doing that..." He says blushing and i chuckle... 

We order lunch and i am happy to be out of the compound for a bit... We talk a bit about Nat and Bucky's face lights up talking about her... "I am happy you have someone Buck..." I say and he nods... "And you... Do you have someone..." He asks and i scoff... "Nope..." I say avoiding looking at him as flashes of Steve hovering over me kissing me flashes through my mind... 

"When is Nat coming back?" I ask changing the subject... "I dont know... She called yesterday... She sounded tired..." He says and i see worry in his face... "She will be fine Buck she is a tough one..." I say and he nods... "I know..." He says with a smile on his face... 

"So, what is going on between you and Steve..." He all of asks out of the blue... I almost choke on a bite of my food and start couching... "Nothing..." I say turning bright red... "So, he didn't come out of your office yesterday all flustered and you have not been pretending he is air ever since..." He says and i sigh... "Nothing happened Buck just the normal yelling and scolding me... He was pissed that i didn't have anyone there firing Campbell..." I say hoping that this explains it and he lets it go... 

"Why didn't you?" He asks and i sigh... "Because i didn't think i needed to Buck... He was a cleaner... Not a fucking villain... Or so i thought at the moment..." I say throwing my hands in the air before letting out a big sigh... If Buck is going to lecture me now to i am walking out... 

Bucky luckily changes the subject and after lunch we go to a mattrass store... I walk around with Buck letting him test out matrasses and even if he didn't show it keeping his stoic demeanor like always i can see he is having fun testing beds... 

"I think this one could work..." He says and i see a little smile... I sit down on the bed and the matrass to me feels like it could just be a piece of wood... But it will be a win if it gets him to sleep in the bed instead of on the floor next to it... 

I arrange delivery and pay for the matrass, and we make our way back to the compound... "Did you two have fun?" Sam asks as we walk into the kitchen were almost everyone is... "I did... Bucky i dont know... But he was a good sport helping me pick out a dress... He really helped." I say and i can see in the corner of my eyes that Steve is rolling his eyes... "Well doll you looked amazing in all of them... I know were to take Nat when she gets back..." He says winking at me and i chuckle... 

"Wait until Nat finds out what you two have been doing behind her back while she is out on a mission..." Sharon says as she walks in and both Bucky and i look at her confused... "What have we been doing Shannon..." Bucky says and i have to bite my tongue at the fact he got her name intentionally wrong... 

"It is Sharon!" She says and for a moment i think i can see steam coming out of her ears... "And you two know what i mean... The secret sleepovers..." Sharon says with a proud smirk... Bucky and i look at each other and burst out laughing... "Okay Sharon good luck with that..." I say still laughing and she looks at me with disgust... She scoffs and walks around me and towards Steve... 

"Well i am going to my room to get ready... Thanks again Buck..." I say kissing his cheek and he smiles "Thank you to for the matrass testing..." He says with an evil grin and i shake my head smiling before i walk off... 

I reach my room and open the door walking in and when i put my bags on the bed i feel a presence... "It is not nice to break in and sneak up on people Nat..." I say and i can hear her sigh... "How?" She says and i turn around smiling... "What are you doing here?" I ask hugging her... "I am hiding out wanting to surprise Buck at the party tonight..." She says smirking and i laugh as we hug... 

"How are you?" She asks and i sigh. "I am fine..." I say taking in a deep breath... "What is wrong?" She says and i debate to tell her about Steve... I just need to get it off my chest so i tell her everything and she just smirks... 

"I knew he liked you..." She says and i shake my head... "It doesn't matter... I dont want it... The hot and cold it is giving me anxiety... So please keep out of it... Please Nat promise me..." I say and she nods... "I promise..." She says and let out a sigh of relief... "Oh by the way... Sharon might come up to you about Buck and I secret sleepovers... and the fact he went dress shopping with me today... Oh and we bought him a new matrass..." I say smiling and Nat smiles back... "Does this mean i can sleep in a bed again really soon?" She asks smiling and i nod... 

"But dont worry about Sharon i will handle it..." She says smirking... "Good... I would never come between you and Buck..." I say and she hugs me. "I know... You want to come between Sharon and Steve..." She says smirking and i shake my head. "No... I dont... I just want him to leave me alone..." I say and Nat smirks... 

"But about the party... I bought two dresses and i decided to go with the red one so you can wear the black one if you want..." I say and i show her the dresses... "Girl... What are your plans for the party...?" She asks and i smirk. "Well maybe flirt a little and find a man to scratch my itch... And if it tortures Steve just a little bit i am fine with that..." I say smirking and Nat laughs...

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